Hi all
As some of you may be aware, DickSmith online behaviour can be seen as being interesting.
Nearly a month ago, they recently had a 30% ebay storewide sale. However, at the sale, a number of products have not been available during the promotion.
I have brought this up with NSW fair trade regarding bait advertising and they have came back to me that DickSmith legal team has gotten back to them and deny that they conducted bait advertising.
NSW fair trade is aware of a number of complaints from consumers regarding some of DickSmiths behaviour.
However, at this stage they cannot assist me and the only available avenue is NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT).
So my questions for Ozbargainers are:
1) Whether to go to the tribunal? Its not really about the money anymore. The effort and cost to go to a tribunal will be more than the benefit of the 30% discount of the product I wanted.
2) Assist me by providing evidence of DickSmith - either conducting bait advertising or hiking the price before a sale.
Dick Smith can choose what they want to discount or not. They don't have to discount items at a loss just because their is a sale. Many stores (think Myer etc.) advertise store wide sales and have exclusions.