• expired

ING Direct Orange Advantage Home Loan via PricePal 1300Homeloan Broker Cashback 3.86% + Offset


UPDATED DEAL: MatesRate still has $10 monthly admin fee (sorry for the outdated info earlier) so this deal is not good for loan >$160,000
Check out the MatesRate deal for 100% cashback for your trailing commission (with $5 monthly admin fee)

For loan >$160,000, the other deal will give you much better cashback.
Since ING minimum loan value for this deal is $150K, if you have small loan value, you still can get max loan of 80% LVR, put money in offset account and make repayment of $3000 per month to get maximum rebate from ING

You probably all know that ING got good promotion at the moment for their home loan at 3.99% (4.19% CR) with Offset account. Now you can take this extra step to even reduce the rate further.

ING is having 3.99% Home Loan rate (4.19% CR) for Owner Occupier ONLY.

For investment loan, you may talk to the broker and they may let you know what is the best deal. Always remember to do your own search as well before committing to what the broker said !!!

1. Register or login to your existing PricePal account.

2. Login and search for 1300HomeLoan, enter your details in the form and their broker will call you. Their broker is quite nice and helpful. You can use my link at the bottom for extra bonuses.

You need to install web app (toolbar widget) to activate this bonus. It is very handy and you won't missed out cashback by not using cashback link :) For those who used my referral link but haven't got $20 in your Pricepal account, please download and install their Web app (Chrome) to activate the bonus.

3. You can obtain ING Loan through that broker and they will share 50% of their trailing commission through Pricepal cashback.

Some of you will ask so what is for broker, brokers get 2 commissions:

  • One-off commission when you get your loan (It is about 0.6%+ of your loan amount depends on lenders), they won't get it if you don't stay with the lender for at least 6 months so if you switch your loan within 6 months, the lender with take it back. The brokers will keep this commission.
  • Ongoing trailing commission with your loan: for ING it is 0.15% for the first 3years then 0.2% after, and Pricepal will give you cashback of 50% of this.

4. You will get cashback on repayment up to $3000 per month from ING, I am still not sure if this is based on your minimum repayment amount or not which means you need to have shorter term to have a higher min monthly repayment. As you can see from the spreadsheet, after ING cashback and Pricepal cashback your true rate is 3.86% and reducing every year ;)

As you can see in the 2nd sheet, with smaller loan amount and shorter term, the effective rate is even lower than 3.86%. I have changed permission and you now can play with it by changing the loan amount and term and even rate!!!

When you change the Loan Amount, you can also change the term so that monthly repayment is $3000 to max out ING cashback

Since ING minimum loan value for this deal is $150K, if you only have a small loan balance, you'd to borrow maximum 80% LVR then put the extra money in offset account. Then you can make $3000 repayment every month to Home Loan account to earn 1% cashback on repayment.
You may not get trailing cashback for the extra loan though because trail cashback is calculated on owing loan balance i.e principle - offset


  • ING is stricter than big bank with your borrowing power, they use 8% as a stress test to work out your borrowing power i.e work out your loan amount as if the interest rate is 8% so you may not be able to borrow as much. But talk to the broker, they will help you out by checking your overtime or extra income to push for a higher borrowing amount.

  • $199 annual fee, waived for first year which I have included in my spreadsheet.


  • This comes with an Offset account and 2% PayWave cashback which will save you even more money(as long as you deposit at least $1000 per month to your Everyday account which you will need to use to pay for your home loan anyway).

None of the credit card reward program has cashback rate of 2%. You can use Coles Credit Card for non-PayWave payment with 1% cashback value through Flybuys Dollar ($89 annual fee - they must have dropped it recently, I remembered they jacked it up to $149 before). This card got no Foreign Exchange fee as well

FYI, Offset account is needed for Tax purposes if you want to claim negative gearing later down the track, Redraw will contaminate your home loan account and you can't claim negative gearing.

