A bad experience at McDonalds

Hello OZB! how have ya all been? just wondering what are your thoughts on this experience. So it happens, I had few Monopoly tickets left from McDonald's and today was the last day to use it. On the tickets, it says must be redeemed by 3/11/15. I went to a Macca's store and ordered a small Sundae and presented the ticket. I was told these have been expired. I told her no they are not. Today is the 3rd and it clearly says redeem by 3rd Nov. She went to ask her manager and he said these are expired. We are not accepting any tickets today.. I tried to explain it to him that with any voucher or ticket the date it should be redeemed by is included. The manager just wouldn't agree and he gave an example of when you buy a food and it says use by #date, you are not suppose to use it on that date. I am pretty sure when you buy food and it says, for example, use by Mar-16, it would mean you can use it until end of march right? So because of what he said, even though I was 99% sure he is wrong, I had that 1% doubt and I walked out. I checked the website on my mobile and it clearly says Promotion ends on 11:59pm on 3rd Nov 2015. I went back in and showed him the website and he still wouldn't agree and said "I have been told to do so." There was also other people arguing about the same thing with that manager. One thing I did notice was that store was pretty busy and I do believe they were doing it to stop free loaders. At that point I had enough and I assured him I won't be coming back to this Macca's any more and I am not trying to get a Sundae after all what happened, but I just wanted you to know you are wrong. So I just walked out and went to a different Mcdonalds and they happily accepted the ticket, no questions asked. Has this happened to anyone else? What would you guys have done in this situation? Would you have walked out or argued with the manager until you got what you deserved?


Promotion starts at 6:00am on 09/09/2015 and ends at 11:59pm on 03/11/2015 (the "Promotional Period").


EDIT: After popular demand, I have decided to name the store:


Cnr Springvale & Heatherton Roads, Springvale, VIC

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closed Comments

  • +2

    What a di.ck head manager.

  • I've been to that McDonald's once, the guy dropped my burger on the ground, saw him pick it up and put it back in the box.

    • Ewwww what happened after that?

      • Cracked it, spoke to a manager then got my meal for free.

        • +1

          did the meal include the same burger that fell on the ground?

  • +3

    Should have purchased a large coke an threw it at him, and said put it on my tab.

  • +1

    Just fill the form and complain. They will apologise and send you free vouchers.

    • Thank you.

      • I wasn't offered any vouchers…

  • You should definitely make a complain. This store could be owned by a stingy franchisee. Some people do dodgy things to save a couple of cents here and there.

  • Yes, fill out the feedback form, and you will most likely be offered free vouchers and apology. If you tick that you consent to be contacted by phone like I did, the head office actually calls you up well (they did with me) to get more details and they will get back to that actual person at the store, good luck to him/her. They will never want to repeat that behavior again. Maccas treat their feedback seriously.

  • -5

    We should go down and someone should throw eggs or something.
    I wouldnt do it but ill go if someone wants.
    Maybe i will stand behind you and to the side and if they call the cops ill pretend i dont know you.
    Up until that point I got ur back.

    • +4

      lol then some poor worker would have to clean in the morning who had nothing to do with it (I myself have worked at McDonald's in my teenage years for over 4 years, a lot has changed in quality of service since then). I wouldn't want those poor blokes suffering for someone else's mistake.

    • +1

      that will make you more of a fool than the maccas person

  • I personally do not bother arguing with franchise shops. I give them a chance if they don't take it, I complain to head office.
    Simply cause the employees follow the orders of the boss. so its not their fault.

  • My Dad once had a cheeseburger voucher refused, he called head office while in the store. A couple of minutes later all the managers on duty were called into the office and were told to honor all vouchers. My dad got his cheeseburgers!

    How do I know what was said in the office..I worked there and was out the back listening lol

    • How many cheeseburgers are we talking lol

      • +3

        it was 10 cheeseburgers for 50c each

        • Awesome.

  • Some people are too attached to their work.

    IMO, it's not his money, and a sundae is a sundae and food cost would be around $0.80. This bloke is too emotional :P

  • Umm is it just me or is 11:59pm at the middle of the night? Because 12am would be in the morning??

    • 11:59pm on 03/11/2015, so one minute before the 4th Nov starts.

      • +2

        Oh ok lol -_- Im stupid

  • +1

    1 complain on their Facebook page or twitter
    2 link the facebook post here
    3 ???
    4 profit

    • Exactly, we always got your back.

      Nobody gets away with not giving out freebies.

