Parking Rorts at Westfields

Went to Chatswood Westfields yesterday. Watched a lengthy movie at the cinemas. Validated 2 hr ticket to get extra 'free' hour, total 3 hours of free parking. Tried to hussle up and get out as quickly as possible from shopping centre. Get into car to leave carpark but get stuck at boomgate and cannot exit without paying. Apparently I am in the 3 hrs - 3.5hrs range. Call on intercom. Parking guy takes $7 and lets me leave. Wow, $7 just for exceeding the free parking limit probably only by a few minutes.
This has never happened to me before. I normally use a timer or leave well before the free parking expires because I don't believe in paying to park my car, especially in a commercial environment that I am spending money within as a customer. Made all the more difficult with companions who are not as steadfast as I am and need to use the toilets and stop and look at things on the way out which took us longer.

It's bad enough that at Chatswood(& Burwood too, I believe) you need to physically 'validate' your ticket to get that extra free hour, whereas at most other Westfields it is a standard 3 hour free rate.
On a side note, if you are unfortunate enough to lose your ticket, it's a full day's rate or $40. Exorbitant prices just to park the car.

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        • +1


          Which I have already acknowledged… you were right, it's not Theft.

          Theft and Fraud are sometimes difficult to separate, especially when dealing with things like credit cards and token/card machines like this.

          But give me a break, I was closer with Theft then you were with Trespass :) ?

          Google for Law? No way.
          Austii? Always.

        • @UFO:

          Lol I know but it bugs me coming from a legal background. For a legal professional, one word could be the difference between winning and losing a case.

          And it does constitute trespass under the above act (please see the link above). I don't get why you keep saying it's not when it is clearly a breach in NSW of the Inclosed Lands Act s4 which is in line with the common law meaning of trespass?

          Furthermore while the act may constitute fraud (in NSW under Crimes Act 1900), it is much easier for authorities to claim trespass as the onus on the accused to prove they had reasonable grounds to be in the car park. To prove fraud, the authorities would need to show that the owner suffered a financial disadvantage and that the act was intentional beyond reasonable doubt.

          Also penalties under the Inclosed Lands Act is a fine whilst the penalties imposed under Crimes Act is jail time ( s192E ).Which do you think a court would deem more appropriate?

        • @UFO:

          Oh sorry didn't realize I missed something (was at work):

          You have already been given permission to enter, you have to be explicitly told to leave premises by the owner (or their representative) and not return. On return after that, it's trespass.

          This is 2 separate breaches. Penalties can be chased up for each separate breach they can prove.

          The Terms/Conditions of Entry are at the boomgates or before them for a reason. You don't have express permission to enter, you need to accept the conditions first. Ignorance is not a defence to this unless you had extenuating circumstances (eg cannot read English).

          Only upon acceptance of the terms are you permitted to enter (in some implied sense). If you do not accept and enter, it is trespass. However it would be unreasonable for a court to apply a penalty if you had a good reason for this trespass (say they had no alternative exit and you needed to go through the complex to actually get out). This is why car parks normally allow you to get a ticket and exit within a short amount of time without having to pay the parking costs (standard is usually 15 mins or so).

          However if you go in and use their (operator of car park) parking lot without agreeing to their
          Terms/Conditions of Entry, then it likely will be construed as trespass and you may be in breach of the law.

  • +5

    Had the same experience at Miranda Westfields recently
    The car park is an abysmal mess with "renovations" happening everywhere and an absolute dogs breakfast for finding your way out of the rabbit warren and back to your car and through the construction zone.
    We were 6 mins over the 3 hours after watching a movie there (5 adults) and they wouldn't let us out the boomgate.

    I told the operator then and I'll tell you now, Westfield will never make another cent out of me for parking.

    Now using Beverly Hills cinema where parking is free

    Well done Westfield, between the shemozzle at Hurstville and the shemozzle at Miranda, you have just about succeeded in driving loyal customers away with your antics, I am sure you tenants are proud of you

    • +5

      Good to know that there are alternatives available and you are putting your money where your mouth is.

    • Beverly Hill cinemas are so tiny!

    • Miranda has 3 hours for free plus an extra hour if you see a movie -

    • Your opinion is defunct if you seriously went from leaving Miranda Event Cinemas to going to beverly hills.