For new PricePal users, you can sign up using my referral link below. We will both get a $20 Buddy Bonus (so they will double up your cashback reward up to your Buddy Bonus)

How Our Referral Program Works
PricePal will pay you $20 “buddy bonus” cashback for every new member who you refer that joins PricePal and installs the PricePal web app – see “qualified referral” below. You may refer multiple friends and you will earn $20 bonus cashback for each friend. Each dollar of bonus cashback is paid to you for every dollar of cashback you earn. We effectively are matching you dollar for dollar on all the cashback you normally earn! So for example if you refer 1 friend, $20 will be placed in your Unclaimed Bonus total. If you were to be paid $10 cashback, then $10 bonus cashback would be paid to you in addition, and you would have $10 remaining in your Unclaimed Bonus total.

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closed Comments

    • ING is not a big bank.

      • -2

        Think again

        • +1

          Why should I ? On that link it states big banks = ANZ, nab , Westpac and cba.

    • You can ask the broker if they have relationship with the bank you want and you can also combine with Pricepal-1300Homeloan broker to get the cashback.

      Edit: Sorry I mis-read your post, you mean the rate beat offer, but like I said you can still combine this with any other cashback offer from bank

  • +1

    Any good deals for interest only investment property loans?

    • try liberty. 4.14% under 70% lvr

  • so what do i get back for upfront and ongoing from switching?

  • Whats the best rate on a variable loan anyone has gotten from a big bank (one of the 'pillars')?

    Moved to 4.2% variable+offset with NAB, but that was because I also have an investment property @ standard variable rate. Over 10 years NAB have been 99% incompetent (no joke - they might as well have employed monkeys, it would have been no less effective), and I'd love to ditch them.

  • used the referral link, no $20 bonus? :(

    • +1

      Log in to your account it is on the top of the page. You only can claim this when you have a cashback in your account. Please read how it works on their site. For example, you book hotel through booking.com with Pricepal cashback for $20, then Pricepal will give you another $20. That is how you claim it.

      You need to install web app (toolbar widget) to activate this bonus. It is very handy and you won't missed out cashback by not using referral link :)

      For those who keeps sending me request for access, please read my post. You can make a copy of my spreadsheet to your own Google Drive account to play with it.

    • I got the same problem. Two emails, Chrome and Edge

  • Used your referral OP :)

    • I wonder why my account level is still Founder :) I need to ask Pricepal rep to see if Founder level or Black Level is better.

  • For the record…the ANZ Breakfree package now charges 375 a year…

    Suspect this is the perfect opportunity to refinance with competitor.

    Thanks OP.

    • ANZ is one of the worst bank in Australia for all the fees and charges. I really hate that bank, even as intermediary bank there fee is ridiculous. I got slug $35 USD last time when my telegraphic transfer got routed through them.

      • They've been slowly hiking up the annual fee on us every year.
        Largely I've been OK with it due to taking advantage of some of the features:
        Waived fees on other financial poducts and services.
        No annual fees on their Frequent flyer Platinum ($295) Cards (Visa and AMEX combined)

        Recently upgraded to the Frequent Flyer Black card which has a $425 Annual Fee
        http://campaigns.anz.com/credit-cards/frequent-flyer-black/?… with no annual fees.

        The credit cards above were the main reason for staying as I did a fair bit of business travel and the Qantas miles came in handy on more than one occasion (We pay off the entire card balance every month).

        However (comma) in recent times they started charging $55 per person per year to use the Frequent Flyer facility.
        That's 485 a year now with wifey having a set of cards as well.

        Time to go or at least negotiate a better deal by threatening to go.

  • Thanks. OP. Did you have to wait long for the broker to call? I haven't heard from them yet…

    • I filled in the form a couple of hours ago and received a call from 'Finsure' just now. I asked her to call me back later.

      • Ok, thanks. I've been waiting about 4 hours….

    • +1

      poor lady, I have informed her this morning that she will be bombarded :)

  • What's the ING Direct web interface like for managing your loan?

  • OP, did you take into account the $199 annual fee in your calculations?

  • thanks OP!

