Electricity Deals in NSW Comparison

I am currently with red energy however its price has increase a lot this year. I can get 12% pay on time discount if I stay with them. Also I am happy with their service.

Any better deals on the market at the moment please? All the rate for NSW was the same when I sign up the contract with red energy, only need to compare the discount. However that seems to change now, which made deal hunting extremely confusing.


  • I find it easier to use a site like iSelect to do the initial comparison, and then work from there. It's really helpful to have a copy of your bill handy.

  • I am with AGL and I receive 28% electricity and 14% gas discount.

    I also received $100 one off credit and there is no contract i.e. I can move out anytime.

    • I'm with AGL also and I only get 14% off electricity :( No gas use though.

    • are you in NSW?

      When did you sign up the contract?

      • My plan started on 23 September. As I said earlier, I am not on contract and can move out anytime.

        • are you in NSW ? that seems to be the rate for VIC.

    • 28% electricity is the best I have ever heard, is that for NSW?

      • Yes

        • what is the plan that offering this rate? "AGL Set and Forget" or "AGL Savers?

        • @hd2002: AGL Savers

        • @bluecasper: Thanks, it seems like its Daily supply charge is different from the others,

          AGL Savers: 89.353 cents per day
          Origin Saver: 83.171 cents per day
          Energy Australia Flexi Saver: 72.6 cents per day

          Might need a bit of calculation to get exactly who offer best discount.

  • Check out Powershop.

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