One of the major setbacks and frustrations for the Opal card user is how the Opal system combines our multiple trips into 1 journey when using different modes of transport, but charges us seperately for the trips. Basically charges us twice rather than once.
I'm affected by this quirk as I take 2 bus trips, followed by a train trip, but…
The other day I stumbled upon a loophole that splits the single multi trip journey into 2 journeys.(which gives me an extra journey towards my 8 journeys)
At the end of my 2nd bus trip the opal card system on the bus was out of order and the reader failed to work upon exit. On my opal account activity I noticed this "no tap off" incident split my single "3 trip" journey into two journeys. It combined my bus trips into 1 journey charging the default busfare, and my train trip was counted as a new journey, even though there was less than 60 minutes (it was 15min) between the last "tap on" on the 2nd bus and the "tap on" at the train station.
I now purposely "forget" to tap off at the end of my second bus trip, which means that after my Wednesday morning commute I have reached my 8 journeys and travel free for the rest of the week saving me $19 (I pay $41 instead of $60)
This is what it looks like for me:
Journey 1
* Bus trip 1, tap on/tap off = $3.50
* Bus trip 2, tap on/"no tap pff"= $1.00 (default fare of $4.50 for bus-trip 1 & 2 combined)
Journey 2
* Train trip, tap on/tap off = $6.46
This loophole only works for those using multiple modes of transport.
And it is recommended to use either the bus or the lightrail as the initial 2 trips, as you will be charged the default fare for that journey because you don't tap off. The default fare for the train or ferry is to expensive.
Hint: plan your trip in such a way, so you have to take 2 busses before hopping on the train (for example take an earlier bus in the opposite direction for 1 stop)
Happy Commuting everyone!
So if I tap on a bus to Wynyard without tapping off, then tap on a train from Wynyard to Central, it would count as 2 trips instead of a transfer?