Anyone bought SIM card from Travel Sims Direct to Japan?

Hi guys,

I bought the SIM card from Travel Sims Direct for Docomo and I'm currently having problem downloading the APN from the website link they gave in the instruction. Can anyone let me know if they are successful in downloading th APN? If yes, what's the website link to download th APN from? We tried visiting the website here from Japan and its in Chinese. So it looks like I got the website incorrect.

I've emailed them last night and they haven't replied yet. I am aware it's only been a few hours but we are already in Japan and i thought I would ask the OzB community if it will expedite solving my issues.

Thanks in advance.

Edit. Here is the url I have.

Related Stores

Travel Sims Direct
Travel Sims Direct


  • +2

    Nearly bought one until I realised they're cheaper to buy at the airport in Japan!

    • I didn't know we can buy one at the airport :( if I knew, we would've bought one.
      Thanks for this though. Awesome for future reference.

  • Try to work out if they're rebranded cards then you can use the APN from a different provider. Eg. I purchased a 2.2GB/30 Day card here in Australia that was called Yokoksim, it was basically just a rebranded So-Net card and you could use their APN with it. You'd have to have good knowledge of what plans are out though to see if they match your card.

    Sorry that I'm not of much help OP but have fun in Japan! I'm super jealous.

    • Thanks for the reply. I still didn't get the APN to work but they have replied to my email so hopefully we can sort it out soon.

      Japan isn't as fun as I expected. I enjoyed coming here on our honeymoon but now that we are back with a three year old, I find it to be too restrictive eg no talking in the train, lack of pram access to train station etc. hopefully we'll find things that are kids friendly soon.

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