This was posted 9 years 4 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Unlimited ADSL2 + Fetch TV + Entertainment Pack + Phone - $95/Month @ Optus

  • Unlimited ADSL Broadband
  • Unlimited standard local and national calls
  • Optus Fetch TV with Entertainment Pack (over 35 channels)
  • 6 months Netflix

$125 setup fee will be refunded if ordered online

Check Bundles here

Also available without the Entertainment Pack for $90/month
(Which looks to last be posted here)

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closed Comments

  • +4

    congrats on post 555

    • +1

      Lol cheers didn't notice! :)

    • +8

      Lol. 555 on a phone/internet deal.

  • +2

    There is an additional $10/month discount, if you are an Optus mobile customer.

  • +4

    I thought this promo has been on-going before? (and has always been?)

  • FWIW fetch tv will be showing EPL from next year instead of foxtel. May or may not cost more for fetch though.

    • +8

      Woah woah woah… Optus have the rights to broadcast EPL, but I haven't seen anything state how they will do it.

        • +1

          If they spent more money on their network than acquiring the rights to the EPL then a lot of customers would probably stick around. This deal hurts many. Foxtel subscribers who enjoy access to EPL, existing Optus customers who are let down by the network and those who do not want to shell out extra for Fetch TV or additional season sports passes.

        • +1

          @juzz0: I agree, it's the only reason I have foxtel.

        • @Flyerone:
          Always epl on demand but it's hot and miss depending which team you support.

  • Can someone verify if cloudie9 is right? I thought there would be a glut of offers as Telstra was forced to reduce wholesale costs to other providers recently to make the market more competitive.

    • Possibly, as there was a similar cable deal a while ago which was only $90 a month. If anything the cost has gone up.

      • Yes, the $90 cable was better deal, with 100M speed pack, mobile and international calls included.

        • That was good deal, it appears there are no speed packs associated with cable from my reading, they all appear to be related to NBN. I am keen to get this deal though want to make sure of getting good speed, can anyone speak from experience on this?

        • +1

          @tho760: cable speed is good. I have th 100mb speed free upgrade. No dropouts.
          Took advantage of the deal posted here on ozbargain earlier this year. Unlimited all oz calls inc mobile. Fetch tv with ent pack. And free Netflix for 6 months. 2nd and 4th month free, with no installation fees. Plus they added another 6 months for loyal customers via redemption code only a few months into my plan. All for $90/m. This adsl deal is almost as good for ppl not in a cable area.

  • +2

    Lol, entertainment plans not offered in my location, so they want to charge me $115 for just the broadband and home phone…

    • I'm the same, stupid off-net :/

      • Saame :/

  • +17

    Beware! In my recent personal experience Optus tend to oversubscribe their network to breaking point, promising "exchange upgrades" to counter it with no actual timelines for the work to be done.

    My supposed ADSL2+ connection with them was lucky to yield 400kbps at peak times. The best that I ever managed was just under 2mbps. I am a long way from the exchange, but average close to 3mbps with my new provider - consistently.

    • +9

      can completely agree with this. I'm on 100mb cable and during peak hours it comes down to about 2mbps with 120 odd ms jitter.

      Optus keep making false promises with no real start date scheduled.

      • +3

        I swapped 2 months ago. Optus are never fixing their network.

        • Keen on completing your statement :) "Swapped to……"

        • +3

          I want Cable, so the only other option is Telstra :)

          And I get 35mbps on my 30mbps Telstra plan, compared to 2mbps on my 100mbps Optus plan..

      • Am on Optus Cable here and speedtest results over the last year have remained constant (68-75mbps) no matter the time of day.
        Never have a problem with the kid watching Netflix on one TV, Fetch on another TV and 2 computers both playing online games while uTorrent happily updates my errr Linux collection.

        It really does depend on your area I guess.

      • +1

        Yeah I have the same problem with Optus 100 mbps cable, 90% of the time it runs at around 90mbps, but at 4-6pm it drops down to 10mbps.

