Has anyone got their click and collect $100/$50 voucher yet? Are they due to be in our accounts on 1/11?
eBay Click and Collect Voucher

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Yep that worked thanks.
How do you check this? Do you actually have to put something in your cart and go to the payment page?
Never mind, I found it in the summary section of my account (under the "voucher" tab)
I didn't get mine, but this worked, so thank you!
Yes got it this morning at 10:01am.
no i haven't gotten any email or ebay messages.
edit: nevermind i was looking in the wrong Gmail section it was in promotions not primary.
I still haven't gotten mine yet (no emails or messages). I bought my item at 7.55am AEDT not AEST so I hope I got in on the deal!
Edit: Found mine in the summary section of my account under the voucher tab.
If you hover your mouse over My Ebay in the top right hand corner a little menu appears and any voucher codes are on the bottom :)
Seems this appears on a personal account but not on a business account?
A safer route seems to be:
1. Open http://www.ebay.com.au/myb/Summary
2. Scroll to the bottom.You should see a 'Vouchers' tab at the bottom with any vouchers your account has to redeem.
I still haven't gotten mine yet and looks like I am going to have to fight for it.
When I picked up my item the scanner wasn't working correctly so, long story short, despite going back to the store the following day asking them to process it correctly, speaking to and emailing ebay click & collect customer service I continue to receive "your item is ready to collect" emails and no voucher. Just sent another email but I think this is going to be painful and drawn out.
Are there any ebay reps on here that can help?I didn't get mine either, and I also kept getting the "your item is ready to collect" emails. Regardless, I tried the code from Teleman123 (CYOUR100 or CYOUR50) and it worked for me. Good luck.
Well, not so painful after all. Had a reply to my email this morning and the voucher has now appeared, thanks ebay.
Yeah, I also got mine, funny thing is I only paid $70 for the SSD using previous $50 voucher, so eBay actually calculate the >$100 requirement based on item's original price.
Can anyone help me in my case. I purchased two items over 100$ one is ready for collection. For the other order, I got the email from seller that the item is out of stock and if you can wait till 9th november for it to come back in stock and they are sending a complimentary gift. Just wondering will i still get my voucher from ebay. Is ebay also tracking that we collect the item to become eligible for the voucher. I dont know if he is going to deliver it or can i still collect it from bigw on 9th november. Please help required ozbargainers.
I initiated a return through eBay last week because one of the items I received was faulty, but I have already gotten my $100 voucher.
Thanks, will give it a try.
What about a case of buying something at 11.30pm Queensland time? I suppose the regulations say by 11.59pm AEDT but of course living in Queensland it doesn't really cross our mind one way or the other… bummer… if anyone thinks it is worth pursuing which contact should I try.. ebay help or paypal help? Thanks everyone. :(
I would say at least give it a try and talk/chat with ebay.
it doesn't really cross our mind one way or the other
it crossed my qld mind. consciously purchased something at 10.45pm qld time. didn't purchase something else at 11.05. Try to learn from your mistake. Pay attention next time.
ok, ok. stating my case with ebay didn't seem to work either fir those in the same boat. They can have whatever fine print they want of course but it would be great if it extended to 11.59pm accross the country…
does anyone know if we can use this voucher along with any upcoming promotion like click15 or similar? I'm wanting to buy LG G4 and would like to know if i should just buy it from QD_AU seller on ebay or wait for the next promotion. thanks!
I highly doubt you can. CLICK15 is a voucher code and this ebay voucher requires you to enter a code as well. Ebay doesnt allow you to add multiple vouchers for one transaction.
(Unless someone thinks I am wrong here.)
i thought the same but always better to check :) thank you!
I can confirm mine from my ebay account. Got it yesterday morning
I had to leave feedback on the purchase before I saw the voucher
I just purchased a product end of november with my credit, it just got refunded today (seller ran out of stock). What does that mean with the credit since the credit was meant to expire beginning of december?
You don't get your credit back.
I think they are: