This was posted 9 years 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Final Unit Pipboy Edition $189.95 at EB Games


Available now (as of 1pm):

Xbox One link
PS4 link Sold out

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    And they'll be all gone in 2 minutes….

  • I wonder if there's even enough of them to get past the 10minimum in stock rule for ozbargain ;)

    • +1

      they have around 30 of them

      • What facebook group was this posted. Any links to this advertisement online. Thanks

      • How do you know they have 30 of them out of curiosity?

      • +2

        thank you SOOOOO much ZombieLover for this post. Had you not posted it i would not of being aware of it and not got 1 today. woo hoo!!!!
        Back when i missed out on the eb games first run preorders, i tried to get it from amazon india lol.
        high five buddy or lass
        Cheers :))))))

        • Agreed, I also was going to go to great lengths and this gave me a second chance :).

      • Thx ZombieLover for the post, enabled me to be able to get one, didn't think I would be quick enough and would miss out again. This post was the best, I'm interested about that initial picture that showed the link, was that sent only to level 4 customers? Thanks again

      • +1

        Hahaha around 30 of them for all of Australia? That's gonna work lol.

  • How much was it before?

    • -6

      same price but you can resell it for double the price or $500 if u can find a right buyer

      • So this is probably better as a forum post if there is no deal?

  • So is that midnight on Tuesday night or Wednesday night?

    • Look again..

        • +11

          I would take 12pm to mean midnight

          What? 12pm is midday. Always has been.

        • LOL.
          You're funny

    • The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language has a usage note on this topic: "By convention, 12 AM denotes midnight and 12 PM denotes noon. Because of the potential for confusion, it is advisable to use 12 noon and 12 midnight."

      • -5

        Yes I would use noon or midnight. Or (it were midnight) I would follow the convention of 11:59PM on the day it ends which is intended to avoid confusion.

        Logically twelve is at the end of the number sequence …10pm, 11pm, 12pm then reset to 1am, 2am, 3am. As such 12am for midnight isn't very logical. Conventions aren't necessarily logical though.

        Regardless the Pip Boy is cool :-)

        • +3

          Logically twelve is at the end of the number sequence …10pm, 11pm, 12pm then reset to 1am,

          So by your logic midnight is 12pm, with the subsequent minutes being 12:01pm, 12:02pm, 12:02pm…12:59pm then after that it becomes 1am? That makes even less sense.

          The start of am/pm would logically denote the start of something (each day for example). Would that mean the next day does not start until 1am and we've been doing NYE/NY celebrations an hour early?

        • @IceCreamBandit: Yes fair enough…I concede on the whole am/pm thing.

          Noon seems an odd time for an exclusive game launch nonetheless.

        • @myfeetarehappy:

          That's because this isn't the launch. This is a sale on the final units for the collectors edition. The game launches November 10th.

        • @myfeetarehappy: The whole point is that stock is so limited it doesn't matter what time they have it. The people who want it bad enough will make it happen, even if it means taking a day off work or asking another who's available to get it done.

        • @Dagmar: yep, and I think lunch works far far better. People with a desk job can order from work (possibly in a lunch break), students and other people can probably still access a of or use a phone. At least if you miss out, which is likely, you didn't stay up until midnight for nothing.

  • its not a bargain, but more a handy hint :), unless you compare the price against the people on gumtree and ebay selling them for over $1000

    • -6

      it's a bargain if u resell it to make money

      • Agree. This is a bargain because the only other units are overly priced and this is significantly less. ZombieLover's post has given people a second chance to get this that may have missed out the first time, so I would class that as a bargain, anyway could go back and forth all day on specific definitions, overall a positive post

  • +8

    I despise the people that buy these and resell to make a profit. As a collector, this really pisses me off.

    • -2

      Yeah I really want this as a collectible prop…won't have time to play the game unfortunately :-/

    • +1

      Yeah it is disappointing when you really want it and cherish it as a collector. Did you end up getting one of these for your collection?

      • Yep! The stars aligned; two uni classes were cancelled due to the last week and I was able to pick one up at 12:00:49.