    • +4

      Agree, after 15 years with Optus I had to swap over to Tel$tra due to congestion which Optus promises to fix but never delivers. Finally, after raising it with the TIO I was released from contract. Darn shame, as at $90 it was a great package.

      • -1

        Optus will no doubt improve after TPG customers are moved to the Vodaphone network .

        • +3

          Mate… TPG mobile customers moving to Vodafone will not do bugger all to improve anything on Optus, let alone help Optus ADSL or Cable issues.

    • I wish people would be clear about whether they are talking bps or Bps… In this case I am assuming that the poster is actually talking about Bps.l

    • Mine is very unreliable, The worst ADSL 2 ever, my Latency around 1500ms, Jitter N/A. Their technical support tread you as a fool.

  • Is there a reason why Optus can offer the bundled broadband at other addresses in my street but not my address? Wouldn't we all be around the same distance from any exchange etc. Does it depend on whether you've had a line connection registered at the address in the past? I can get Optus DSL but can't get 'entertainment plans'.

    • It's possible that they don't have any ports left in your area…

      • I can't get Telstra cable either. Will try and lodge a service request for them to manually check availability as the address is wrong on the lookup (tells me 50-54 when my address is 54). But if there are no ports left, there are no ports left.

    • Are you a unit? They don't normally connect townhouses/units. If your address shows as 50-54 maybe they think it's a unit complex.
      In saying that, I'm in a townhouse and just had cable connected to my place with optus.

      • If there are four or less apartments in the complex and my one is at ground level and it faces the street (with foxtel and other cables visible) then why won't they? Is it a policy of theirs? Maybe that's it, but it's still an incorrect address as 51 is across the road.

        Edit: Read this on a forum: "That makes it a multi-dwelling unit which is more accurately what they don't service and all the issues involved apply to you.
        It's not a "block of flats" issue. For a start you have all the Strata issues – for example, did you know that you while you may own/rent the paint on the walls, you don't own/rent anything beyond the surface of the wall, unless it's an internal wall that's entirely within the strata lot. Of course the rules are different in each state as well, but they're roughly the same."

        I wonder why I have been able to connect Foxtel and TPG tells me it's possible to connect? Will it make a difference getting express consent from strata, if it does why wouldn't Optus be able to make me a conditional offer (provided permissions are granted)? I don't live in a multi-storey high density block (it's more akin to four conjoined townhouses, all street facing athough they have 'unit numbers')

        • Yep, it's their policy. Had a chat to the tech the other day and he said it's because if you had all the units connected, it would likely cause a heap of congestion and therefore complaints, so as a rule they just don't do it.

          I got approval from BC to connect my place only and none of the other units.

          Explained it all to Optus and they said they looked at it on google maps and saw my place is street facing, the pole for the cable is right beside it (<10m) so they'd send a tech around to make sure there was nothing else wrong with it.

          Explained all this to the tech, he called the serviceability guys who told him if it was physically possible to connect it to do it.

        • @googlefart:

          So I should probably lodge a service request and explain to them my situation (as my place is street facing with the telegraph pole 6.74m, I have a laser distance measurer, from my bedroom windows with cables connected directly to the building)? I had no problem connecting other services and it isn't a large apartment block so maybe congestion wouldn't be as larger issue than if you had 10+ apartments in the one space (I can see then that being an issue).

        • @juzz0:

          Worst case: You ask and get knocked back.
          Best case: You end up on cable.

          I'd ask via facebook to save yourself a phone call. They reply pretty quick.

  • +15

    Dear Optus,

    Pls no

    Existing customers.

    • +13

      Great, another round of unlimited+6 months free Netflix. My 100Mbps cable 100-200KB/s cable is congested enough. Thanks Obama!

  • Ripjob

    u can get unlimited net with TPG for $60 a month

    • +3

      Only if you're near a TPG Dslam.

