I have been waiting for the orange and brown flavoured capsules from Lavazza Modo Mio to go on sale for ages.
RRP $11.99 but two packs are going for $17. It's not the biggest discount, but hey, it's better than nothing.
I have been waiting for the orange and brown flavoured capsules from Lavazza Modo Mio to go on sale for ages.
RRP $11.99 but two packs are going for $17. It's not the biggest discount, but hey, it's better than nothing.
whats that to do with this deal? are you gonan share some with me?
You're a hapyboy already. No coffee for you ;-)
Just it can be far cheaper (or even profitable) to buy a machine when Cashback is available, plus 2 free boxes of pods, than just buying the pods.
eg $25-$36.75 purchase price for machine in that expired deal, plus $50 Cashback & 2 boxes of pods delivered free. Then get rid of machine if not needed.
Offers come up a few times a year, so easy to stock up. Pods I received are best by early 2017.
But discounts on boxes of pods are fairly rare.
Rather be paid to drink coffee, than pay for it ;-)
Does that mean you made 15 cashback claims too?
11 - Lavazza sent too many pods ;-)
So got paid $150 (incl. 5% rebate PayWave) more than purchase price for 11 machines & received 480 ($350+) free pods. My local store never ran out of stock during deal. Others bought cheaper & made more profit.
So paying for pods now seems strange ;-)
I claimed a while back, never received any.
If you haven't received the pods, email or ring. They have been very responsive after the previous online distributor was replaced.
My original pod claim was successful, but not sent out, I emailed Lavazza with their original response that my claim was successful, & pods were delivered within days.
I had no response that my pod claim was successful on most machines, so I re-registered my machines online. Pods arrived within a week.
So contact Lavazza for your free pods. It's worth it for free coffee :-)
I bought a couple of the machine and capsule deals. I still have all the capsules as I prefer the expensive flavours you can only get from lavazza.
I keep my favourite (dearest) ones as treats, & these (free) ones as everyday coffee.
The dearer machines include a mix of 12 better pods - got the $175RRP machine for $9 (after Cashback) including delivery from Myers, when I bought 2 boxes of favourite Divinamente ($12.95 each). So machine & delivery were around cost of included 12 pods (plus the price of other 2 boxes I would have bought anyway).
DJs deal recently had Tierra pods for $5 ($12.95RRP).
Also good to throw in dearer boxes to make up HN order to $250, to get $25 discount.
Still nearly 600 pods to go :-)
I drink the good ones and leave the cheap ones for guests :-) I go to my local HN who stock some of the exp ones and ask their best price. Get them for $10 or $10.50 a box depending on the salesperson :-)
I ordered third party pods on eBay. 144 pods for $80 delivered direct from Italy.
@dazzza: I think they are fine. I got a mix of strong, medium and weak. The weak ones won't see much use, but the strong and medium ones are great.
I like Lavazza pods. Bought the cafitaly machine and was enjoying the lavazza coffee but for the last month they have stopped selling them for cafitaly machines. Anyone knows why or if they have permanently stop this?
the orange and brown flavoured capsules from Lavazza Modo Mio - got 30 boxes delivered free from Target Lavazza machine deal (+$50 Cashback per machine).
Think I am ok for those for a while :-)