  • The full day rate at Chatswood Chase used to be $82! I think they have reduced it now.

    • +4

      I remember once I went out with my partner and parked at Chatswoods Chase.
      She lost the ticket and I was like noooooo.
      I spent the next 30 minutes back tracking where we went and found a ticket for Chase (not mine) on the footpath, so picked it up and paid $30 instead.

  • Free parking is never free. You end up paying for it one way or another.

    You end up wasting so much fuel looking for a spot. I would prefer to pay for convenience.

  • +7

    How absolutely disgusting! A car park operator charging you the fees you agreed to upon entering!
    It's times like this I'm glad I have A Current Affair and 60 Minutes on speed-dial.

    • -8

      You may think people are wrong, Qw3rty. But please Don't comment unless you can make a positive contribution to the discussion.

      • +15

        Sorry, I didn't know criticising was against the forum rules. I'll remember to mindlessly agree to everything posted here.

        OP complains about getting charged $7 for not getting back to his/her car quick enough. Whose fault is this? Westfield? Are they setting up American Ninja Warrior-style obstacles between their car parks and retailers to ensure that they hold their customers up sufficiently to obtain increased revenue through parking fees? Are they not disclosing their parking fees anywhere within their car park or centre to spur confusion and trick customers?

        Or is the problem here that the OP exceeded his 3 hours free time before exiting? Paid parking isn't cheap, but you're being charged for convenience. If you don't want to pay the price, street park. Don't complain that "Oh, I was late out of the shopping centre, and I had to pay a fee as indicated by their schedule of fees displayed at the vehicular entry, exit, pay machines and all pedestrian entrances to the car park!! What a rort Westfield are!"

        • Well as you probably know after 6pm they start shutting all the doors and it is difficult to find the (direct) exits. Coupled that I was in an unfamiliar carpark in an unfamiliar shopping centre. Anyways I've really gotten my money's worth over a $7 rant so I'll shut up now.

  • +4

    Im sorry but I cant understand why any respectable shopping centre would charge someone to park, doesn't happen in WA :p

    You should complain to the Cinema in writing about this!! Tell them you and your friends are never going back.

    • +1

      But WA is backwards, your shops close at about 4pm and everyone is confined to their houses because everything worth doing is CLOSED

      • +1

        I actually miss the days the shops closed at lunchtime Saturday, and didnt open again until Monday morning.

        People had time to…. you know…. spend time with loved ones because no one had to work those days.

    • +1

      If Chatswood Westfield allowed unlimited parking, it would be immediately taken advantage of by commuters leaving their cars there all day, leaving genuine shoppers with no parking. Same with any shopping centre close by a railway station.

  • +1

    A few weeks ago when I was leaving a shopping centre car park when I inserted the ticket at the gate (despite what the signs say, you don't need to validate at the machines, at that shopping centre anyway) it said I owed $250.

    I remembered that a week before when I was leaving, the boom gate was open. I had used the wrong ticket.

    Fortunately, there was no-one behind me so I could back out and use the other ticket in the other gate.

    I keep expecting a letter of demand but nothing has happened yet.

  • +2

    Another useful tip. Not sure if this applies at all Westfields however parking is free after 6pm at Westfield Doncaster. Just another reason to avoid the weekend crowds and indulge in far superior Thursday/Friday night shopping.

    • It's not just that Westfield, there's free parking after 7pm at Westfield Burwood and Parramatta.

  • Don't think you can get extra time for parking when seeing a movie in Westfield, I tried a few years ago at Parramatta and was told they don't do that anymore.

    • "Chatswood Westfield provides FREE parking for a total of 3 hours per day for HOYTS customers. Please validate your parking ticket at HOYTS. Free parking with entry after 7pm." Link

      • Bit misleading considering the '3 hour free parking' applies to all customers of Westfields(well it certainly doesn't discriminate against them using the validation machines which are provided throughout the shopping centre).

        • -1

          Well, that's not really misleading. If you go to Hoyts, you have the opportunity to obtain 3 hours free via validation. That's all they're saying.

          It would be misleading if they said "FREE 3 hours for HOYTS customers only", because as you say you can go to any one of their validation machines through the centre without setting a foot on Level 5 - Hoyts.

          Also note that the above was taken from the Hoyts website and not the Westfield website, and serves as an advertisement to Hoyts customers rather than to general Westfield customers.