    • It's $40 a month for unlimited with ClubTelco.

      • Yeah but thats with phone line separate, and a freakin $80 yearly membership fee. I'm still on it myself but its nowhere near as good a deal as it used to be. Might be time for greener pastures… if i can find them!

    • +1

      TPG is the last choice to me, had very bad experience, they have no customer service.

  • Called up Optus and the operator told me the Entertainment Plans aren't being launched until the 15th, but when they do I would be eligible and they could switch me over. Seems strange as the premises I am in is only eligible for DSL with them.

    • if youre confused because you think you need to be on optus cable to get the entertainment plans - their entertainment plans run over ADSL2+ too.

      • It sounded like the plans will only be launched on the 15th for everybody yet they are on the site now. I'm thinking they are available on DSL networks as well but speed limit is 8mps real-time substantially less.

        • Yeah I doubt the fetchTV experience would be all that great on all but the fastest ADSL2+ plans…

  • tried with NBN, my speed options are

    25/5 which is the base or MAX which is 100/40 for $30! what happened to the speeds in between? $30 to bump up my speed a bit kills this deal for me. Would pay 10-15 for 50/20.

  • Does it include line rental?

    • Yes

    • -1

      Yes and 13, 1300 numbers are all included, not like my Telstra plan where these calls cost extra.

      • +2

        or not - check out… where it says they are 35¢ each…

        • -1

          Sorry, I should have read the information before making that comment. I just assumed they would have been included because they are included in the $90 unlimited cable bundle. This indeed is a step backwards.

  • +1

    Is this real unlimited or the usual Optus 'unlimited' where speed is dropped after a certain amount of downloads? (That is aside from the usual congestion-related speed issues)

    • +2

      My optus TV box stop play every 2 minutes, just waste of money, should not buy the package.

  • Optus hasnt done the 'Unlimited' style in many years now? Well from my knowledge anyway i think this was taken to court as i haven't seen it in a very long time really.

    As the above posts have mentioned Optus Cable is slow during peak times, internationally its pretty much a crawl.. If you want super-fast internet go Telstra if your not to fussed on speed and happy to download overnight if its large or wait an hour or 2 then Optus is pretty good.

    Long time customer and you kind of learn to download something you want the moment you get home from work to be able to watch it that evening.

    • I guess it depends on your area and what you're downloading.

      My connection happily streams Netflix to one device, Fetch on the TV, 2 computers playing online games in the US and updating my "linux" collection without anyone suffering lag or high pings or buffering issues.

      for my $90 a month with unlimited cable, speed pack, FETCH with entertainment bundle, unlimited calls to Australia (land & mobile) unlimited overseas calls to select countries (mobile and land line)… more than happy considering the rubbish ADSL2 connections I used to get here!

  • Crap speed !!

  • Interesting to hear that Optus is so slow? I'm with Telstra atm and haven't had any major issues, that's crazy that an ISP has rates that slow in Australia 2015. Especially if you're paying $90 a month, may as well get on the 4G.

    • It depends where you are. Some areas are more congested than others. Luck of the draw really. I'm on Optus 30/2 unlimited cable plan and I've been running speed tests at random times and lowest I've seen it drop so far was 25mbps.

  • +1

    I read "phone" and understood mobile. was looking for the mobile inclusions before I realised they mean a landline. what is this, 1995?

    • -1

      Optus's target market is women & old people.

  • +2

    This is not a deal. I got the same package, a couple of months ago, with 100mbps cable for $90 a month. This is regular pricing.

    • -2

      You mean this deal? Which is expired?

      Plus cable =/ ADSL

      • +10

        Yes, cable is better than ADSL, but the pricing is the same at Optus. Anyway, this does not detract from the fact that this is not a bargain, it is Optus' regular pricing. It certainly doesn't require my comment to be down voted.

        • +1

          The 6-Months Netflix part of this deal is not part of their regular offer. But I agree that the $95 plan mentioned in the title is regular pricing.

