This was posted 9 years 4 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Voss 800ml Still Water $3.49 at Woolworths (NSW/WA/VIC)


Everyone's favourite expensive bottle (of water) is on sale at Woolworths for $3.49. Spotted the deal in store at Town Hall Woolworths and is available online as well.

Enjoy the fancy water/bottle.

Showing as $4.35 in SA, $4.05 in QLD. Appears to vary by states (confirmed $3.49 in NSW/QLD/VIC thus far).

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closed Comments

  • +18

    These are great just for the glass bottle !!

    The bottle is worth it and reusable .

    Water tastes better out of glass

    • -8

      Water tastes better out of glass

      Ladidah EC

      • +1

        House wine/beer is $2.50 with meal specials at ladida.

    • The price went up it's $4.05 now.

      • Nope. Still $3.49

        • What's your trick? or is the website inaccurate?

          Save $1.00 $4.05
          Was $5.05

        • @malouphix:

          Voss Still Water
          Save $1.00 $3.49
          Was $4.49

        • @easternculture: Lucky you. They are charging me more.

        • +1


          The deal seems to be save $1 on whatever the original price is, which varies depending on location.
          i.e. $3.49 in NSW, $4.05 in QLD and $4.35 in SA…

    • +2

      I dilute this with tap water to make it last longer, a trick I learnt from people who drink Mt Franklin stuff.

  • +23

    buying the bottle, come with free water

  • +6

    Use these are reusable water bottle for work

    • +2

      Just like everyone else at work :)

  • +1

    Or you could buy a reusable water bottle…

    Is the lid very durable…

    • +2

      Have this at work for over a year, lid is durable, its plastic but quality plastic.
      Question is whether you buy this or just buy a Camelbak bottle

      • This is cheaper.

        • +1

          (some/all?) Camelbaks are condensation proof tho, it won't 'sweat' when its filled with cold water. No more water spots on your desk!

        • @payton: Tea towel wrap?
          I bought mine from Habib Towels and Doilies.

        • +2

          @malouphix: would still be a hassle. or i'm just lazy…

        • @Micoa: I don't drink cold water, so it's no hassle. :)

        • +1

          @malouphix: for people who do though, on hot summer's day

        • @Micoa: True

        • +2

          or fit a stubbie holder at the base lol

        • @payton: Smart man.

        • +1


          Your post is 7th on google when searching 'Habib Towels and Doilies'

        • +2

          @cheesecactus: Yeah baby, trying to get to number one!

          Habib Towels and Doilies for all your Habib Towels and Doilies made by Habib of Habib Towels and Doilies.

          Who doesn't love a towel or doily from Habib Towels and Doilies.

          I love me a good towel from Habib Towels and Doilies.

        • +1


          ITS WORKING!

          Number 6 now for Habib Towels and Doilies

          I too prefer my Towels and Doilies from Habibs Towels and Doilies

        • +1

          @cheesecactus: Haha number 1 now!
          For Habib Towels and Doilies.

        • +1


          We did it guys! self-five

        • @cheesecactus: Air-five!

  • +6

    One of the details that Voss loves to harp on is how it springs majestically up from the earth via an artesian source: It rises naturally from a natural confined, underground aquifer and is naturally filtered, free of contact with the air or other pollutants, naturally. However, the documentary A Drop of Luxury, produced by Norwegian channel TV2, disputed Voss’s claims. After consulting with leading hydrogeologists, who said that Voss’s supply couldn’t possibly be artesian, they suggested that Voss water is identical to the municipal water supply, with which those lucky devils of Iveland are purifying their bits and bobs daily. The Voss overlords were a tad miffed and released a statement denying the allegations. Regardless, whether it's artesian or filling Norwegian baths, glamorizing the hefty markup of drinking water is a murky hustle.

    Taken from Voss Water is Bullshit

    • +6

      Yeah, but im buying it for the glass bottle, to put tap water in anyway

      • He has things to say about the bottle, too!

      • +1

        In many ways that's worse as it's effectively a '+1' to the image of VOSS.

        Personally I prefer function over form, so something that is insulated and keeps the drink cold/hot makes more sense.

    • The bottle is natural too!

    • Wouldn't it be funny if they did an actual trace and found the water came from a broken water pipe left running for the past 10 years.

    • Can confirm, am from Norway. This water is nothing out of the ordinary.

  • +2

    I've seen people use these as tea pot if that helps anyone …

    • +1

      Sounds like an interesting way to use a voss bottle but wouldn't the hot tea be bad for the plastic cap..?

      • +1

        Ice cold tea not boilling water.

    • does it survive boiling water?

  • +2

    I use these for storing cold brewed tea in the summer. Works quite well. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      What tea may I ask?

      • +1

        I usually do green tea. I'm not a huge fan of the taste when brewed hot but a couple of tea bags in one of these in the fridge is pretty awesome.

      • +4

        Rooibos+vanilla is quite nice. But green tea is great too. Nearly all tea works as cold brewing retains their sweetness as less tannins get through.

        Just full the bottle up with water, pop in a tea bag or two and close it with the string hanging out so it doesn't fall all the way in. You can add simple syrup or herbs and lemon etc for extra flavour.

        • Trying this right now.
          How long do you infuse it for?

        • @mmd: Overnight is good. As long as you want really (max 12 hours).

  • I wouldn't get this as in the end it's still water you are paying for.

    • +8

      no, you are paying for the bottle!

      • +1

        No no guys I said it's 'still' water. Can't you guys take a joke…

        • +1

          Only if it's a good one ;)

        • @blighst:

          Jv might as well shoe me out…

  • +4
    • +1

      thank you for giving me a weekend project!

      • Enjoy your cold-brew project. I didn't use enough coffee the first time I did this but I could taste the potential and if you stuff it up in this bottle then there's less wastage.

    • thanks for the idea, I will give it a try.

  • +2

    I buy it for the bottle…… to use as a rolling pin.

  • +1

    The smaller one is $2. Water tastes just like filtered.

    • You buy it for the water?

      • +1

        theres water with this bottle?

    • $2 at woolies?

  • +1

    Woollies will sell out now. Went for the $2 USB and all I got was this bottle of water.

  • +2

    Not nationwide? Showing as $4.35 ("save $1.00") here in SA.

  • +1
  • +7

    I only bath in Voss. Thanks op bought a pallet worth.

    • lol .. and i rinse my mouth in bleach .. any deals for a pallet worth

  • I wonder if Voss could sell the bottle without water in it?

    • Great! First it was a packet of air. Now a bottle of air!

  • +2

    Everyone in my corporate office environment uses these bottles water jugs for their desk. It was like someone did it once then 90% copied it so now everyone just looks like a drone. I bought in a bottle from home that I had for ages and got ridiculed for it, huh?

    Kinda reminds me of how everyone has those country road duffle bags as their gym bags these days. Wonder when a deal is going to appear on OZB for those!

    • Everyone in my corporate office environment uses these bottles water jugs for their desk.
      now everyone just looks like a drone.
      corporate office environment

      Y'all working in a corporate office environment. They already became drones long before Voss entered the picture. 'Course, the wanky Voss water doesn't help. Drones gonna drone I guess.

  • -2

    Scanned for full price at Ashfield NSW. :(

    • +2

      Might be sparkling then.

  • how does water cost more than wine here?

  • Petrol $1.10 a litre. What would aliens think? We are not very evolved after all.

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