  • +5

    I got my ticket validated at Hoyts, giving me what I thought was 4 hours free (what I would have had from other Westfields). Next thing I was at the ticket gate being asked for $7 to exit. I buzzed the parking office and told them I thought I had 4 hours free. The attendant on the other end was less than sympathetic and said that I'd have to pay the fee.

    Behind me the cars were making a nice long queue so I just sat there, trying to get through to the attendant again. After a few minutes she obviously gave up, as the boomgate just opened :)

    • +1

      Haha nice one. If I took a busy exit the same thing probably would have happened to me if I refused to pay and there was cars banked up behind me. Traffic flow expediency is more important than $7 to them.

    • +2

      i did the same at sydney airport car park. they had 15min free parking for pickup/dropoff, but the traffic flow was so jammed where i queued for 20min to get to the gate. the attendant tried to charge me for overstay, then i 'reason' with him and ask to speak with his manager if he dont have the authority to make the decision to let me out. eventually he gave in with the cars behind me honking to support my case. if he'd reason with me for 15 more min, i'd imagine he'll have to deal with hundreds more of overstay disputes.

  • +2

    Ive said I don't have a credit card and have spent all my cash once. Wasn't giving them $3 for a minute late. I've also considered buying something for $150 to get the free parking and returning it. Thought about ignoring the no pedestrian sign and inserting card and getting another from another gate too. I find it offensive, and only go to these shopping centres when I have to. They are losing business. Not many shoppers at them anymore.

  • If you find yourself stuck, put a heavy piece of metal on top of the electromagnetic sensor in the concrete before the entry gate to generate an entry ticket and then use the entry ticket for immediate exit under "change of mind" - if they are not watching you on camera and manually disable the gate. It's not illegal to do so, just a potential violation of the Terms and Conditions for which they could potentially take you to court to cover the cost of the daily fee + court costs if they were so inclined to pursue it. As long as you don't damage their equipment you are probably fine.

    • As long as you don't damage their equipment you are probably fined. lol

      • Fined by who? Under what law? Council Parking Laws don't apply to Private car parks. If you damage something then you pay for the damage you cause and potentially malicious damage if you did it purposely.

        • +3

          Have to be careful here. Some of these shopping centre car parks whilst they may seem private are run by council. My local westfield is still free but they have implemented 2-3hr limits in parts of it due to train station opening and commuters parking. Car park is council owned not by westfield so any parking fines stand.

    • +5

      Just make sure it's not one of those days where you forget to bring your heavy piece of metal out with you.

      • Yeah that's the problem. Just make sure you keep a metal baseball bat in your boot in case you ever find yourself wanting an impromptu game of baseball I guess.

      • I'm assuming said piece of metal would need to weigh a few hundred kilos. What is the weight of a light motorcycle or scooter?

        • Only a few kilos if you have it close to the ground

    • @ The Land of Smeg.

      Hate to burst your bubble mate, but of course its illegal!
      Putting a piece of metal on top of a sensor to obtain a new ticket, and then exit the car park without paying is Obtain Property By Deception.

      It's not simply a violation of T&C's. You are committing a criminal act by obtaining a goods or service by deception.

      And the CCTV footage showing you put the metal on the sensor to would prove the deceptive conduct.

      • -3

        Is it Obtain Property By Deception or Obtaining Good Or Service By Deception? Make up your mind mate, you can't just make criminal offences up.

        • +2

          Ok, I'll bite.


          Obtaining property by deception

          Oh… and pay particular attention to the bottom bit (here, I'll copy and paste it for you):

          " (b) includes an act or thing done or omitted to be done with the intention of causing—

                    (i)     a computer system; or
                    (ii)     a machine that is designed to operate by means of payment or identification—

          to make a response that the person doing or omitting to do the act or thing is not authorised to cause the computer system or machine to make. "

          It's Victorian, but all states have something similar.

          NSW for instance has… you've caused financial disadvantage.

          Then clicking on Deception, the following is given:

          " conduct by a person that causes a computer, a machine or any electronic device to make a response that the person is not authorised to cause it to make. "

          What do you know…. sounds the same!

          There you go Smeg, glad I could help you.
          Put the baseball bat away… only going to cause you issues you cant afford.

