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Belong - NBN 100GB at $45/Month for 12 Months


Belong - NBN 100GB at $45/Month for 12 Months.

NBN must be available in your area to get connection.

$1 dollar connection fee.

Belong is a subsidiary of Telstra.

Offer ends 22 December 2015. UPDATE: This offer has been renewed. Ends 30 June. New customers only.

When you sign up to Belong on the NBN plan you’ll receive a Sagemcom F@ST 4315 Wi-Fi Modem.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (296)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    NBN speed of 12Mbps for download…
    What kind of speed does that BELONG to?

    • +3

      You forgot to bold the word

    • $10 extra per month to increase speed to 25/5 or $25 extra to increase it to 100/40.

    • Only wish I could get that kind of speed!!!

      Alas NBN not yet available here in Melbournes South East, so stuck with 1.5Mpbs and paying $80/month. That does include line rental though.

      Maybe I should move to a remote Scottish community where 200Mpbs is the norm.

    • +1

      For people who are unable to access cable /too expensive it's great.
      There are many nbn plans that are great value for money. In fact 12/1 is a huge improvement to your average adsl2 speeds.

      • fact 12/1 is a huge improvement to your average adsl2 speeds.

        I was getting 20 on ADSL, then switched to cable and now getting 35

        • Must be close to exchange?

        • I was getting 2.8 on ADSL, and I think the average is somewhere around 8-9, so 12/1 NBN is still better on average.

          Luckily there's a VDSL2 network in Canberra so I get 52 now :)

        • @ferrarifreak:

          About 600-800 metres

        • I am with Optus Ultimate Cable plan (deal posted on Ozb).
          7AM will see the speed of over 90 Mbps, 7PM down to around 2Mbps. (Telstra would go down to around 40 Mbps peak hours)

          My area won't get NBN anytime soon thanks to the change of Fed Gov from Labour to Liberal.

          Can anyone with NBN please tell me if your speed goes down south with congestion at peak hours?

        • @hluu0111: everybodys speed is reduced during heavy congestion unless you mean within the australian network which is … limited…

          for example from 7-8 pm generally you would see a slower speed. for me personally i'd complain. 2mbps is unacceptable. BUT that being said if it is international data at 2mbps, thats kind of expected, it shouldnt be as drastic as what you are reporting though.

        • @elemindreda: You'd be surprised at how little impact complaining has. When I was on my 2.8mbps ADSL, they basically said "yeah, sorry, you're 4km from the exchange, deal with it". They are not going to magically roll out a faster network/etc when NBN is just around the corner (as in, within 5-10 years).

    • +1

      Speedtest results?

      • Take my word for it. I've had it for 4 years. lol
        I sometimes download at 14 MB/s on good days.


        • Ohh i believe you but i was curious as to what the real world results are as i'm just about to move into a place with NBN enabled.

        • +1

          That upload is disgustingly useless, in all honesty. At least downloads are fast..

        • @brezzo:

          I can't do my work at home, because I cannot upload it to the international servers.
          Decreases productivity and makes me sad face :(

        • +1

          @tendollar: Now that 100/1 doesn't sound so amazing, does it ;) I'd much prefer my 52/12 over 100/1 any day :P

          Either you're getting capped or it's like some hybrid weird technology in which upload is not able to be faster than 1 (such as ADSL2+, which is 24/1 max).

        • @brezzo:

          There's about 122Mbit-245Mbit available for upstream and 171-1029Mbit available for downstream on your local HFC under DOCSIS 3.0, depending on the number of upstream/downstream channels allocated on the network.
          That bandwidth will be shared amongst everyone on your local HFC network.
          Your ISP can configure your cable modem only permit up to a certain bandwidth usage for you.

          so basically its the ISPs who set these limits and dont care to offer any flexibility in plans. May haps there might be a reason for this beyond simple laxness on the part of the ISPs but from what i know it is very possible to have NBN speeds for upload and maintain cable download speeds.

          Another reason is that due to NBN purchasing all optus, Telstra cable networks, we basically have an infrastructure the isps no longer care enough to upgrade because its not theirs anymore.