      • +1

        Thank you for having my back, friend :)

        • +1

          We are a community, we stick together! :)

  • +1

    Such unwavering and steadfast loyalty to their employer McDonalds ….

    Like the 47 Ronin ….

    Brings a tear to my eye …. now they just have to prove it further with seppuku

  • +1

    OP, was the manager's name Daniel?

    • Sorry didn't catch his name, but he was a skinny white male with glasses. You know him?

      • -3

        Daniel Chadeyras is the second to last. He's the operation manager of a couple of McDonalds in that area, including Keysborough.Not sure about the springvale one.Top bloke.

        • No Sorry, wasn't him.

        • +1

          Why the neg?

        • @Jar Jar Binks: You named a guy without any evidence, why would you throw a person name when this thread is about a bad experience.

  • Best before, better after!

  • -5

    you shoulda bashed him !!

  • -2

    blessing in disguise to be honest….no one needs to eat that crap !!

    • -2

      Bang on mate. Eat some veggies:)

  • Glad you named and shamed, nothing will change if you don't expose them. So let's hope something happens.

  • -3

    Too long, couldnt be bothered reading it…

  • I would recommend making a complaint via their website.

    A while back I got my food through the drive through and the order was wrong. As this particular had given me wrong items on a couple of occasions I was pissed and decided to contact them about it.

    Filled out a form on their website with a complaint (no abuse, just stating the facts and my disappointment in their service) and received a call directly from the area manager within a couple of days. He offered a genuine apology and game me a $30 credit at this particular store, which was the cost of the meal that I had originally ordered.

    I'd recommend go this avenue first, in my experience management outside individual stores are quite concerned with customer satisfaction.

  • -4

    Get over it! You got your Sundae, the rest of us don't care.

    • +4

      You know you care, that's why you commented <3, Love you too :)

      Edit: Sorry just noticed that <3 looks more like a pointy D*** with balls than a love heart, but I promise you I drew a heart :)

  • Take the manager's name and complain to head office.
    No arguing for a few dollars. They will be penalized for more than that after you post your experience to social media.

  • +1

    I used to work at Maccas and think that you should definitely complain to your state head office. They usually reply and take action. Like you said multiple times it's the principle of the issue and not the amount. These managers know better than to be an ass to customers. Yes a lot of customers are can be pain as well but the rules are the rules. He should have given you the free sundae. If he is confused or have gotten the wrong information then the store itself have issues. More reason for the complain so that headoffice can rectify the overall issues of the store.

  • +1

    I remember this time I was at McDonalds and some of it got in my mouth. Terrifying.

    • are we still talking about the food or is it some anecdote from you love session in Maccas?

      • Could be both.. A love session with a Six inch…. Subway.. smuggled inside Maccas… with every bite, the white garlic aioli falling out of the Six inch, he licks it off the table, and he's ready again and opens his mouth before he takes another bite.. the softness of Italian Herb bread, He presses it harder and more aioli falls out.. it's all over the table.. and after he is done, with white sauce all over his face, he wipes it off as he goes to the counter and orders a big mac, with extra sauce. He is not finished yet, More to come in Sequel 2, stay tuned.

  • Didn't last years, or the last time they ran this - didn't the expiry date last a LOT longer?

    What I really don't understand is 1) Why the manager didn't just honour it. Even if it was handed in today, if I was a manager (I have been previously) at my McDonalds, I'd just honour it. It's like what, $2? Big deal.

    Crap manager.

    On that, I'm going to say OP - deal with it, just get over it, it's a sunday….

    However, I do feel as though the principle stands. If I had a coupon for a TV worth $4,000 down to $2,000 or whatever it's a big deal.

    Your choice of action OP. Just my 2 cents.

  • Know exactly what ur talking about. I hate when this crap happens to me and glad you posted your experience. It has nothing to do with the sundae, but it's about people in so called positions of power, thinking they have the right to make other people feel like shit I.e. comparing it to used by date on food ( and then you show proof and they still deny) it happens to all of us. Good on you for naming store, not that it would ever make a dent, but yeah. I am off Maccas at the moment anyway.

    • -1

      I agree, comparing a used by date to a coupon is beyond stupid. Does this "manager" have a single bit of life experience? Is he/she like 19?

      • Probably 29, acts like 19.

  • +4

    disgraceful mcdonalds.
    i will now go to hungry jacks based on this


    • Cool.

      • Did this last night, was going to maccas but thought of this experience by OP.
        HJs served me well.

