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$0 eBooks: Draw Action Figures, Faces and Portraits

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1) Draw Action Figures: Action Figure Drawing 2 Book Bundle: More than 200 Sketches of Action Figures and Action Poses
US: http://www.amazon.com/Draw-Action-Figures-Drawing-Sketches-e…
AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/Draw-Action-Figures-Drawing-Sketche…

By Vincent Noot, 180 pages, Published July 27, 2015.

Amazon's Description:

This action figure drawing book helps you see the skeleton underneath the body, the basic figure behind the details, the must-know before getting into the complicated stuff. I will show you how to copy basic elements from perfectly awesome action figure drawings and use them for your own, personalized characters and scenes. You will discover, among others:

  • Comic anatomy

  • Fighters and crazy poses

  • How to draw attractive women

  • Drawing strong guys from action figure examples

  • Poses with weapons

  • Romantic poses

  • Monsters and muscled men

  • Basic sketch techniques that will help you create action-packed figures

  • And much more!

2) Draw Faces: How to Speed Draw Faces and Portraits in 15 Minutes
US: http://www.amazon.com/Draw-Faces-Portraits-Sketching-Portrait-ebook/dp/B013CXXIM8/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1446986404&sr=1-1
AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/Draw-Faces-Portraits-Sketching-Portrait-ebook/dp/B013CXXIM8/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1446986404&sr=1-1

By Vincent Noot, 70 pages, Published August 3, 2015.

Amazon's Description:

In the past ten years, I have earned thousands of dollars sitting at events and drawing fast sketches of people’s faces. I got faster and more precise as I kept practicing, but I also discovered you need some basic knowledge to even give it a try. While you’re sketching as fast as you can and looking at the facial features, analyzing everything in your brains, there are certain tricks you can apply, questions you have to ask yourself when you’re analyzing a face, and tips you should know in order to minimize the time you spend on them.

In this book, I will tell you what I know, give you a number of examples, and take you through what I have found to be the most effective steps when you’re sketching a portrait.

This is a unique method that will help you become better faster. Don’t wait and grab this fantastic chance of becoming a fast portrait artist!

eBooks are free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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