        • @UFO: Sorry mate but this is exactly why Law should be left to the lawyers because you don't know how to law. You only copy and pasted the meaning of "(4) For the purposes of this section, "deception"—"

          So Yes it would be a deception as it relates to this section, which in itself is not an offense if no property is taken as well!!!

          Here is the whole actual thing you linked to, so please quote it properly:

          (1) A person who by any deception dishonestly obtains property belonging to another, with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to level 5 imprisonment (10 years maximum).

          (2)     For purposes of this section a person is to be treated as obtaining property if he obtains ownership, possession or control of it, and "obtain" includes obtaining for another or enabling another to obtain or to retain.
          (3)     Subsections (12) and (13) of section 73 shall apply for purposes of this section, with the necessary adaptation of the reference to appropriating, as it applies for purposes of section 72.

          S. 81(4) substituted by No. 36/1988 s. 6.

          (4)     For the purposes of this section, "deception"—
              (a)     means any deception (whether deliberate or reckless) by words or conduct as to fact or as to law, including a deception as to the present intentions of the person using the deception or any other person; and
              (b)     includes an act or thing done or omitted to be done with the intention of causing—
                    (i)     a computer system; or
                    (ii)     a machine that is designed to operate by means of payment or identification—

          to make a response that the person doing or omitting to do the act or thing is not authorised to cause the computer system or machine to make.

    • At Westfield Doncaster, they now zoned the area around the boomgate as "Pedestrian Prohibited".

      Maybe they realized what you are saying.

  • +8

    Am I the only person thinking you stayed over 3 hours, so it's reasonable you pay???

    • yes

    • You are assuming 3 hours are enough for all people.

      Families do take longer to do things…

      • You are assuming convenient parking is a human right.

        Park further away for free, park and pay or catch public transport like the rest of us?

        • You are missing the point.

          It is the logic of 3 hours that I am questioning, not whether free parking is an entitlement or not.

          I deliberately avoided Westfield Doncaster because I got Westfield Knox to go to and that's purely because of paid parking so I am well aware they are within their rights to charge for parking while I also got right NOT to shop there.

          But when I do shop there at times, I tried to stay within 3 hours and I am finding it difficult with kids (especially one with special need). I still abide by that rules nevertheless.

        • @burningrage:

          How am I missing the point?

          Park further away for free, park and pay or catch public transport like the rest of us.

          I don't see how your personal family situation should influence how a carpark runs their business.

        • @zeggie:

          You are saying i said free parking is a human right. I said nothing as such.

          I merely said 3hrs parking may not be enough. Sure it is the owners right to set whatever hours are free

          I merely questioned if that is sufficient. I dont argue parking should be free which is what you are suggesting i said.

          Thats why i said you missed the point.

        • @burningrage:

          It is not a new radical development that parking businesses charge based on time incurred. The longer you stay, the more you'll pay. That's the price you pay for convenience. No different that parking in council run street parking with 1-2 hr etc limits.

          Of course 3 hours is not going to be sufficient for ALL people. Some people duck in and out in 45mins for the shipping they need, others make an excursion of it, load up the minivan with all the extended family and spend the entire day there. Good for them.

          If 3 hours is insufficient for your family unit then that is something you'll have to factor in whenever you travel ANYWHERE… Not just Westfield which is the subject of OPs post.

  • +3

    it's right next to train station, use the train maybe? better for environment anyway.

  • I use to ark in the employee section. 6$ a day, can't complain but I don't go to a Westfield's anymore so I save even more.

  • +1

    "Made all the more difficult with companions who are not as steadfast as I am and need to use the toilets and stop and look at things on the way out which took us longer."

    Time to subscribe your companion to ozbargain.

    • -1

      Companions = gf :P
      She would probably kill me if I refused to let her use the toilet just because the parking meter is running.

      • +2

        Well, you literally paid for her shit. lolz.

      • next time pizz off while she pizz, then pick her up on the street - I do that.

  • Supply and demand - I'd happily pay rather than being stuck in the car park for hours. I guess for some people time is not money.

  • +2

    We know exactly how long to stay for the free parking whenever we go to Westfield Burwood. When we need to stay for longer we always take the car out and park again. Probably had overstayed a few times before when feeling lazy. We knew the rules so we were happy to pay a few dollars for the overstay.

