Just wondering if I should get the original or the imitation bags on ebay. About $4.36 vs $1.7.
Experience/feedback please?
Just wondering if I should get the original or the imitation bags on ebay. About $4.36 vs $1.7.
Experience/feedback please?
Bigger? More Reliable? Reuseable?
Well the miele ones have some type of filter guarantee on them. The other ones have "Micro fleece quality"
It ultimatley depends how many i was going through.
last time i bought genuine bags from ebay user:dta_vacs. They're more expensive though.
Thanks. Yeah, I don't use many so better to buy original.
Are you saying some of those bags advertised as original are in fact not original?
they look original, just a different seller. Was just letting you know in case (for whatever reason) you didnt like that seller.
ok, thanks.
I think there may be a warranty clause on miele where if you don't use their bags than you void the warranty.
I blew the motor in my miele, vacuuming builders dust - apparently a big no no (and also voids warranty). I used the paper bags, probably from bunnings, and they didn't seal well at all. This didn't help in the dust then circulating into the motor and destroying it.
How often do you go through the bags? We only use a few a year, so for us we're better off using miele bags
I don't vacuum often. You are right, safer to use the original. Thanks.