How to Make Video Accessible Only through Site It Is Embedded to

Hi all, I need help about embedding video hosted on free video hosting site like Youtube, Vimeo or in my case in particular Google Photos.

I got my Android to automatically back up photos and videos to my Google Photos. From there I want to embed some family videos to a Wordpress-based site but I want to adjust the permission to the video just so that the video is viewable only through the website it is embedded to, not by the share URL.

Is it possible to do that? Thanks.


  • create a membership ebsite using wordpress and create user accounts for selected access. But it seems like a big pain for a personal thing. Perhaps use dropbox?

  • You can do this if you make a custom PHP page with a username and password and just embed the video on that page.

  • Thanks for your replies. But I am sorry that I think I wasn't clear with my question.

    I don't have issues with protecting the page where the video is embedded. The issue is with the permission I need to set on the video host side. So far that I can figure out, I need to make the video available for anyone who knows the URL to be able to embed it. Which means that they can view the video just by typing the URL on the browser rather than through my page?


    • You want to restrict viewing to only people who have the link? YouTube has two privacy settings that hide a video from the general public and search results:

      • private - can be viewed by you and any Google-account users you select.
      • unlisted - the video can be seen by anyone with the link, and embedded into a webpage. However, you can't stop people sharing the link or adding it to a public playlist.
      • Hi Thrift, thank you for your response. So the best I could do is to hide it from search result. But the link itself still can be shared by anyone who knows it.

        • That's the way YouTube/Vimeo/etc embedding works - the 'embed code' on your webpage is really nothing more than a link to YouTube's player.

          Your webpage tells the visitor's browser to load and display a part of YouTube's website in the specified rectangle on your page - ie, the visitor is watching the video on YouTube, just without the additional fluff of comments and side-bar suggestions.

          By embedding an unlisted video on your webpage, only people who have access to your webpage will be able to find out the link.

          Alternatively, you could serve the video file from your own website, playing through a Javascript HTML5 video player. This would allow you to control access to the video file, but would not stop someone with access saving a copy of the video.

          There are more alternatives, but they get more complex depending on how much control you want. What is the issue with people being able to view the video outside of your webpage?

        • @Thrift: There is no specific issue, it's just that they are family videos.

          I guess that's my only option at the moment because I can't host it on my own server it will be too slow.

        • @peuwayaqdq: The problem is that YouTube (and similar) doesn't know which individuals are authorised to view the video unless you restrict video access to specific Google accounts.

          An alternative is to host the video files on cloud-storage service like Google Drive, and either embed their video player or use your own player to access the file. This also uses the "share to anyone with the link", but makes it a little harder to determine the link.

          To get more access controls, you need to start paying money. Vimeo Plus (A$70/yr) lets you restrict embedding to specific websites.

        • @Thrift: Thanks. It is interesting I notice that it seems free Vimeo has setting of "Do not allow anyone to embed this video". The way I interpret this the video can be viewed by anyone with the link but they can't embed it to their site? I wonder if I as the video owner can embed in my site.

          Also this option from Vimeo is interesting as well: "Only people with a password Protect this video with a password (Note: you can share password protected videos with non-Vimeo members)"

          Thanks for bringing this into my attention.

        • @peuwayaqdq: No, "not allow anyone to embed" won't allow any site except Vimeo to play the video.

          Password protection… well, here's how it looks when you embed Google Drive video, YouTube unlisted, Vimeo password, and Vimeo regular:

          (Vimeo password: ozbargain )

        • @Thrift: Thank you for the examples. I have tried Vimeo settings and you're right "not allow anyone to embed" won't allow embed to ANY sites.

          So I settled with the following setting:

          Who can watch this video? Only people with a password
          Un-tick download video
          Un-tick add to collection

          I think that will do.

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