    If you have a problem paying for parking I suggest you don't park there or take your car out before the parking fee starts counting.

  • +3

    That's Australia for you. Just spent some time in Europe (except GB). Generally parking fees range from 20 cents to 1 euro per hour, mainly in tourist spots. Shopping Centres there only charge for a few spots, right in front of the entrance. And the shopping was cheaper too. I am sure this will help a lot with your Chatswood experience.

  • -1

    My friend and I just valet Park show guy same apple sales receipt.

  • +4

    This may not work at Chatswood Westfield, but I used to do it at Broadway if I was running late for Uni and didn't have time to move my car:

    1. Upon returning to your car, acquire two (one usually won't contain enough metal to trigger the sensors) shopping trolleys.
    2. Concatenate the shopping trolleys.
    3. Push the trolleys up to the entry boom gate as though they were a small vehicle.
    4. Collect a new ticket from the automatic dispenser.
    5. Proceed under the opened boom and dispose of the shopping trolleys.
    6. Exit the car park in your car for free using the new ticket.
    • +1

      cameras ain't blind…

      • +1

        I doubt they would prosecute. Not illegal, but probably violating Westfield parking policy. You could argue that the shopping trolleys were your 'vessel of transportation'.

        • Doubt he/she said they are going to prosecute. Probably mean that it could be seen on CCTV so it could be stopped or approached at least. Tricks like this isn't new so anyone pushing a trolley near the entry ticket dispensers will be closely monitored. It all depends on how thick the offender is and how much the car park operator cares about it, really.

    • I've always been curious to try something like that. =D

    • +2

      Learn how Mr Bean does it

      • That poor blue Reliant Robin. :[

  • Free parking limits aside, $7 is only $1 per 30 minutes of parking and that isn't that bad to be honest. If only these car parks actually charged that amount.

  • Everything is a rort at Westfields, you should see how much the shops pay in rent.

    • must also pay $20k+ for renovation every few years.

  • OP should have argued over the intercom, most of the time they dont care, open the gates and let you go.

  • +1

    I've fallen victim to this, also at Chatswood unfortunately. Normally I would leave my parking tickets in the same spot but because Chatswood require validation for the third free hour, I had taken it out with me and lost it somehow. Ended up paying ~$50 for the lost ticket.

  • +2

    Since we are all whining about parking charges, here's one to put some perspective on things for you…
    I have a car park at the CGU building on William street in Melbourne.
    Recently they did some renovations on the carpark and we had to park a the U Park across the street. Work was paying for it so w/e.

    I was there for less than 4 hours.
    Total price for parking $188.

    This is a bit of a hack by the parking company because they know that most cars are corporate and will thus be charged to corporate cards/accounts but I couldn't believe my eyes.
    I held onto that receipt like it was the cure for Ebola that's for sure.

    • The daily rate at some of the most expensive parking in the city was under $100, so $188 seems exorbitant.

  • Used to work at the carpark when i was a student, lost tickets are a hassle, they screw up the reconciliation, but the main reason they are so heavily penalised is because many would come to the counter and say i lost my ticket, i came in only 1 hour ago, when in fact they were there for a lot longer. At the carpark i worked at (Melbourne CBD) the lost ticket was 1 day maximum charge. $40 is reasonable, try $100.

    Usually the default time after you validate your ticket is 15 minutes, some carparks might be generous to 20 minutes, but it is an exact computer generated time right upto the second, its not at the discretion of the attendant. In your case if the ticket comes up with the charge and the attendant had let you out, he/she will have to explain why.

    • One trick is to use the signboards around, they are usually heavy enough to trigger the metal sensors.
  • +1

    You think that's a rort ? :P

    I went to Westfield Parramatta once, when we tried to leave around 6pm when our 2 hours free parking was up, we noticed cars were piling up everywhere within the carpark.

    It was an accident just outside westfield carpark exit. It took everyone 2 hours just to get out of the car park and worst yet we had to cough out $27 to pay for our "parking" fee.

    Some drivers were really cranky and started abused the guy on the intercom but they ended up having to pay or holding everyone else up.


    • Wow, that's ridiculous!

  • This isn't even that bad when you compare it with real scumbags that are Macquarie Group which own Sydney Airport.
    Just paid for 2hrs parking (paid $15 online instead of $24.50 if you drive up) at the airport this morning as I had to see off and help elderly family members.

