Hi everybody,
I'm asking on behalf a really good mate of mine who recently invested in an off-the-plan property in a quiet suburb of Victoria.
A bit of background. It's already behind schedule and he's not happy to be paying rates (Water and council) when all the property has right now is the concrete foundation. And now he's received this in the mail [an excerpt]:
Proposal: Variation of restrictive covenant in instrument of transfer XXXXX of Certificate of Title Volume XXXX Folio XXXX in respect of Clause 1(ii) by the inclusion of the words 'Other than Lot X on XXXXXX 'before the word 'For'.
It then goes on a little about the Council receiving this application for planning permit and that before it makes a decision, it has decided to notify my mate to see if he objects. Problem is, he doesn't even know how it affects him. Can anyone explain what this is in plain English?
Thank you in advance!
Speak with a lawyer. The variation is either making someone better off, or making a lot of people worse off.