Opal Card Tap-on Reversals

What happens when you get the dreaded 'tap-on reversal' msg when doing your opal runs? Do you actually call up and get them to issue a refund?

I've only called up and asked for a refund twice, which was granted both times. They didn't ask much, as I have the transaction history to show my weekly lunch time bus runs. I just want to know whether anyone else also has to repeatedly call up to correct tap-on reversals, or whether you just let it slide.

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  • +1

    let it slide, or tap back on and get off at next stop.

  • I do mine on the tram, so never have the issue, but i'd just get off and get on the next bus, would be a lot easier than trying to deal with the opal people, who will get the shits eventually if you keep asking them to fix stuff

  • +4

    Wait doesn't tap-on reversal indicate you have "undone" your tap-on? i.e. you won't be charged? What refund are you referring to?

  • OK, I used to just submit a requests, and they were fine. And just FYI, it was one of the Opal guy who actually told me to wait until I finish my 8th trip and call up, and they will reimburse my 'loss' for the week due to tap on reversal.

    But then one time I submitted a request, the guy replied like he didn't get what I meant. I submitted another request, explained more properly, and was brushed off. So I called up and explained. Well… after that I never bother to call again as the guy who answered was SO DAMN RUDE and practically yelled at me on the phone. Not worth my time and energy to deal with Opal guys ever again.

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