This was posted 9 years 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection for $44.99USD ~ $62.00 AUD (US PSN Account Needed)


From (people who have TLOU for $14.99USD) comes the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection for the PS4.

Containing Uncharted, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 from the PS3 with updated graphics for the PS4. A great way to prepare yourself for the upcoming Uncharted 4

Just like the cheep codes for TLOU a US PSN ACCOUNT IS REQUIRED

Digital code Delivery. Mine came in around 40 minutes.


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closed Comments

  • +9
    • But $6 is $6.

      Also for someone like myself, I don't own a physical copy of any of my PS4/XBOXOne games. Dont have to worry about my friends stealing them that way :)

      • +7

        You can sell a physical copy after 2 months or even trade in to get some money back

  • +3

    For those who like to own the physical product, $64 in store at Kmart.

  • +4

    I'll be waiting another couple of months.. by Christmas I expect the digital code for this remake will be down to about $20 USD - I'll get it then.

    • +1

      That's my plan to. My brother and I share a PS+ US account across 2 PS4s so we go halves in all the games we buy as well!

  • +1

    No idea how this was ever a full priced game.

  • +1

    Think I'll wait until UC4 comes out next year, hoping there will be a bundle with all of the games inc which will hopefully bring down the price a bit.

    • When PS5 released and Uncharted 5 announced.

  • An awesome collection!

  • +2

    Depends on you're preference really, but I like being able to get some money back by selling/trading. A few dollars here isn't worth it IMO

  • The digital download for U:NDC is 44GB or similar! Physical copies are great for those of us without a massive internet data allowance. I grabbed mine from Target for $68 I think it was.

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