This was posted 9 years 4 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Little Big Planet 3 for PS4 Preowned at EB Games $13.50 ($2.50 Shipping)


Just found EB Games are having a preowned sale that isn't as bad as I was expecting.

Some other good preowned prices like Destiny, Driveclub and Sunset Overdrive for $21 each

I think shipping is $2.50 if I remember correctly

Link to the Preowned Sale

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Yes prices can be good for preowned online with them but be aware you may/will be given a cruddy refurbished copy with their replacement case art, and a repaired from being scratched disc. So if you just want it to play it and don't mind the condition that's an option.

    • You can return it though.

      • I haven't tried but when I asked "If I order a used game from online and don't like the condition of it since it's been refurbished will you allow me to return it?" and he said no. Also the guy I asked was the manager of the store so it wasn't just a low level employee either.

        It's been a while though so I'll ask again.
        The way I see it is they can either say no and get absolutely no sales from me (online) or they can say yes and occasionally get sales from me.
        Although I doubt they'd refund the shipping fee in these cases so IDK if it's even worth risking with the amount of refurbs they'd have.

        • You can return any of there games for any reason, even change of mind, as apart of their 7 (or more) day return.

  • +2

    I still have my copy of little big planet 3 sealed been trying to sell it for months on ebay and gumtree same price.. There are so many copies for sale because it was bundled with so many consoles that it is pretty much worthless so maybe I'll just play it..

    • My local EB had piles and piles of unopened Ps4 trade in games (you know the ones)… god knows why you would buy a retail copy or a 2nd hand copy privately when eb had so much NOS trades for under $20.

      • counted like 34 copies of The Order 1886 at Melbourne Central the other day…

    • It's a shame that it flopped. I sank countless hours into the first two games and was debating on buying a PS4 to play this installment

  • +1

    CEX are knocking these out for $8, same with DriveClub $8. Although buying something at CEX is possibly the dumbest way of buying something in the history of buying things!

    • First time hearing of that site, really cheap, what's wrong with it exactly? :)

      • nothing

        • +1

          Prices are good, no denying that! I was referring to their brick and mortar shops. The whole process of buying something is painful to the point where I've walked out, some of the staff are completely inept at the basics, they run a system that looks like it runs on Android and takes ages for them to scan, price check and charge! It's just not customer friendly at all, if you can put up with that, feel free!

          Neg votes for giving people cheaper prices lol :) I love the internet

        • @MongosCandy: Gave u a + for the cheaper price mate , there is a sane set of people on the internet as well ;)
          p.s for both comments

        • @kamban: Faith in humanity restored, tips hat ;)

    • Why is it bad? untrustworthy or what?

    • Anyone had experience with these guys for selling games?

      Seems like a pretty good setup. Pricing seem reasonable (on most)

      Free postage back to CEX. Choice of cash or CEX credit.

    • What's the link to CEX site and to get driveclub for $8. Thx

  • I got a brand new copy in store for $20 on Saturday.

    Not worth the risk of a cruddy used disc for a few bucks

  • I jumped on Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze for Wii U. I'm dirty that I missed it for $30 a few weeks ago (thanks to a serious lack of stock) but first party Wii U games are starting to get difficult to track down and prices for physical copies will start increasing soon enough. Bloody Nintendo.

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