I will try to keep this short, but I'm pretty annoyed and wondering the best steps for me to take?
I purchased two of the $9, 1 month scoopon passes from Snap Fitness. The scoopon is advertised as a trial, however the scoopon itself advertised that a 24/hour card could be obtained depending on the terms of the gym.
To sign up, I was required to meet the gym manager at the time and fill out some forms. The gym manager was not only absent, but uncontactable when I arrived at the gym (on time for the meeting). I waited for 1 hour at nearby shops in the hope he would return my calls. He finally did (45 minutes after the agreed upon time).
Myself and my partner filled out the paperwork and asked about the 24 hour card, which was advertised on the scoopon as a possibility. The manager agreed to allow me to deposit $29 to get 1 card which we could share between both of us. He promised that I would get this money refunded and even noted this on the contract which he filed. At this point, I will mention that we never used the card and only used the gym twice over the month.
I returned to the gym to return the card and was denied my money, the regional manager says that he never refunds the deposits on the 24/hour cards. They have completely ignored my emails previously and are now telling me that If someone wants to join the gym, they can use the card. I won't be joining Snap Fitness anytime soon. Trust me.
I want my money back, and I believe I have legal grounds to expect this money. I made a verbal agreement with the manager, which was recorded on their security camera. They have told me the gym manager does not work for Snap anymore.
Ozbargain… What do I do?
Try this(commerce.wa.gov.au).
Essentially it says if they're being jerks and don't resolve your complaint within a week contact the Department of Consumer Protection.