Change your mind, change your life

or so the saying goes…

A mate is looking into doing just that by paying a hypnotherapist to 'reprogram' his mind. He is gullible and "desperate to lose weight, quit smoking and become more attractive to women".

Does anyone have any experience with hypnotherapy? Does it work?

Thank you.


Poll Options

  • 11
    Hypnotherapy works!
  • 13
    Hypnotherapy is a snake oil.
  • 4
    Not sure if it works or not but I would like to try it.
  • 4


  • +2

    god, some people have more money than brains

    • +4

      Actually hypnotherapy has a solid evidence base to show that it's effective for some treatments and it's used in hospitals for pain management amongst other things.

      AFAIK it has some evidence to show that it's effective for nicotine cessation as well.

    • Scams and pyramid schemes aren't going away as long as your statement holds true, unfortunately.

  • +3

    My aunt is doing it and it helps reduce her sleeping medication.

  • +4

    The mind is a powerful thing. Perhaps him just believing it will work could mean that it does.

    • +2

      Exactly. Placebo's have been proven so many times.

      Does the hypnotherapist do anything? Most likely not.
      Does someone believing they've changed make them change though? Definitely.

      • I think they do do something, in that they know how to convince an easily-suggestible person to believe whatever it is they're trying to achieve.
        Like, I don't believe I could hypnotise someone.

        I heard one saw once something along the lines that you have to believe to receive. So me going to a hypnotist to prove they don't work doesn't actually prove anything.

  • +4

    Apparently it can work with some but not all. Worth a go when all else has failed.

    • +1

      Anywhere between 5% to 20% of the general population cannot be hypnotised. 5% is highly hypnotisable. JJB falls in the first category ( not that I've tried to hypnotise him to get him to do everything that I want or anything. I haven't. Really, I haven't . lol)

      • As per the Everything Else /but porcupines, thread, it is clear that Jar Jar's life has now become too uneventful.

        As above and according to you, Jar Jar can't be hypnotised, but, you, Princess V, clearly can be.

        Watch the watch, Wiki.

        Watch The Watch.

        It has been a long week.

        Look into the spiral.

        Focus on the centre, Wiki.
        You are becoming very, very, relaxed.

        And sleepy. very. very. sleepy.


        When you awaken, you are going to post a forum topic on OzBargain in which you keenly infer that Jar Jar's 'mystery redhead' is, in fact, Julia Gillard.
        She lives down in the arse-end of Endor /Australia, where you do, and OzBargain could well do with a bit of a spur.
        Also because it has been a bloody long time since 'broden', and as scandals go, that one was pretty piss-weak.


        All done,
        Princess V.

        You are almost angelic,
        when asleep.

        Have a somewhat,
        eventful Saturday.


  • Join the army?

  • There's a hypnosis iphone app that is quite successful VGB Hypnosis. They have a facebook group that you can join too (once you have the app). It's all based in the UK and they have meet ups and things. Cheaper way to try hypnosis.

    This is it -…

  • +1

    Misread as, "he is gullible….and wants to become a more attractive woman"

  • My brother underwent a course of hypnotherapy after having lost his entire memory.. Didn't really do anything.

    • :(

  • Is it similar to CBT- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

    • Unlike CBT, hypnosis is not a type of psychotherapy. It also is not a treatment in and of itself; rather, it is a procedure that can be used to facilitate other types of therapies and treatments. Clinical hypnosis should be conducted only by properly trained health care professionals (e.g. psychologists) who also have been trained in the use of hypnosis and who are working within the limits of their professional expertise.

      I've been using hypnosis/visualisation exercises as a form of analgesia for years. My dad, who is a doctor,taught me how to do it.I was one of those accident-prone kids and he used to patch me up, including resetting a broken arm, at home rather than taking me to hospital and having to wait in the emergency room.

      I've also used it during labour when I realised we weren't going to make it to the hospital. I often wonder if using hypnosis as a pain reliever hasn't somehow desensitise me so much to pain that I couldn't tell I was in labour until I pretty much felt my son's head pushing down and out O.O We only made it so far as the driveway before my son was born… and 4 minutes later, my daughter was here :)

      Edit: I briefly worked as a 'sex therapist' ( my job title was a bit more fancy than just 'sex therapist') and a basic hypnotherapy script we used looked like this

  • +3

    Bear in mind that the placebo effect is very strong.
    Even if there is no efficacy, the fees might be good value if it gives him some additional self belief/mental toughness to give up the smokes, stick to a diet.

    • +1

      yes, this.

    • to give up the smokes, stick to a diet.

      and becoming healthier will make him more attractive to women(hopefully!) :)

  • I'm not convinced it works, but sometimes the placebo effect can work for people. If they've got the money to burn give it a shot and see if it works for them.

  • +3

    If your mate is interested, then chances are they believe in it.

    The placebo effect can be extremely powerful, so providing he's not poor the only things he has to loose is the kilos/cigarettes.

    I would be doing this in conjunction with other medical options. I have a problem with "alternative therapies" when they are used instead of better options.

    You need another box that says "hypnotherapy can work, even though it's snake oil".

  • +1

    I think it's a shame that we can't control our own will. But I guess it's a rare person who is truly in control.

  • +1

    For a weight reducing remedy a good exercise routine does work but it takes dedication & consistency to get there.
    Beats most diets.

  • Came across this article today : Teens died after principal hypnotised them Thought I'd share.

    • Adult Mauritian Princesses are ok though, yeah? Good.

      Mate, in any case, I'd focus on your own problems:

      1) You have a crazy, readily-hypnotisable, still-technical-(and-alive-as-of-the-time-of-posting-this-comment)-wife who is planning to give your daughter a 'Shewee'.

      2) You also have an accident-prone son, almost certain to regularly fall out of a tree.

      3) Let's not talk further about your 'mystery redhead' issue. I have 'fixed' that for you.

      As Letterman used to say on his show - 'I wouldn't give your problems to A Monkey on a Rock'.

      Still, my best to your hypno-hopeful mate. He probably just needs some time to relax. I can help him out with that.

      Just tell him to imagine that he's on a tropical island

      Beyond possibly too-squeaky-to-walk-on-sand, and Deadly Falling Coconuts, zero issues to worry about, there.

      Have a good one, Jar Jar Binks.
      I will be staying off OzBargain, over the weekend.
      Suggest you do the same.

      As for me, I'm still in porcupine recovery.
      I know that you understand.
      I will get over the pain.

      One day.

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