          That being said we are being upgraded to docsis 3.1 by the NBN in Q1 2016 which will upgrade download and upload speeds i quoted above by close to 10x.

        • @elemindreda: It sounds like, if he's getting 100Mbps down, there isn't much wrong with the line/etc so he's definitely getting an artificial 1Mbps cap by his ISP.

          As you said though, a lot of it is changing soon with NBN anyway.

    • Unlimited cable? Which ISP is this? Thought only Telstra had cable… Or are you in ACT?

      • Optus. I've had it for over a year.

        • Crazy cheap.

    • Lol nbn still better then cable.

      • ON a cost-performance basis it's still shitty. Good work Liberal Government.

        • How so?
          right now im on 12/1 unlimited NBN for $59.99 but if i wanted i can make a call and get upgraded to 100/40 with unlimited local and national calls for $99.99
          or exetel 100/40 unlimited for $89

          I know alot of people that would dream to be able to have that upload.
          plus there also the fact that i am able to sign up to multiple companies and have more then one internet connection.
          then theres the very good ping which is great for gaming.

        • @holden93:

          The NBN is good for people in rural areas and who don't have access to high speed cable or ADSL2.
          If you look at how much it has cost, a 26 times faster upload speed is not worth it.
          They're still rolling out copper for god sake.

          Most of the affluent areas in Australia still don't have access to the NBN and they pay the most tax. If you look at how we rank compare to the rest of the world, you'll understand why and many others think this NBN is a load of garbage.

        • @tendollar:
          Compared to what very large country with a very small population?

        • +1


          Doesn't matter. We're stuck with this vast land and the world is not going to wait for us to catch up. If we want to bring about a more advanced economy and technology sector, then we need to invest into the latest infrastructure.

        • @tendollar: You do know the 100/40 was just the starting speeds and NBN was capable of much faster speeds right?

          thats why im pissed they scrapped it and are now rolling out this FTTN and HFC garbage.

        • @holden93:

          I am referring to Turnbull's version of the NBN, so yes I am aware of that.

        • @tendollar:im talking about proper NBN which this deal is about.

        • @holden93:

          Which is Turnbull's second rate NBN.

        • @tendollar:this deal is FTTP not FTTN

        • @holden93:

          Ah. I did not know that. I heard they offered FTTP, but never known anyone with that technology.

          So envious.

    • 100/40Mbps unlimited NBN with home phone here. Looks like you're getting ripped with that crap upload speed!

      • Yeah, it's pretty upsetting. I won't have the NBN for another 2 years (minimum), which also sucks. The densely populated areas of Australia seem to be getting the NBN last.

  • +3

    Not cheap at all, currently with Skymesh 25/5Mbit, 500GB anytime, $59.95/month.
    0$ connection fee 12 month contract

    • Is this plan still available? I couldn't find it on their website.

    • your plan does not exist on their website. https://www.skymesh.net.au/services/nbn/fibre/plans.php

      • +1

        Skymesh price match non unlimited plans. If you could price match exetel and get a similar deal…

      • Skymesh pricematch other ISP's.

        I used to be with Skymesh but moved house, now on Belong I pay $75 p/m 500gb 100/40 service has been great although I haven't had to contact tech support which is where ISP's usually earn their brownie points

    • Nice, did you contact the sales team to arrange it?

  • +1

    It's cheap, but forget about support if you have a problem. Half an hour minimum to speak to someone, and if it's not something first level can fix they'll need to call you back but never do. In terms of speed, I'm on the 100mbs speed pack but had terrible speeds for almost 2 months during peak times, thankfully they've upgraded the backhaul in QLD and now get around 90mbs or better consistently.

    • Surprisingly I've gotten through quite quick with Belong support.

      • Like anything YMMV, but I found the support difficult to get a hold of and very frustrating to deal with.

    • Dumped Belong because of support.
      They answer quickly, but so many times get told 'system is down/having problems'
      Screwed up my change of address. Complained a few times. Told someone would get back but never did.

