To Email or to Wait? [Resolved]

I just did an interview 2 weeks and after the job interview i was told I will be getting an email next week (which was last week) or maybe even next week after which is this week.
I really like/want to work there and been ridiculously refreshing my inbox every few hours for an email…
I did already sent a thanks email last week, should I send an email to check the status? or it will be annoying?


  • +2

    Send if you really want the job

  • +5

    Give them a call. Emails are easy to miss, ignore, or say "I'll get to that later"

  • +1

    I think the thank you email is a good idea, but more than that is not going to help.

    Does the job require you to work independently? Because you're demonstrating you are impatient and like to touch base a lot. That would put me off an employee. But that could suit the type of manager that insists on being cc'ed on every email.

    If you have another offer, perhaps check the progress. Otherwise likely it is being held up by something out of their control - the need for someone senior to approve something, and your call will not hurry that up.

    Don't stop applying for other jobs right now whilst you are waiting either, even if this is a dream job.

  • +1

    Check your junk email. If nothing's there, I would continue to wait until Monday to give them a call.

  • +1

    If you sent an email but the HR manager did not respond, you should give the person a call to check on the application progress.

    Sending an email gives them time to think about how to respond, calling them puts the person on the spot and they may be more likely to give you a clearer picture of what is going on.

  • +2

    Telleth thy resolution…

    • Yes, you have marked the post as resolved.

      Did you send the email or get the job ?

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