  • +1

    Yep I had a similar experience with them and the monopoly game. I complained via their website and got a crappy standard response from them filled with terms conditions and rubbish about participating stores.

    I won't be eating there again, I know this means little to them but probably really good for me as I used to eat there a fair bit so at least I will look for a healthier option now that they have pissed me off.

  • +3

    Hello OZB! how have ya all been?

    Good Thanks.

    • Good to hear that Matey!

  • +1

    Maccas McMatch and Win Monopoly Promotion has had a controversial history as well. Way back in 1998, McDonalds started the McMatch and Win Monopoly with prizes including cars, holidays to Disneyland, computers etc by collecting stamps. McDonalds then rejected claims for prizes in 1999 which used stamps allegedly from the same competition run in the previous year 1998. The new 1999 stamps had a "M" logo marked on them, the old 1998 ones didn't. A class action was started whereby 34 people claimed McDonalds had sold them food with the old 1998 stamps on them during the 1999 promotion period and they matched prizes, and accordingly they claimed McDonalds should honour them.

    Here's an ABC news extract: "Justice Dowsett said the claimants had to persuade the court it was more probable than not that they'd received their stamps from McDonalds restaurants during the 1999 competition. Now, after the court considered evidence from the claimants, and McDonalds, they found that the claimants had failed to do so." In other words, there wasn't enough evidence for the judge to rule in favour, so Maccas were cleared.

    However here's the clincher - it is my belief that at least some franchisees were selling new food in 1999 with the old Monopoly packaging from 1998 because I personally bought some food from there in the 1999 period and I recall being given packaging with stamps from the previous year without the 'M' because I had accumulated some with and some without them. I don't believe I kept any stamps from the previous year (because why would you, I didn't think the competition was coming back and I don't collect junk!?). I usually don't eat too regularly at Maccas, but I did so in that promo to collect the stamps. Luckily I didn't match a car or holiday anyway because I would have been really disappointed if I had joined in spending legal costs pursuing Maccas and losing (and why would you risk doing that unless you knew you were right), so I feel for those customers. Maybe not all of them were legit, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had valid claims. Not saying anyone definitely did or didn't do the wrong thing - I have no problems with McDonalds and am still a customer, its just my recollection once hearing about it in the news.

    McDonalds keep running this promo because it gets people coming back to earn more stamps and they make heaps of money out of it. Therefore its not a gift, they need to play by the promo rules.

    However I'd assume the problems are due to the chain of individual small business franchisees. I can only guess that they don't all always do the right thing and head office probably doesn't even know about it. I wouldn't be surprised if some 14 year old staff member or 18 year old store manager decided to keep old packaging and re-use it, or they did so at the small business franchisee owner's direction to use up old stock.

    Its probably no different for the OP, someone has probably made a judgement call about the date which appears to be wrong as it has mislead you, and what matters under consumer law is whether the average person would be misled / confused by it, and I'm with you, all expiry dates of promos are inclusive of the actual date. Regardless, its just bad customer service to reject it on that day anyway, you earned the prize and they made their money from the promo. Fight them out of principle!

    • Thank you for putting the effort for that story, it was a good read. Having gone through teen age myself, I might have understood if that person was 14 or 18 years old and did that, but this person was in late 20's or early 30's.

      • +1

        No worries, clearly i've been bottling up that old story for many years now!! In that case, without trying to be actively ageist, a manager in a retail customer service position with some more experience should probably know better for than to shaft a customer over a sundae that probably costs them 20 cents to make in reality, that they would have gladly given you for free less than 24 hours prior, when you'll probably never go back as a result costing them much more business than its worth - that's your ultimate choice as a customer.

  • I would've just left the Sundae on the counter and walked out

    • +1

      Yeah, I might've done the same, had I received a Sundae in the first place :'(

  • Not surprised it was Springvale.
    Maybe you weren't family. ;)

  • +1

    So I still had a free small fries monopoly voucher and I took it in to maccas tonight (2 days after the "redeem by" date). I gave it to the girl and said "Can I get this please?" She went and borrowed her managers swipe card and came back. She swiped it in the register and pressed some buttons, then printed the receipt and shortly afterwards brought me the fries.

  • I'm from Springy as well, McDonalds at Springvale has gone downhill over the years.

  • +1

    As a former employee (I deserve pity) the manager stuffed up big time.