        • +1

          Awesome. Congratulations. That is definitely a case of stars aligning. So as a collector are you the type of collector that likes to play and display or has a breakdown if the plastic seal breaks (I sometimes have trouble breaking seals on games if rare)

        • @paulransom81:

          Thanks man! 99% of the time my collections are just for display. I sometimes wear the Aiden Pearce mask and cap (Watch_Dogs) just to feel cool. Another 99% of my collections are unsealed with the exception of the very newly acquired Journal of Master Gnost-Dural. It came with the almost-complete The Old Republic: Collectors Edition which is very amazingly in mint condition. I was able to score a second copy which is unsealed which should be arriving soon alongside a Darth Malgus statue (also from the Old Republic collections edition).

          This is roughly half of my collection. With the recent additions of The Old Republic, Halo 5 and Fallout 4, I'm assembling a second shelf to be able to display everything. The mannequin heads were picked up for $10 from Overflow. They do the job.

    • +6

      Usually you're a nice guy to have a conversation with on OzBargain but now you're acting very childish.

      • -5

        Not buying the toy is childish, oh I've been doing it all wrong.

        • I collect these editions. One actually arrived today. Your second comment is essentially calling me a child.

        • +4

          To be fair, I have some model trains, and I wouldn't be offended if somebody said they were toys.
          They might be fancy, realistic, expensive toys, but they are really just toys.
          A plastic phone enclosure for $130 might be a great collector's item/investment/fun thing - but it is clearly a toy.

        • @mskeggs:

          but it is clearly a toy.

          I completely agree. However, his second comment is calling them (the neggers(oh God that sounds wrong saying aloud)) children. Also, IMO calling them toys belittles what they actually are.

        • -1

          @Dagmar: but they are toys, I buy my 8yo these kind of things. If you get offended by that then perhaps see a shrink and talk it out lol

        • +1


          Why would people pay $130 extra for that plastic crap?

          You answered your own question.

          I buy my 8yo these kind of things

          If you get offended by that then perhaps see a shrink and talk it out lol

          I get offended when someone calls me a child.

        • -3

          @Dagmar: deal with it then

    • +4

      Because they like to collect special edition stuff for games they love. I personally love having a collection of video game stuff.

      Gaming's my only hobby, why not splurge and get pretty plastic figures and what-not for my shelf? Maybe that's childish, but I know I'm childish. :P
      And the Pip-Boy isn't the only thing you get in the edition, so it's not $130 for a single (cool looking) piece of plastic.

      • I'm giving you a plus for admitting it without being offended, I'm a gamer. I usually waste money on expensive gaming gear so I understand investing in your hobby. I just think $130 extra for this is way too much. What's the extra stuff BTW?

        • +3

          Hey, it is compatible with IOS phones - it is the cheapest Apple watch by several hundred dollars!

        • You get a case, the stand and the Pip-Boy, along with a small guide, the game itself with a steel case, and two posters. :)

        • @Wheatgrass: what does the pipboy actually do?

        • @Hirolol: It goes on your arm and you can put a phone inside, and with an app on your phone you get a working Pip-Boy that you can use to navigate menus in-game. I don't think it does anything more, except look cool on your shelf.

        • +4

          You know what I find to be a sign of immaturity or 'childishness'? People who try and define who they are by what they don't do.
          Not playing with toys doesn't make you an adult.

          From another perspective, people would spend at least 30 hours playing this game. At minimum wage, lets say $20 an hour, thats $600 + whatever the game cost. From that pov, a couple of hundred for a tie in object doesn't sound so bad IF it increases immersion sufficiently. Especially considering the resale value is likely to be higher than the purchase price for some time to come.

        • +1

          @mskeggs: unless you own a 6 Plus :(

        • -1

          @outlander: lol, what a load of tosh. Not playing with tips doesn't make you an adult. Cheers Captain Obvious, I don't know what we'd have done without you.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:

          No need to thank me citizen, just doing my duty. With my trugeon of obliviousness, I bash the pretentious right out of the skulls of would be internet critics. For justice!

