Hello Ladies. I return with another deal on the RX100 MK1 with a big discount over the deal I posted a few days ago. Thanks to 20% off on some ebay stores, get this device for $355.11 with free delivery.
Sony DSC-RX100 MK1 Camera - $355.11 | MK3 $686.31 Delivered @ T-Dimension

Last edited 15/10/2015 - 15:50 by 1 other user
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Yeah, I'd totally buy that instead if I wasn't unemployed. Nice selfie cam with the 180 degree screen. ;) I've added MK3 to the title.
dammit looks like its out of stock now
@scyth3r: Yeah, that is my luck as usual. Right when I kept hesitating and considering it is out of stock now. Damn me!
E-Infinity have the MkIV for ~$1200 (like, $15 cheaper than T-Dimension or something), so after the coupon and potentially the cashback that comes down close to ~$920, which after a bit of a clickaround seems like a decent price if you're after the few new features MkIV brings to the table.
Otherwise this is a cracking price for the MkIII.
I've never been a big fan of newer = better
The Mark I was such a great camera and each successive model has been a little better in some regards (and a little worse in others) but only incrementally so.
The Mark I is an awesome bargain at that price. It's going to be hard not to buy one just because. (I have a Canon D20 already which is also great bang for buck)MKI has a much slower lens. And if you know what that means you wouldn't choose it over mkIII.
So yes the diff in price between I vs III is totally justified.
I don't know if I'd say much slower. At the widest setting it's the same (f1.8). Sure the MK1 slows down more when zoomed in, but it can also zoom in more than the MKII+ (can't remember focal length specifics off the top of my head but it has a larger zoom range). Depending on circumstances, this can be more helpful than a faster lens.
I'd agree the MKII+ are better cameras, and I'd rather their faster lenses too, but the price difference between the MK1 and MKIII is nearly 100%. I don't think I'd call this "totally justified". The MK1 is still a fantastic camera and crazy good at this price point.
After reading your comment I bought a RX100m1, should be a nice upgrade from my trusty GRD3. :)
M1 is supposedly made in Japan too. Mark III and IV are made in China as far as I know.
Thanks. Got this camera over a new phone. I hope I made the right decision. Phone still works,and I place higher importance getting better quality photo. Only negative is having to carry 2 devices, but let's see how things go. Thanks for finding deal. This camera has been on my wish list for a long time now.
I have the M3, used it for a 3 month trip and I never regretted getting it once. Incredible camera, whenever I gave the camera to anyone for them to take a photo of me they always commented how good it looked.
Bought the MK IV … hope I don't regret this lol.
If you want 30x optical zoom you can't go past the WX500, but aperture not as good as these cameras. Zoomed day shots with the WX500 are awesome 720mm focal length, 1440 with intelligent zoom (I can't tell the difference in optical, it is definitely not like a digital zoom).
Very very different style of camera. But yes, if you want 30x optical zoom, the RX100 cameras are not for you.
I have been waiting for a deal on the MK3 for awhile and am thinking about buying it but still can't make up my mind. Since the MK4 has recently come out I am afraid the MK3's price would even go down further before the end of the year and I'll hate myself for buying it with this price. Arrggh!
mk3 out of stock????
Just bought 1 along with the 4% cashback :)
MKIII also good price.