    • So true about customer service!

  • This is a good deal for people that have minimal usage or need a backup connection. $45/month is the cheapest way to get connected to the NBN and for some the NBN is the only option.

  • +1

    Why are Belong advertising NBN in my area, telling us to phone etc, but NBN not available (in my area) for a few years yet.

    So whats happens when I phone? Whats the point?

    • +1

      Yeah 3 year wait for some of us, back to mobile…..

    • +1

      They're trying to get you to sign up before you see any other ISP's advertisements. Because you'd probably go with the other ISP.

      • Belong really suck. Their service and systems are so poorly, that you are guaranteed to be stuck in a circular argument within their system, and their IVR system, where you will languish for up to an hour, no troubles, before even speaking to someone who won't be able to help you, anyway.

  • +1

    I'm with Belong NBN - great service and speeds.
    Casual $55/month plan
    There's also a save $20 on your first month through using referral

    I started on the ADSL plan and rolled over to NBN when it was installed. No complaints here. Nothing but a positive experience.

    • Same here. I'm in Melbourne suburbs and have had no issues and speeds are really good! My first NBN experience, after waiting and checking for deals to show up (prices everywhere were sky high for the first 9 months after NBN was hooked up in our area!) and quite happy with it all. Mainly signed up because there was no lock in contract required and the price was right, for me.

  • Be very careful with Belong. Connected to their NBN service for FTTB/FTTN and they cap you at 25/5. Many others on Whirlpool with the same problems. I suppose they'll be a bit better with FTTP. This is in Sydney City too.

    During provisioning I had a total of 2 weeks downtime. They assigned my IP to 3 different accounts by mistake and had to re-provision my service. It was the most painful ISP experience I've ever had. Switched over to Telstra, paying a little more but getting the full 100/40 speed, free landline and great service. No downtime at all during connection.

    • +2

      Telstra, paying a little more

      just had a look at both belong and telstra for 500GB plan, $60 vs $95.
      did you have special discount?

      • With the 25/5 speed boost Belong wanted $65 for 500GB. For our building we had a Telstra salesperson who offered $85 for 100/40. I've gladly paid the additional $20 for faster speeds and much better service. Belong are a massive pain to deal with. Would not recommend them at all. It also didn't make sense that they would software cap you at 25/5 when Telstra or Optus can offer you the full speed. Obviously a reseller limitation.

  • Belong are shit. They screw you around so much. I had to lodge a complaint about the fact that they left me unconnected for 4 weeks after transferring from one premises to the other. The average wait time for along in is about 45-60 mins. Once I would finally get through, they blamed NBN. I had to call in so many times over the 4 weeks, that I logged over 20 hours on the phone. I can't possibly cover all of this issues here, but suffice to say, they had deactivated the new service and reactivated the old service, and not one of them could find the prob in customer service. ALWAYS GO THROUGH TO TECH SUPPORT IF YOU HAVE NO LUCK WITH A FEW CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS!!!! TS sorted it out so fast ( after 5 nBN appointments, 2 which were no shows). It's so frustrating. They give you nothing to say sorry that they then don't bill you for anyway. Eg, they offered me 2 months free as then billed me for them anyway. Then I call, then it happens again. Nightmare to deal with.

    • This.

      On top of all my problems with them, once I transferred to Telstra they expected me to call them to cancel before month end otherwise they would've charged me for another full month. Even though they could clearly see I'm not using any of their services or no usage was being allocated to my account.

  • I have moved to TPG Wondercom FTTB service.

    The speed test (wifi @speedtest.net/ookla) results are as below. Please help me understand if this is good,bad or ugly as compared to others?

    Download speed: 41.75mbps
    Upload: 38.34 mbps


    Line Speed: 42.30 Mbps (42,303 kbps)

    Your Download Speed 5.29 MB/s (5,288 KB/s)

    • Those numbers are pretty damn good!

    • If that's what you are on than you are one lucky bugger! :)


      You do have a lock-in contract but as long as you don't have plans to move from your current building, this deal really can't be beaten

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