        • +1

          @guidedlight: Actually, I also got the 6 months free netflix on the previous pricing. It's just marketing, this is the regular Optus deal.

  • Would be great if this included coverage of the English Premier League (football).

  • +5

    it would be good if you can use the cable/adsl service during peak time, i'm only getting 3mbps with huge packet loss. so basically its unusable. and they are not going to fix it

  • Not available Cranbourne North, any suggestions mates

    • +8

      Move to a better suburb?

      • Define better

        • +7

          Any suburb that isn't Cranbourne?

        • @thorton82: improve on or surpass

        • @raj76: Surpass, as in what every other suburb in Melbourne does when compared to Cranbourne?

  • +11

    Even includes international congestion and dismal speeds!

  • +1

    Currently on Optus ADSL 2+ and the speed is horrific when it hits around 3.30pm till about midnight. Definitely overselling their capabilities. This is on the gold coast…and there's massive threads on it elsewhere.

    Good luck trying to watch your unlimited fetch haha

  • +5

    I am amazed Optus is spending money on marketing to attract new customers even though their crappy network can't even handle its existing customers.
    My 100mbps cable slows to around 2mbps during peak hour. Made numerous complaints to Optus, always the same answer: upgrades are underway with no guaranteed timeline. It has been 4 months now.

    I do call them once a month to complain, each time I call they take $20 off the bill for that month.

    • +1

      complaints have been going for ages. There's a whirlpool thread that dates back years and years and is still going. I have been adding $3 data packs to use 2GB in one day on vodafone because my ADSL is that bad (like it is right now). It's worse at these times than if it's throttled!

    • +1

      I get $30 :) push them a bit harder mate

      • I've never been given any credit :(

        They always reboot my modem then say wait ten mins and try again. If I call them back they offer to send out a tech the following week. I give up by then :(

  • Was this plan $90 before 1st of July?

    Anyway, I am with TPG now.

  • Is the 6month netflix option the Basic, Standard, or Premium package? And if so did anyone find a way to get onto the Premium option for free or something?

    • +1

      PLAN DETAILS 2 Screens + HD

  • +2

    Heavy congestion started a year ago when they drastically started dropping prices. Glad I switched to telstra. I don't expect alot of network upgrades from optus with NBN upcoming

    • +2

      yes sad to say I used to love them and sing their praises. After so many years I feel like I need therapy for the last 6 months!!

    • Lucky you had Telstra cable available in your area!

  • I swapped to optus cable on the 90/m 100mbit+phone+fetchtv thingie a while back. FAR better than the ADSL connection I had before it. Min speeds I see (when I used to bother testing it) are 30mbit down, but have seen 100mbit down plenty of times. Upload speeds are crappy @ best 1.5Mbit.

    • I have 30mbps on my cable with them as well so no complain. Is it just the basic fetchTV bundle? I am paying 75$ just for 30mbps and unlimited landline

      • +1

        Nah, the full entertainment pack (I use the term full loosely, but that's what they call it).

  • Always read the comments on their facebook page before signing up!!

  • +1

    "125 setup fee will be refunded if ordered online"

    Pretty sneaky advertising with this- it says you get the 125 back if you get a 90 or 95 bundle.

    You can get the 90 and 95 bundles month to month… But you don't get the 125 back unless its on a 24 month plan.

  • I got the deal for $72 a month.
    I have my mobile phone with Optus, they rang me trying to pitch a deal and I kept stonewalling and stalling them, they gave $10/m off for having a mobile then another $140 credit if I remember correctly.

    Play hard-ball with them. They can do $82 a month no sweat and $72 at a push.

  • I get ~21MB ADSL2+ with my current ISP. Would people recommend going to cable and risking the congestion of my neighbors or stick with ADSL2 since I'm close to the exchange?

    • I'd stick with that if you get no problems…don't throw away a good thing…cherish that reliable internet!

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