    As if paying a premium for parking wasn't bad enough, it was disgusting that they charge $4 to use a freaking trolley. I have never been to any other greedy airport which charges you for using a trolley. Had to pay for a trolley as you can't park you car for more than couple of minutes outside departures whilst getting hassled and asked to move on by their officers. Luckily Found a second trolley inside the terimnal for free, which someone would have left before boarding.

    All of this infuriate you even more, when you read that they generated $8 billion dollars in revenue from the airport and paid ZERO DOLLARS in TAX.…

    • If I do need one, I'd walk inside quickly to do a round near the check in or before custom to find free trolleys that people finish, but think airport staff are now getting rid of trolleys faster than used to be.

    • Nothing is cheap inside an airport!

  • +1

    i just drive straight through the gates on my bicycle :)

  • Hornsby (Westfield) Event cinemas used to validate an extra hour even though the centre does not (the centre is 3 hours free). However that must have changed and the last time I saw a movie I went to validate after to make sure I wouldn't have to pay to get out and they said they no longer added an hour for seeing a movie. Just tail-gated another car out of the carpark before the boomgate closed.

  • In the past I have got out of the car physically lifted the barrier and driven through.

    • Is that even possible? You must be very strong. I'd be concerned about breaking it.

      • There was a today tonight episode of many people doing exactly what gikku subscribed. Some even just drove through the boom gate lol

    • So basically, you obtained a service (parked) and then didn't pay for it.

  • -1

    Westfield, no S.

  • +4

    I'm a huge fan of paid parking at Westfield (after a certain number of free hours). It used to be impossible to find a spot to park at Miranda because all sorts of people were driving in to park in the morning, getting on the train to the CBD for work (car park is right next to the station), then leaving the car there all day until they got back at night. If you're at the mall for more than 2-3 hours, the parking fee is probably a tiny fraction of what you've spent in total. Don't like it? Go somewhere else. That'll make it even easier for me to find a spot. Parking in urban centres is a service which has value, and hence you should be prepared to pay for it if necessary. Westfield is very up-front about their parking policies, this should not have taken you by surprise.

    • That's what's happening to the shopping centre car parks and even the streets. Not just Westfields. Too many people park their cars there all day just to catch the train to work in the cities.

      I have a friend that used to work in Parramatta but she parks in Burwood to catch the train. She had to park further and further away from the train station because the council's new street parking limits. It got to a point she had to walk too far so she went to another suburb. It's not just more parking for shoppers but more parking for the residents as well.

  • Try paying an extra $10 for being 1 minute over at the Airport (Melbourne). Happened to me twice!

    • Can you do the prepay system?

      It's $15 for 4 hours I think.

      • Yep!! I learnt my lesson so that's how I do it now!!

  • This must be a Sydney thing, because I can't hardly think of any shopping centres in Melbourne that charge parking, apart from Melbourne Central. This is not something I ever consider at all. The airport is a ripoff, but that's a given.

    • Wait until Melbourne is as crowded as Sydney then you will get your turn. People can't drive directly to work because it takes too long and it's also too expensive to park. They can't just walk to the train station because they live too far from it.

      • You left out "and they won't take a bus because they're too lazy" ;-) Seriously, it's not the council's (or anyone's) job to provide unlimited free parking near train stations - I can't believe how many people think it is.

        My rent is higher because I live walking distance from a train station. People who don't can take some of that money they save on rent or home purchase and pay for parking occasionally.

        • Last year I had to walk 20 minutes to the train station because we tried to save $50 a week compared to rents near the station. lolz. So you are spot on. I absolutely agree with you. Too many people expects too many services for free.

  • This article today is interesting…

    Bascially if you are coming there 2x a day or more and even though cumulatively, you are under 3 hours, the system will tag you.

    This is the same system that Eastland will introduce. I fear if Westfield is heading this way.

    Using this system, you can't do the rort you mentioned above. In fact, the 3 hours may include the time it takes for you to get out of the parking lot as opposed to the current system where as long as you tagged the ticket, you'll have another 15-20mins to get out. So in situation such as congestion… you're done for.

    • This is now implemented at Macquarie Centre in NSW and is in the process of being installed at Parramatta.

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