This was posted 9 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

10% off All Gainward Graphic Cards @ MSY


Hi guys,

10% OFF All Gainward Graphic Cards this weekend 23/10 To 25/10. Limit 2 per customer.

Plenty of stock at all branches. If you come to store and there is no stock, our team will accept ALL back order at special price (full payment must be made).

Thank you

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closed Comments

  • 960 Phantom Aprrox $287.1
    970 Phantom Approx $440.1

    • Is the 960 a significant enough upgrade when compared to a Raedon 7850 which I currently have? Seems graphics cards in this price range haven't improved much in the last few years since getting my 7850, I guess because of the AUD fall.

      • R7 370 = R7 265 = HD 7850

        Maybe around 40~50% more performance from the GTX 960.
        The 970 more than double the HD 7850.

  • I've got two Gainward Phantom 790s, great cards, incredibly quiet

  • Hrm.. might be time for a second 980ti.. The G1 I bought a couple of weeks ago is struggling a bit.

    $900.. too easy.. tho, there's no stock :(

    • We accept all back-order

      • Yeah. I placed an order at my local store last night and was showing as in stock.. So we'll go down there this arvo and either pick up the card or pick one on back order

  • +1

    id love to purchase a extra 980ti from MSY but after my 3rd trip to my local MSY to replace yet another DOA 3m DisplayPort cable ill happily pay the extra $150+ to get something from a store i can rely on.

    • +2

      You'd love to buy another card but because of faulty cables you won't get the card??

  • a gain ward indeed

  • Does anyone else find the Gainward GTX970 such an ugly looking card or is it just me ???

    I don't know why, but I'm attracted to the non reference type cards over any reference design, like the G1 gaming and MSI;s cards, they look great, but boy this Gainward is like a block, bland & unappealing, but I guess if it is going in a closed case would not matter so much.

    Beauty is in the eye!!

  • Hi Any offers on Asus cards? Want to get a Asus Stirx 960 OC 2gb?

  • Picked up my 980ti tonight and it's a Golden Sample .. so even better score.. Obviously people don't buy the msy specials very often as the poor guy behind the counter was a bit confused that it was on special and then had to ring up and confirm how to put it through..

    But, what i find even more interesting, is that the image above shows 'limit 2 per customer' but the sign in the shop said 'limit 1 per customer'..

    So who knows..

  • .
    Thanks got the Gainward GW-GTX970-4G (3354) after discount for $404 ….. on CPL they're $475
    the 960 cards are 128 bit the 970 are 256 bit on there is a noticeable difference and I'm no gamer !!
    $400 was sort of my limit so to get the GTX970 for not much more than the GTX960 was another ….OzBargain win for me :)

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