This was posted 9 years 3 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Fallout 4 (PC, Xbox, PS4) + Perk Poster $58 Shipped @ The Gamesmen eBay - 2,000 in Stock


Group deal on Ebay - limited 2,000 in stock. $1 cheaper than Jb for those who didn't buy it earlier. All copies at JB are sold out online and available instore only.

PC Version Sold Out

Don't forget 2.50% Cashrewards to bring this price down to $56.55

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia
The Gamesmen
The Gamesmen

closed Comments

  • +6

    Was just about to post this. Good deal. Also includes free delivery.

    • +2

      Haha I was in quick with this one!

    • haha same here, great deal for those who didn't get it through JB Hi FI

      • +1

        Haha yeah I actually left it till yesterday to grab on from JB. Checked online before I left and for a period they actually took down the PS4 and PC links altogether, so I assumed they were totally sold out - I was freaking out! Later on that day they put the links back up just saying 'check stock in store' so managed to grab one from my local B&M. This is a great deal for others who didn't have the same opportunity, and it's cheaper as well!

        • Ordered a PC copy, thanks! I was walking past JB just yesterday and tossing up whether I should preorder for $59 or not, but without the poster I wasn't too keen. So this deal is perfect for me!

        • +1

          @SpaceInvader112: No problem! My gf preordered the pipboy edition from EB so I think I'll nick her poster :P She has an iphone 6 plus which doesn't fit in the pipboy, so I might just grab that as well!

        • +1

          @stevensx: Haha it worked out perfectly! I can't say I'm a huge open-world game fan (have only played a few hours of Fallout 3) but Fallout 4 looks too amazing to pass up. Just like how I bought The Witcher 3 and haven't even started it :P

  • +1

    Don't forget Cashrewards!

  • Was just about to post this! Got an email and got myself one straight away

  • Gosh they're going fast, already 43 purchased. Get in quick guys!

  • Ordered ta OP

  • +1

    I knew I should have waited, but at least my $60 copy got Toll Priority.

    • +2

      I bought it with $68 from them, and they shipped last Friday. It's the best price at that time. Anyway, I can't wait to play Fallout 4.

      • I got it from JB though.

        • JB has it on sale for $59 preordered. They will refund you any difference for the lower price.

        • @AussieGargain: But would they match an eBay store? I wouldn't really bother too much for an extra dollar.

        • @Clear: It's not about matching. JB have a 'lowest price guarantee' clause which basically states that if they lower their price before launch and you have pre-ordered than they will refund you the difference between what you paid and their lowest price.

          E.G: Boy pre-orders at JB for $89 2 months ago and paid the price in full online. Price is now $59. Boy will get refunded $30 by JB into the bank account he used to pay for it 2 months ago.

        • +1

          @stevensx: Makes sense. I got it for $59 anyway.

    • Toll won't leave it at your door without a signature will they? I kinda wished they sent via aus post so I could get it after hours

      • I ship it to my office, so they can sign it off. It can be a hit and miss shipping to home with Toll. They're not supposed to leave the package, but sometimes they will.

      • +2

        IME they will leave it if your not home, though they arent supposed to. I prefer it though, they are painful to rearrange delivery or make you drive to the depot.

      • I hope they do, i might leave a note at my front door asking politely to hide it under my door mat

  • does anyone know when this will ship? Will we get it on release day?

    • My preorder from last time shipped On Friday, so they should be getting them out the door ASAP.. I'm hoping mine arrives tomorrow!

    • I preordered from EB and a friend pre-ordered from JB. Both were strategically sent after 5pm on Friday. Seeing as AusPost doesn't operate on the weekend you will probably receive it Tuesday as long as the send it today/early morning tomorrow.

  • Not long now!!

  • +1

    Ugh. The money I've spent on video games in the past month is discusting! Black Ops 3, Battlefront, Just Cause 3 and now Fallout. PLUS I had to get USB DVD drive because I don't have a DVD drive in my PC. RIP Time & RIP Money.

