Android TV Box for Use with Getflix to Watch Netflix/CBS/ABC

Can I get a recommendation on an android TV box/stick to be used with Getflix/other SmartDNS providers?
I will mainly use this to watch Netflix/Presto/CBS/ABC videos.
Will consider 1/1.5/2GB RAM gadgets, depending on the price too, as I think it would be great to have if I could also use it for gaming in the big screen.
I'm hoping to spend not more than A$100 if possible.

I currently have a chromecast, but I found that it can be frustrating to use as sometimes it doesn't disconnect the connection to my HTC mobile properly, and the next time I turn on the chromecast it couldn't connect to the internet whenever my HTC mobile is also connected to the internet.
It doesn't seem to have that problem with ios devices though.
But anyway, chromecast doesn't work with SmartDNS anyway, so I'm thinking of getting a different gadget for that purpose.



  • Not Android based - but I use getflix and the apple tv. Unfortunately my ip address changes from time to time and then I need to go into getflix and force an ip address update. Maybe I am too picky but this annoys me and I am leaning towards just re-setting the apple tv to factory and watching australian netflix.
    Actually i hardly watch netflix anyway apart from Orange is the new black, so I might even cancel Netflix soon.

  • Yes you can but you'll need to block Google DNS (as you do with a Chromecast) cause Netflix on Android is hard coded to use Google DNS, so it doesn't solve your SmartDNS problem without getting your hands "dirty" with settings in your router..

    I have a RK3066 Dual Core with 1Gb RAM bought 2.5 years ago, still going strong and does what it needs to, but we don't use it much any more since we got a Chromecast.
    Navigating on it is a bit of a pain.

    Apple TV is an obvious alternative choice, or if you wanted to steer away from Apple stuff something like a Roku maybe?

    • yeah, I've tried blocking the google dns before, but then the chromecast had some issues with connecting to the internet. Maybe I should give that another try and maybe I didn't do it right the last time..

      Isn't it the Netflix app after certain version couldn't work with blocking the google dns trick?

      • Definitely did it wrong..

        Netflix app definitely works with Blocked Google DNS (cause I have Google DNS blocked and it works for all our Android Devices).

        I have a router running Tomato Firmware, so I have blocked Google DNS using DNSmasq rules.
        And Getflix DNS is only applied to Netflix, Hulu and BBC iPlayer, all other sites go through my ISP DNS servers.

        Highly recommend getting a router with Tomato/DD-WRT/OpenWRT/Gargoyle support!

      • As with @scubacoles, I have Google DNS blocked and use Netflix with Chromecast daily. I've never had any issues with Chromecast connecting to the internet either.

        • are you guys using the latest Netflix app version too?

        • @hendyb:

          Yeah. My apps are all set to Auto-Update and notify me if I need to approve them.

  • probably something reputable: google nexus, amazon fire tv

    you probably want to look at installing kodi/tvaddons

    • or just search for tv box on aliexpress and see what's popular

      • You won't get Netflix HD unless they've been approved for it by those however.

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