This was posted 9 years 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$30 Destiny PS4 & Xbox - Kmart Clearance


KMART NORTHLAND has 2x Copies left for PS4 Destiny for $30.
Unsure how many copies left for XBOX but its $30 also.


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closed Comments

  • +19

    As I wrote in other Destiny deal threads, $30 for the base game isn't recommended. Without the Taken King expansion, Destiny is pretty much a playable demo for the Taken King.

    To download the expansion, it costs $70 on top of owning the base game. It's much better value to buy the Taken King retail at $79, which includes the base game as well.

    • +2

      Definitely. As much as I hated how TTK wasn't in the Expansion Pass, $79 for EVERYTHING for a new player is a steal.

    • +1

      Cant up vote this enough, The base game is pretty much useless minus the story content (story content isn't great in the base game) ttk and the other 2 expansions permeate near all of the end game, which is the main reason you play destiny, buy the legendary edition which encompasses everything from ozgameshop at a good price, there's a tonne of content there, definitely recommend it.

  • +2

    I feel sorry for the people bidding on this. The Taken King (and the first 2 expansions) come on a PSN code. The winner is going to find the vanilla disc repackaged with no expansions.

    • +1

      yeap that is one big CON
      mercy to the poor souls who bid it, whoever that was is better off buy a silver coin

      • +1

        Looks like someone has asked the seller about the code. I bet the seller is fuming.

    • +5

      He also left the PS+ code in the listing WIDE OPEN.

      I don't have a PS so I can't use it, but it'd be a good surprise to a PS owner.

    • +1

      I was so pissed when I got my collectors edition to find out it had the vanilla version DVD inside and just download codes. There was no taken King DVD in there. I bought it to save on downloading it… I guess this is one way of stopping people from trading the game in or buying it second hand…

      • I bought it to save on downloading it

        Exactly my reasoning. I was more than pissed.

  • +6

    Dont buy it unless it is 10 dollars, thats how much content it has packed worth the money in the base game. Any thing more is a rip off, period full stop

    As for the TAKEN YOUR MONEY KING expansion, maybe it is worth 20 in the bargain bin, else, STAY AWAY!!!

    if repeating the PVE missions over and over and over and over again (X10^100) for some MMORPG like item gear is your philosophy of good gaming, then pay 199 for it… else, NO

    World of Tanks gets more fun compare to this with the same sort of frustration… and that game is technically free…

    • +1

      I 100% agree

    • +2

      Don't buy it at all! I paid $99 for this game. Played through "the story", and learnt a skill of talking non-sense. Well spent!!!! This is the first game I paid full price with full regrets!

      • +1

        every one but those still playing it (shockingly a lot…) are regretting they trust Bungie pay the full price for the original base game. Thank this game, it effectively help kill the hype for all AAA game that follow. What has happen as the final product and the much more entertaining than the games' actual story that IS behind the scene development stories has now become an alarming cautious tale to intelligent gamers across the planet: Dont ever believe the hype ever again!

    • +10

      Who is having a go at you? They are discussing the deal.

    • +3

      Thanks for the share anyways :) i know you only ment well, which is why i didn't down vote. To newcomers of destiny it seems like a deal, but hidden behind the paywalls is the evil demon know as bungie. A money hungry whore of a beast. Best keep your distance fellow ozbargainers. :)

      • +2

        Evil demon known as Actvision…

        There you go, FTFY… Activision is the money whore here, not Bungie.

        • Actually……yeah your right. Sorry. but i still have lost faith in bungie too after master chief collection.

        • @lindendwightt: Not sure about this - how would Bungie have a say in it, it would be microsoft using their IP to generate the cash. Bungie and Microsoft parted ways a long time ago.

        • @p1owz0r: i admitted i was wrong. I don't like bungie for putting out master chief collection unfinished. The launch was a joke. Think I'm getting off topic now though. Better stick to ozbargain rules

        • +2

          @lindendwightt: Bungie didn't do Master Chief Collection though. 343 Industries did MCC…

        • @GreenLego: damn. Your shattering my universe what can i say to that? 2 for 2 im wrong. Gahhhh

  • +2

    Glad I caught it at JB for $15 lol

  • +3

    Yep, not worth it for the price while the expansion costs so much. Plus it's been $30 at kmart for the last month.

    • Yep, it's due for another cut soon.

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