    Thanks OP! ;)

    • it's November … November is why I am broke.

      • +3

        November's my birthday. I feel extremely lucky for this reason ^

    • +1

      PLUS I had to get USB DVD drive because I don't have a DVD drive in my PC.

      Damn those first world problems haha.

      • +1

        Steam codes bruh - never scratch, get lost or stolen (well unless your whole account gets stolen).

      • Haha I know right! I could have downloaded them, but it would kill my monthly download quota haha.

        • I have unlimited FTTB … feels so good!

        • +1

          I think fallout still has to be downloaded

        • @end0rphine: Wat.BRB I'm just going to cry.

        • @PowerB:

          Its pretty hilarious right. I dont know why they even bother having physical copies at all when you just have to dl it anyway

  • +2

    I just got my key from ozgameshop - I got mine for $59.99 preordered, but I don't mind because I will be playing it in 1 day and 14hrs according to steam (it seem they fixed the release clock for aussies yay!)

    • Have you started preloading? Is the option available?

      • +2

        Preload is up on steam. 23.8GB last time I checked.

      • +1

        Yes, I actually just finished preloading and it is 23.8gB like DKPARTY said. Sooo physc'd soooo ready!

    • Thinking of doing this too. Did you get the code straight away?

      • +1

        I preordered months ago, but they send codes within 3 hours during business hours (I think they hold UK business hours) I have bought tons of stuff from these guys, they have never let me down.

    • Cheers for mentioning this. I paid $61.99 for it, but I'd rather have the Steam key than the physical box.

      Plus it saves me a trip to JB HIFI.

      • Well not if it's delivered from JB, EB or Ebay. Also Physical copy of Fallout 4 comes with both a disc or a Steam key, your choice as to which one you use.

        Not being a smart ass btw, just letting you know for reference :)

        • Yeah I am aware. I don't have the physical copies of 3 or NV, so I thought I wouldn't bother. Probably would be faster for me to download it anyway haha.


    • I pre-ordered 2 weeks ago from ozgameshop and i still havent got my code. How did you get your so early?

  • I just went down to JB and pre ordered Fallout 4 before I checked my emails and saw the group deal haha!

  • +1

    There is no chance this would get to me by Tuesday if it ships tomorrow. Gladly pay the extra few bucks to be playing it Tuesday morning.

    That being said, if you dont mind waiting a day or two and cant get to a retailer, a great price!

  • Ugh must resist…stuff it, goodbye social life

  • +1

    I am even more OzBargainer, happy for wait for the price to come down to $20 on Steam (or other online game sellers) in 12 months time.

    • +1

      More OzBargainer than gamer you are!

      • Haha yeah. For most genres of games, been there, done that, so not much of a heavy gamer nowaday.

    • +1

      $20 in a year on steam is a tad optimistic

      • You may be right. I think I bought my Steam copy of Fallout 3 for about $10 (in a Steam sale) 2 years after it was released.

        • It took 2 years and 10 months for the game to be around $10 AUS and the GotY was $15 AUS. So it doesn't take long for cheap prices, but I don't want to wait near to three years.

        • +1


          Took Saints Row IV one month to drop to a price of $30

          Took Bioshock infinite 6 months to drop to a price of $10.80

          (That was when i bought them :)

    • not to mention it'll include all the DLC and will be modded to perfection :P

  • +1

    Saw all the sub-$60 posts on fallout 4 but I have held out so far… It would be a great game to test my new 980Ti but I already have a massive backlog… Another major reason is that the PC copy can't be resold.

    • It would be a great game to test my new 980Ti

      Nah man, Arkham Knight would be a great game to test it.

      • +3

        I suppose but I already see enough powerpoint slideshows at work as it is. :)

        • That was so savage that you just redefined the word.

        • I've been playing Arkham Knight with my 980ti, I'm about 5 hours in and it's going well so far, gets about 40-60fps on UHD and everything maxed. It's possible that the latest patches have fixed it well enough, I intentionally have a backlog of games of a few months, to give some time for things to get patched and dlc to come out. But a bit torn if I should wait a few months to start FO4!