        • @outlander: *obvious not oblivious though it seems like that may have been more fitting considering your last comment lol

  • just bought pre order from JB… otherwise would have smashed this out So quick. WHY :(

    • Buy this one if you get in on time. If you do, cancel JB. Easy!

  • im sooo lucky…:P

  • Good luck everyone!

  • -1

    annd it's a troll

    • +1

      Only possibility is that it was an 'invite only' link. You have to click the direct link to be redirected to a specific URL….Maybe you need to be a Level 4 EB member to receive the email. But it could easily be just a photoshop job, wouldn't be surprised.

  • Yeah cant see jack :(

    • Jack has gone home. Nothing to see here lol

  • -1

    yeah just had a look and nothing
    looked real

  • -1

    Yeah nothing there!! :@

  • Was the other bundle released earlier on time?

    • yeah it was

    • If there's one thing EB do from my experience (including Mad Monday hourly sales) is always release what they say they're going to release right on the minute. Never late.

  • wonder if they will release an email to there email distribution list later, maybe to stop the people just buying it for resell

  • So i'll just skip lunch and keep pressing F5 LOL

  • +3

    12pm AEST is 12pm Brisbane time. That's 1pm Sydney and Melbourne time (AEDT).

    Don't lose faith yet!

    • haha high hopes! i like!

  • Up now

  • IT'S UP!

  • Ordered. I just hope the game is not a flop…

    • It won't be haha

  • Ordered!

  • Got mine

  • Welcome to Ozbargain. The place where you know about stuff even if it's not on EB's official fb page or website :D

  • Ps4 version now sold out

  • ps4 out of stock already

  • Did anyone get the bonus soundtrack added to their order?
    When it first went live on the site, it wasn't listed and didn't get added to my order.

    • It did have it in the top right corner of the page? But when i go to'my preorders' section there's no way to actually tell that it's been included.

    • I ordered it in the first 30seconds and now I went back to my own account's pre-order page, the soundtrack is there.

      • Sorry I must be blind but when I click 'My preorders' on the left of the page there is no soundtrack for me so maybe they ran out of stock.

        • Definitely not on my order. What version did you order Niwlat. I got it for ps4.
          If I add the xbox one version now, it shows up as 2 items added to the cart.

        • @gunnie: Yep I got the ps4 version too. Must be only on XBone even though it was advertised on the ps4 landing page as well? stupid EB

        • hm I suspect by bundling the music CD, there is no pre-order bonus of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L and Nuka Cola posters :( the T&C wording seems to indicate it's one or the other.

          EDIT: FEK ME!! There are 71 listings for Fallout 4 Pip Boy Collector's item PRE SALE listed on ebay! I think there is going to be an over supply of these things and the collector's edition label is hardly deserved.

        • @gizmomelb: Not sure how they automatically decide what bonus people want….

        • Just called up my mate who also managed to get a copy on PS4. He definitely has the soundtrack added to his order.
          Can confirm that he ordered 10 or so minutes after it went live so maybe they didn't have it when it first was added?
          Might need to drop EB a line asking them what is going on.

        • @gunnie: ahhh. Yeah I ordered within 20secs of the link going live. Have sent EB a pm over fb.

        • @gunnie: I got the xbox one version

    • Speaking to EB FB and over the phone to my local store, if you take in a receipt in store you should be fine.

      Getting clarification from support via FB, will keep you guys updated

      • Thanks. Can you try to find out if we should get the soundtrack as part of the order to be delivered and pick up the posters in store.


      • Ahhh makes sense. So it might not come delivered with the OS but can go instore and show your receipt for it? that's OK! My gf pre-ordered her pip boy edition during first run so i'll nick the posters off her if I ahve too!

        • I too ordered before the bonus but i just refreshed my preorders page and looks like they have added on the bonus music cd :)

        • Just checked and it is there for me now too.

  • weird it comes with the ps4 nuke pack though

  • -1

    well got one for XBONE, but I don't have that console :) will be attempting to swap it for PC or PS4 copy when it arrives, at worst will sell it and then buy other version I want. It's mostly for the plastic toy armband anyways :)

    • Yeah that won't happen.

      • yeah, it will.. I'm not buying an xbox one

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