This was posted 9 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Xbox One 1TB Console and Halo Master Chief Game $374.25 Delivered @ Target eBay


Bundle includes: Xbox One 1TB console, wireless controller and Halo Master Chief Collection Xbox One Game.

SOLD OUT $418.50 Bundle Includes: custom Xbox One 1TB console with wireless controller and headset - containing a full game pre-download of Halo 5: Guardians (available to play on October 27th), Warzone REQ Bundle FOTUS-class armour and multiplayer emblem. SOLD OUT

SOLD OUT Xbox One 1TB Halo Master Chief Console & EA Vault Voucher Bundle $374.25 Bundle includes: Xbox One 1TB console for storing games and media, a wireless controller with a 3.5mm headset jack and Halo: The Master Chief Collection - the definitive Halo experience on Xbox One, plus an EA Access 12 month subscription.

Original coupon post here:

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • phoooar you're kidding me!! no way not now not after I just bought a bundle!!! fml
    (thanks op)

  • +2

    Ohhh man this is gonna kill a lot of people who just got theirs.

    • Got a used for 350 :/

  • Fxxx! I just bought mine!!!

  • F*** me dead.i bought it a week ago for $599 from Ebgames with a free copy of FallOut 4.

    i guess it's not free after all.

  • Thanks just bought!

  • +1

    I don't have an XBOX or a PS4 and normally just PC game but this is oh so tempting. Must resist… I keep telling myself "Save your money for black Friday, save your money for black Friday, build a new skylake PC or the new XPS 15 looks good for a lappy"

    • New XPS15 and then pray a Thunderbolt3 eGPU comes out and you'll get desktop and laptop in one, that was my goal originally.

    • Australia has no Black Friday Sales. Nor Boxing Day Sales. There have been no good deals in 'scheduled sales' for the past 4 years. Pick up at times like now.

    • Had same dilema skylake or xbox,xbox won. My i5 pc will be ok

  • Well bought the $429 bundle with discount just before I saw on ozbargain.. was planning to sell off FIFA as i don't play that.. now kinda feel like I should have gone up to the MC bundle or this one for the diffreence.. le sigh

  • Great price! I've been thinking about getting new console of the 3 out at the moment. This might just persuade me.

  • +4

    Im not even in the market for a console but this deal is actually tempting me haha

  • Selling quick!!! I just bought one, 88% sold already…

  • +1

    Out of stock :(

    • +1

      There's one more left. Gone

      Wait for Halo 5 to go up then buy Halo MCC with EA Access for $425.

      • Yeh that's the plan. I snapped up the MCC with a halo controller for now and hopefully get online in time when halo 5 goes up!

        • Grabbed the mcc 1tb set for $375 should have got 2nd controller.

          Might order halo5 and controller so free postage and 25% off they have halo5 disc on sale.

  • Darn. =P

  • Hahaha well that didn't last long. Literally 6 minutes ago at 10:40am AEST there were 17 left.

  • Sold out

  • out of stock now.

  • 49 units only!

  • The one that's linked now is just the regular 1TB Xbox One, with Halo Master Chief Collection & the EA Vault voucher.

  • Sorry. I'm new to this. What is the EA vault voucher ? Is it still a good deal ?
    Also 500gb + Fifa +EAAccess. $429 - 25%
    Which is better ?

    • Comes down to your personal needs. Would you have more fun playing FIFA or Halo? Do you need an extra 500GB of storage? EA Vault voucher includes 12 months access to selected EA games for free (eg Titanfall, Battlefield Hardline, Plants Vs Zombies) and you can also play some games early.

      • The other one has 'EA Access', what's the difference between that and 'EA Vault Voucher'?

  • Back in stock.

  • The replacement bundle seems lackluster after seeing what I just missed out on… :(

  • got one - didnt need one :)

    • I missed out - let me know if you change your mind.

  • got one! i finally caved, been holding out for ages. Looking forward having it in my hands. where can i find a cheap Kinect sensor?

  • Out of stock, damn.

  • Thanks OP , Got one ..

  • Thanks OP - Finally hit the go button on this - too good a price to pass up. Got one in the nick of time too

  • +4

    It's still available on this link for the same price but without the EA Vault Voucher:…

    • Thanks updated

      • +1

        But it is not the Halo Console, Standard XBone with the game.

        • Hard to tell the difference except colour so id rather keep the money

        • +2

          I prefer the look of the standard console anyway

  • love how this post has evolved! thanks op

  • Thanks OP. I've was waiting for a good price on one of these and looking forward to the new features they are implementing in the soon to be released update.

  • Dohhh no halo5 left at 25% off or they just pullled listing…..must be lots buying controller and halo to get free postage and discount

  • +1

    Must…resist….. bought one.

  • I think eb games and jb hi fi need to look at price matching when it's people like target HN etc doing these sorts of deals or they will miss out big time, and delivery if you can't be get to store and free delivery if over $100

  • +1

    Did anyone else see that someone bought 7 of the Limited Edition Halo Consoles in the purchase history… That's 1/7th of the whole stock, and I bet he'll pop them back up on eBay in a couple months for $800 when no ones selling them anymore… Damn entrepreneurs.

    • by then those who wanted halo have bought it, and then the limited edition is just another console. with so few shopping days till Christmas target did wisely to get in first.

    • The guy who bought 7 with 5893 feedback (currently) is already trying to resell on eBay for $619.95…

  • I think eb games and jb hi fi need to look at price matching when it's people like target HN etc doing these sorts of deals or they will miss out big time, and delivery if you can't be get to store and free delivery if over $100

  • +1

    so many new halo consoles on ebay now lol

  • Can I stream Xbox 1 games on Windows 10 without the broadband internet? Could Xbox 1 create own wireless so that I can play the game on Windows 10 computer?

    PS* I don't have TV and only have limited data on mobile phone.

  • When I bought the xbox one I noticed that the corner of the panel by the disc drive is loose is this bad is my xbox broken will it cause damage ? Does anyone else have this problem?

  • Well called target as should have arrived and have no shipping email…….answer was hasnt been sent waiting for stock replenishment……..

  • These apparently won't be shipped until next Friday - just spoke to them

    • THanks for the info.

  • +1

    ok, so that said last week would ship late this week …… still no update …….. and I also rang them yesterday (thursday), and they read me back my email saying will ship late next week ……..

    They couldn't confirm when they will have stock and said they don't have access to warehouse inventory.

    Their stores don't show this bundle anymore …… and now the 1TB is part of a new bundle….. makes sense now that Halo 5 is out …. demand for master chief is probably dropping

    I'm getting a strange feeling the bundle they sold has finished, and knowing how systems work, without manual intervention who knows if they will ever ship as their computer system waits for the same sku / bundle..

    Is it time to ask to speak to a supervisor , I think they might need to think about a substitute bundle if they can't confirm shipping dates.

  • +1

    I just received shipping confirmation for my MCC bundle then. I was starting to get concerned as that was a really long wait. I was beginning to wonder whether Target had pre-sold stock that they didn't have (and weren't likely to get). Hopefully it arrives before next weekend and without issue in time for a marathon Fallout 4 session :D

    • Yep, got my shipping confirmation too.

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