        • @Huck: They're never gonna outsource PC porting again. Amount of money they lost is ridiculous. #PCMasterRace

    • Once you play Skyrim on your 980Ti, and see the actual textures they made, not their blurred versions, you may do what I did, and actually cry. (with joy)

      • Nothing like a console port with expensive overscaled jpegs :P
        Everything would still have the same polycount.

  • I think i'm going to end up with 15 copies of this game :(

    I've ordered the Pip-boy edition on PS4 and then accidentally ordered another PS4 copy in the JBHIFI Deal (wasn't able to swap to XBONE).

    Finally grabbed my XBONE copy through this :D, thanks OP.

    • +2

      I snagged a last minute pipboy copy for xbone from ebgames last week, they lasted like 3 hrs - but I don't have an xbone (PCMASTER!) I just wanted the pipboy :P Someone is getting Fallout 4 for xmas ;)

      • I grabbed the Pip-Boy edition when they were first released, no good to me as I have an iPhone 6 Plus :(

        I'll just return the excess copy to JB and display the Pip-Boy

        • I would buy a new phone just for the pipboy :P

        • Seriously thinking about it

    • +1

      Whats your point?

        • +3

          Sure, you can't beat free! Only that it's illegal and we wont see a Fallout 5 if everybody pirates.

          Great thinking!

          :EDIT: I don't think I've pirated a game since I was 15. I've had a constant income since then.

        • @Dagmar: exactly, I am happy to pay the devs for thier hard work, and encourage them to keep on releasing epic content :)

    • Yeah for all copies they've taken a part out and made it download only as a day 1 install patch with the aim of preventing piracy….They did the same thing with Skyrim and it didn't work.

      • -3

        Well, the preload leaked just under 12 hours ago.

        • The actual game has been leaked for about 5 days now. There's plenty of people streaming it if you know where to look.

          I'm still buying the game. I loved NV so I can't wait.

  • Just Bought one thx!

  • Cancel your preorders at JB and Eb!

    • -2

      eb preorders were sent on Friday (if you are getting it by mail)

      • -1

        JB preorders were also sent then.

  • Has anyone else been given multiple 10% off vouchers by ebay recently? Every time I use 1 just before expiry another immediately appears (different code) with expiry a few days later. Onto #3 in 2 weeks now.

    If I hadn't already preordered with JB I'd be using it for this. I'm running out of things to buy.

    • no - but if you figure out how - please share with us

  • +1

    Does anyone know if the poster comes with the jb orders?

    • +1


    • Not sure, it's always a hassle to get bonus pre-order commodities from these retailers as I remember from the Witcher 3.

      JB online stock is sold out anyway :-)

    • Yes it comes inside the game case

  • Really tempted. Do you reckon I can play this on my system on Medium or above?

    Intel G3258
    Gigabyte GTX960
    8 GB RAM

    • +1

      if you have OC'd your CPU, then yes but at minimum settings.

      • +1

        why the downvotes, there is big difference in the specs of that CPU stock and Overclocked and an i5 is the recommended minimum. It will play at least minimum settings, I can't guarantee over that.

    • +1

      Depends how cpu intensive the game is.

      Graphics card is fine though.

      • I just jumped into New Vegas and ran into the Deathclaw camp. It was using roughly 15% CPU (i7) and approx 700MB memory.

    • +1

      System Requirements
      OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
      Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent
      Memory: 8 GB RAM
      Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent
      Hard Drive: 30 GB available space

      OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
      Processor: Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 GHz/AMD FX-9590 4.7 GHz or equivalent
      Memory: 8 GB RAM
      Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 290X 4GB or equivalent
      Hard Drive: 30 GB available space

    • na, get fallout 2

  • +2

    I'm a life time player of Fifa and over the last few years GTA, the hype around this has pushed me into picking one of these bad boys up. Any advise for someone who has no real idea about Fallout??? Cheers guys.

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