This was posted 9 years 3 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Fallout 4 Poster inside FREE Stack Magazine @ JB Hi-Fi Store Entrance


Picked up 2 copies of FREE Stack magazine's @ Jbhifi and realised included double sided Fallout 4 poster inside

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    Good On you mate..

    • +6

      Not sure what you mean by this comment.

      I think the poster is pretty great.

      • +5

        Good work by posting on OZB to let other guys know. What were you thinking ?

        • +21

          Sounds a touch sarcastic with the ellipsis, but tone is never easy to judge on the internet.

        • +18

          it reads a bit like cool story bro..

        • +4

          It seems sarcastic, especially with 2 punctuation marks.Though often it's hard to know what someone actually means by what they type.
          Edit: It seems the guys above me covered it.

        • +8

          Ah.. The Internet….!!

        • Sure..

        • @kpm: Obviously he's alluding to the fact that once something like this is on OzB all the posters will vanish.

        • +3

          @skazclaw: also no pos vote.

        • @firstpost bekind: Yes, how come I help you?

    • +1


    • You wot m8? oy Don't worry. They got heaps,you slippery-gypsy

  • any chance theyre selling fallout today? some stores break the street date… i could drop in during my lunch hour if they have…

    • Donot think so.

    • Just checked the city outlets and no luck on an early release.

      • darn. thanks. only started getting excited for this game on the weekend

    • It's already been released in Germany, not sure if you could drop in during lunch though ;-)

    • Nope but there are a lot of EB games doing a midnight release.

  • How much are the magazines?

    • +1

      They're usually at the store entrance, for people to walk past and pick up for free.

    • +7

      FREE at the door along with catalogue

      • +2

        Thanks, maybe include that in the original post for those unfamiliar with the magazine like me? Appreciate the post!

        • +1


  • +16

    In case anyone wants the digital varieties for their PC desktops:

    • Its double sided poster inside the magazine

      • +9


      • +1

        For people with dual screens, they can resize the images and stitch them together :)

        • +10

          Instructions unclear. Now sewing machine and two monitors are all broken.

    • +1

      That res on the second one… thanks mate!

  • No more at Gallery Vic and World Square in Sydney CBD. It must be Ozbargained.

    • +3

      Just saw them restock their magazines. Plenty left at World Square Sydney

  • +4

    I was a bit confused when I fist started seeing the cheesy thumbs up guy on busses/billboards etc advertising this, and was like "isn't Fallout a shooter game?" It made me check it out to find out what was going on!

    • +3

      'Cheesy thumps up guy' lol, it's Vault boy :-)

      • +14

        Its a little known fact that the vault boy is putting his thumb up to measure the mushroom cloud. If the cloud is taller than your thumb from the bottom, your F'd, if its shorter than you thumb, you're okay.

        • Really?

        • +3

          Don't take survival tips from video game characters ;-)
          Remember dead people don't tell you they were wrong. Just think, wind conditions alone will affect the fallout spread in a major way (among all the other variables).

          Of course if you go to look at your thumb and you see a charcoal stick you're probably a goner!

        • That's a spot on, but problem is that you're F'd still if your thumb is too short.

        • @AussieGargain: No, too long. My brain is F'd after a big day work.

        • +2

          @Grillman: yes, it is the actual information they gave to people to assess their danger of fallout exposure in the 50's in case someone "dropped the bomb" Extend your arm and hold up your thumb, close one eye and if the mushroom cloud is bigger than your thumb, you are in danger of fallout exposure, if not, keep calm and carry on.

        • +2



          I would love to see someone go "Nah, too small" and just carry on with the gardening.

      • Vault Boy?

        I think you mean Fall Out Boy! This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

  • Awesome news! Thanks heaps!!

  • Sweet! will pick this up when i go to pick up fallout tomorrow! :D

  • Thank you just got mine

  • +2

    This deal is the bomb!

  • -6

    LOL. Who would actually go out of their way to get this item? It's a poster that's got fold marks through it that will probably end up in the bin in a week's time.

    • +13

      I think its sweet for a freebie, it's going straight onto my dungeon wall

    • +9

      Most Fallout pre-orders are coming with a perk chart, which is going to be folded up in the game's case. You think that most people will throw it in the bin?

    • +1

      judging by the comments, quite alot of people will be getting one lol

    • +3

      you obviously didn't 80's ….

    • Actually, it's not bad. Paper is quite thick so I think it's pretty durable.

  • awesome bargain!!!

  • If you are in Perth cbd, I didn't check inside the stores but there's a rack of them at the entrance of the JB underground. (I didn't know what the stack magazine was before but it's the one with minions on the cover)

    • Has Adele on the other side :)

      I dunno about the piccadilly store, but the one upstairs in EnEx didn't have any, so best of going to the underground store for them

  • So what size is it? double A4?

    • No it's half A2

    • +3

      Its 53cm × 37cm

  • Thank you got 1 gonna stick it on my door pip boy

  • Picked it up from my local store, thanks OP!

  • +1

    Cheers OP for the awesome OP…. sorry, had to say it :P

  • didnt even notice, got the mag on Friday when we went to JB to get something.

  • +1

    FYI, this is what the magazine cover looks like that contains the Fallout 4 poster. I also saw another pile of magazines with the Minions on the cover as well as some JB HI FI catalogues.

    • +3

      If you flip your magazine you will see the minions cover…

      • +2
  • If only I new this on Saturday, when I went to pick up BO3

  • hi i am from Craigieburn There is a Bigw target ebgames and JBHIFi here is there chance for me to buy Fallout 4 xboxone locally at JB tomorrow for a few days?,

    thanks i am new to ozbargins

    • With all those stores, most likely yes.
      JB Hi-Fi have copies at most of their stores, but their price has gone up to $69. EB Games may price-match the original $59 offer at JB. You just have to go in and see.
      But yes, they'll all most likely have stock.

  • wut O_o

    • sorry i meant is there a chance of it being in stock instore

  • +1

    only prob is it has crease marks

    • You could try ironing it.

      • Might just do that :P

  • +3

    Thanks poster for posting about the poster. I wish JB Hifi could post it to me post-haste.

  • Just picked one up from Bourke St store Melbourne with my pre order, they were out of stock yesterday afternoon.

  • I picked up 2 posters. That way I can have both artworks on my wall :)

  • posters are nice, but I was disappointed it wasn't a S.P.E.C.I.A.L perks chart I could hang on my wall :(

    • The S.P.E.C.I.A.L perks chart comes with the hard copy of fallout 4

      • yay me for going digital on PC, plenty of online copies so will print one out at work on A3 :)

  • still some left at Pitt Street Mall JB

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