OneDrive - Unlimited Storage No More for Office365 Subscribers, Free Users Reduced to 5GB

Just read this on OneDrive's blog. OneDrive storage plans change in pursuit of productivity and collaboration. So for the sake of "productivity" and "collaboration",

  • Office365 Home subscribers no longer have Unlimited storage (this deal will be no more). Instead, it would be capped at 1TB
  • $1.99/month subscription will get you 50GB storage (down from 100GB) and you can't actually get 100GB/200GB paid plans now.
  • Free storage is also reduced from 15GB to 5GB.

People who have used excessive storage will be notified. Weird that the amount of storage has actually gone backwards. Bait & switch?

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  • +1

    Very surprising indeed that they would drop the amount of storage given that storage is becoming increasingly cheap. Not sure what the logic is behind this move, but I certainly hope other providers don't follow!

  • +1

    Does seem odd indeed … maybe they figure people will keep paying for Office 365 whether they have unlimited or not?

  • +2

    The 15GB camera roll storage bonus is also on the chopping block. As such, my storage space will shrink from 30GB to 5GB.

    Such a shame. I chose OneDrive because it offered seamless integration with Windows 8/10 and Windows Phone. I was shock horror prepared to pay for the service when I approached my storage capacity. But this news has made me reconsider.

    As an act of good faith, Microsoft should (at the very least) grandfather the old plans to existing customers. Impose a fair use clause to weed out the abusers if they must, but they shouldn't penalise the 99% who do the right thing.

    • Are they not Grandfathering?
      It would literally be insane if they didn't!

      • So it seems they are certifiably insane.. they appear to not be grandfathering anything at all

        from arstechnica
        "Similarly, free users with more than 5GB of data will have a year after the change is made to reduce their usage to below the 5GB level." (emphasis added)…

        OneDrive was probably my favourite cloud storage too.
        If Google can come up with a "Drive" client that integrates as nicely as OneDrive does, I'll happily move back to them.

  • Very typical Microsoft actually. I'm surprised that they didn't shut it down altogether. Googlighting much?

  • Not impressed with this at all.

    I don't know what they are thinking.

    They now have a trail of unhappy Microsoft users. I'm one of them who also owns a windows phone.

    Can we believe anything that comes out of Microsoft anymore?

    Should I change ecosystems?

  • Got to laugh when companies offer an 'unlimited' service, then have a cry when people actually use it.

    Worse in this case, Microsoft seem to be penalising the whole OneDrive user base, rather than just the top tier.

  • 'This is why we can't have nice things!!!'

    Suspect there is an important part of this story that is being overlooked. As per the official Onedeive blog:

    Since we started to roll out unlimited cloud storage to Office 365 consumer subscribers, a small number of users backed up numerous PCs and stored entire movie collections and DVR recordings. In some instances, this exceeded 75 TB per user or 14,000 times the average. Instead of focusing on extreme backup scenarios, we want to remain focused on delivering high-value productivity and collaboration experiences that benefit the majority of OneDrive users.

    I'm gonna stick with my O365 professional plus subscription. Even if I renew at the full $119 a year, I have yet to find a storage provider who provides the space and value offered.

  • Question for someone out there who is wiser than me
    When OneDrive reduce storage to 5GB (I got the email last week), I believe the 200GB that was given out free by Telstra on this deal remains unaffected.
    Can anyone confirm?

  • Got an email from MS and it stated that my camera roll 15gb version will stay for good.

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