    According to McDonalds own operational procedures (when I worked there) staff are supposed to prevent a bad experience from occurring since (words to this effect) "Each customer who has a bad experience has the potential to tell at least 20 of their friends not to visit Mc Donalds."

    So giving you a free burger would have been a better solution than having you on here telling others about your bad experience. You had the coupon and even if it was out a few days (which it was not) your customer satisfaction should have been their number one priority.

    I can honestly tell you why the manager refused to give you a free burger (more inside information) it is due to the fact that head office is tight and when they run such promotions (such as the Monopoly promotion) they do not compensate stores for giving out free food (so franchised stores wear the cost)

    So if I was you I would contact head office providing them with a link of this post. It is not a good look and I wouldn't be surprised if the manager on duty would be demoted for offering such bad service.

  • +1

    The time it took them to discuss/argue with you over a free godamn sundae probably equalled a value of 20 sundaes or more….that's sad on their behalf. If i ever feel wronged I'll make a scene…but usually i don't need to, i get an apology and a quick correction/freebie from any maccas stores i've ever had problems with…you get paid shit wage and its just not worth yours or their time to argue. On a side note, it IS maccas…i'd never expect 'much' in terms of quality service anyway.

    For the sake of he argument, you were right and i wouldn't have left without my sundae, lol

  • Lets be perfectly honest… idiots only become managers because they arse kiss other managers and do so for the pay increase, job title and to boost their own insecurities. Managers should do everything to drive a business forward and most lack those basic managerial skills. For a McDonalds manager to waste time arguing with you over a free food item is an joke. Especially when most food items cost them less than 50 cents to produce.

  • Last summer I found out McDonald's offered free water refills straight from the drink dispenser, tested it out with friends before a movie and it was great for the 37 degree day.
    Afterwards on the way home we went to another store, were thirsty was hell and after asking twice the d*****bag filled my bottle up with warm tap water. On the same 37 degree day.

    Was pretty shocked to see a 20 year old guy to have such a spiteful mindset. Honestly, whose money are you even saving? It's just cold water.

    • +1

      I hear you, provided you were actually buying some food, or had bought something, or were with someone buying something - Every food outlet should offer the free cold water option and as a truly frugal person I save a LOT of money by being that guy that always asks for water at a restaurant.

      However if you just went in there solely for water, didn't buy anything and neither did anyone with you, then I can understand their reluctance because you are depriving them of selling one of their soft drinks, are using their machine (if you want cold), facilities, and using their staff. Anything for customer service - provided you are actually a customer or with a customer (remembering they are individually owned stores, so a McDonalds customer generally doesn't count).

      I visited the USA recently and whilst I don't like the tipping culture, everyone would happily offer you cold water if you asked for it, but you'd be expected to tip them for getting it for you. Not sure we want to go down that path in Australia, I prefer it our way, truly complimentary in the name of customer service.

      • Mm that's reasonable, whilst I did not buy something my friend who was with me did.
        I would have preferred being asked buy something rather than be given warm tap water.

  • Where is my pitch fork

  • I would have walked away….and complained.
    Something similar happened to me at my car dealer and you wouldn't imaging the five start treatment I received after a simple online negative feedback I gave them. Not to mention the 10% discount on the next service and a free loan car "any time".

  • I am a retail food manager and you are 100% in the right mate.
    I'm not sure what McDonald's promotional 'back to store' payments are, but for each of those vouchers the store gets, McDonalds probably paid them a percentage to cover costs ie for every sundae they get back 50c credit etc..

    This manager is just a hardass and his bullshitting had probably worked on someone else today and he was determined not to give out freebies on the last day.

    I can understand that he was doing everything he could to keep his shops income/bottom line in the green but once you've shown him the official T&C's and a specific time/date then he should just apologise and give you the Sunday.

    Just a (profanity) although he was probably sick of giving away free stuff all day :)

    Wouldn't surprise me if was instructed by his franchisee to do this either- he may have had no choice and the owner gave him specific directions.

  • I ordered a CYT chicken salad at McDonalds last week. Just a salad how long could that possibly take right? Well 20 minutes later I finally receive my order, get back to work, and realise they forgot the chicken!

    Never again.

    • -1

      Twenty minutes?? That exceeds the attention span of the nuff nuffs who work there!

  • I prefer HJ to McDonald's, if HJ never did (and keep) the $1 frozen cokes, McD would still be charging ~$4 for a regular.

  • Thanks everyone. I contacted the Head Department as everyone suggested last week and they got back to me and offered a voucher.

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