What a deal for a 256GB Flash Drive. Cheaper than an SSD with actual speeds of Read ~ 200 MB/s & Write > 100 MB/s
Remember to choose amazon as seller from far right side
What a deal for a 256GB Flash Drive. Cheaper than an SSD with actual speeds of Read ~ 200 MB/s & Write > 100 MB/s
Remember to choose amazon as seller from far right side
works for sydney
Choose amazon as seller from far right side
I have. Amazon are the only one selling it for that price.
Also tried my parents address as I have sent stuff there before from Amazon, not available either. Doubtful it's available in Sydney but not to WA.
probably. Only $5 shipping to Sydney
seller ??
Choose amazon as seller from far right side
thanks mate
Far right? I couldn't find it. Can you take a print screen, please? Thanks
Updated: There is no other sellers carrying this product at the moment. I can only see sold by "Stellatechs, Inc."
Just wondering if it is worth getting 3 to quality for 15% off using amex to pay for it
Order Summary
Items (3): $134.40
Shipping & handling: $5.17
AMEX Promotion: -$20.16
Total before tax: $119.41
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
Order total: $119.41
it's worth it if you actually have use for them. lol
On the right, under 'Other Sellers' is another seller of the same product 'Amazon.com'
I just bought one for ~US$45 + ~US$5 for delivery to Perth.
(Bad) Screenshot:
As posted, Works out to be ~AU$70 delivered.
Thanks, got a few more.
Warning! These are very slow on retina macbook pros!
If it had an Apple logo on it it would be faster. In fact, perfect and the problem would be elsewhere.
iPNY or PNY iTurbo
got myself 2TB worth …
transferring your porn library?
Can't post to Beenleigh qld.
Put postcode as 4000 (Brisbane)
The Australia post sorting centre will correct the postcode on the package
Do you work at Australia Post?
Nope. But ive done it before.
They correct the postcode. Great way to buy stuff that doesn't deliver to your postcode or get cheaper shipping rates lol
remember people, there's controversy of these drives having slower speeds than advertised.
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/211574#comment-3055212 (and other comments in the thread)
According to one user on Amazon who seems quite knowledgeable,
"I get about 33MB/s for writing and 67MB/s for reading, using Windows' file explorer. It's much slower than the advertised, but still fast enough for me. I bought a Kingston DTHX30 as well, which goes to over 200MB/s reading and 130MB/s writing. That's fast! But I payed 3 times more for that, so it all comes to how much you want to pay."
There are other crystalmark benchmarks posted, but it's hard to get the data from photos.
It's worth spending the time to check before you rush in and buy. If that compaurison is true, this drive is cheap but slow. You'd notice the performance with big files commonly stored on a 256gb drive.
cannot see this price any more! is this discount gone?
It was price error. Good luck.
Yeah I also think it was a price error, very rare for Amazon.
They'll probably honor smaller orders, but OP's 2TB may be pushing it.
@ CH
Amazon are very good at honoring price errors.
Yeh i know. Like the Logitech Headset i posted a few weeks before.
They did honor the price errors though.
Did you buy eight headsets though?
Hope you get your 2TB, I only ordered three as I thought they might cancel larger orders.
Did you buy eight headsets though?
nope. Max was 3 per customer
Thats my point, you obviously didn't buy eight headsets so you can't be sure they'll honor an order of eight USB's, its logical for them to honor small orders for pricing errors, good-will only goes so far.
It hasn't been confirmed its a price error. Amazon usually drop prices on products every now and then. So it just might be genuine.
No one has reported yet it was an error
I once ordered more than 20 bluray on amazon for $1 each, and Amazon honoured the deal!
What do people use these for, can't you just use an external portable harddrive which are alot cheaper
portability. Put it on your key chain . Also if theoretical speeds are right, it would be as fast as 1st generation SSD's which are still faster than traditional hard drives
Why would you need to carry 256gb would you need to carry everywhere with you?
To copy large files onto large files onto.
Flash drive is just easier. You pay for convenience.
Shame it is gone
Will be interesting to see how all these 256GB PNYs work out — there are lots of very negative reviews on amazon.com including mine. The silver-grey version of this is VERY plastic and lightweight but seemed OK until it completely died after a couple of months — not recognised by any device now.
Yeah I've had one die on me, but Amazon refunded me for two and told me to keep the still-working one.
Two others still going strong after twelve months.
Thanks for this - I will give them a yell - why not???
Apparently it has to die within six weeks:
PNY Turbo 256GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive - P-FD256TBOP-GE
Sold by: Amazon Export Sales LLC
Shipped: Feb 16, 2015
Quantity: 1
This item is no longer eligible for return.
The return window closed on Apr 2, 2015.
Or is there some other way to yell at them since this is not a return so much as a defective product?
@pbrownlee: Yeah I got that too, mine was six months old, but send them an email and they should sort you out.
@pbrownlee: Actually PNY says they offer 12 month warranty so I might yell at them too — https://www.pny.com/turbo-3-0-usb-flash-drive?sku=P-FD256TBO…
Anyone had their drive ship out yet?
Still says shipping expected late November
My three shipped today, in two packages.
mine shipped too, 2 packages
Arrived today (Sydney)
Was upgraded to DHL Express.
same :)