  • How does this work if you're just after pre-approval? Can they honor this rate until we're ready to buy?

    • Depends on bank. Pre-approval generally last for 3 - 6 months.

  • +1

    OP, you're not using the 4th+ year pricepal cashback between the 4th and the 5th year - so the savings should be more.

    Good work with the spreadsheet. I'm thinking of going with this offer but one of my concerns is if PricePal will still be around in 30 years time.

    I am already in the process of signing the loan docs with Bendigo and Adelaide Bank through Mortgage House (they're giving me 3.99%) and settlement might be in 3 weeks time… don't know if that's enough time to sort everything out. I'll try giving the broker a call over the weekend to discuss.

    • Thanks for going through my formula :) My spreadsheet was hardcoded with the discount in calculation formula initially so when I changed it I made mistake in the 4th and 5th year. It has been rectified now. The saving is actually more :)

      Also I have changed the permission so you can play around with it directly.

    • Good work with the spreadsheet. I'm thinking of going with this offer but one of my concerns is if PricePal will still be around in 30 years time.

      It's a legit question. What the broker essentially doing is trying to run a business with overhead with less than 50% of their income. The 50% they rebate to you is taxable and they are paying tax on that 50% they rebate to client + run a business with the remaining 50% income. I hope they don't go down the path of Refund Home loan.

      Unless if they don't pay tax on the rebate that the customers receive, then the customer should declare that rebate as taxable income.

  • Does this apply to investment loans too?
    I've got two loans with BankWest, my owner occupied and an IP.
    Would like to move both.

    • Investment loan will have different rate but the commission cashback still apply. The broker can email you the best deal for your loan.

      • Cheers! I'm sure it'll be better than my current rate

        • ING rate for investment loan may not be the best, so you'd better talk to the broker and also shop around before committing.

        • @samehada: Sure. Thanks, signed up with your referral link and awaiting a call tomorrow from them.

        • @cooni: I spoke to them this afternoon and they was surprised that they got 40+ registrations in 1 day. I told them that they will get even more tomorrow because most of ozbargainer will check this deal tonight …lol

  • Hey guys,
    what does it mean the rate is for a limited time only?
    Because it doesnt seem to be an ongoing discount off their standard variable… so does that mean they can raise the rate back anytime after the "limited time"??

    Then id rather stick to my Ubank ongoing discount

    • +1

      It means that you will get 3.99% if you submit your loan application before 31-Oct. But the rate will stay for your loan unless there is a rate rise which will be added to your initial rate of 3.99%

      • So what if there is a rate cut? Will the 3.99% subject to rate cut as well?

        • Yup.

          Every lender has a "standard variable rate", customer receive a certain % discount to this rate.
          the % discount is for the life of the loan.

          In this case: ING's SVR - the % discount = 3.99% p.a.

          IF there's a rate rise or cut, ING will amend their SVR therefore your new rate will be:

          new SVR - existing % discount = new rate p.a.

        • @tomleonhart: Sorry if this sounds stupid (I am a novice in home loans), if that is the case, why some members that have existing mortgage with ING reported higher interest rates? Does that mean ING is giving higher discount now than before? Wouldn't their interest rates decrease when there is a rate cut as well?

        • @ykwon10: Does that mean ING is giving higher discount now than before? -> that's correct.

          Say for example they bank gave them 0.5% discount, now the bank is giving out 1.5% discount. It's all relative to the SVR that's why some are still paying a higher rate than others.

        • @tomleonhart: thanks for clarification!!!

          By the way, from previous posts suggest that you are a mortgage broker. Are you one of those rebate brokers?

        • @ykwon10: YEs i'm a mortgage broker and no i'm not one of those rebate broker. We can rebate the upfront commission based on discreet agreement but not trail :)

        • @tomleonhart: PM'ed you

  • Sorry for the inconvenience earlier with edit permission :) I didn't expect my post is this popular, seems like many ppl are interested in Home Loan like me ^^ I hope my deal can hit 100 +ve before 24 posting… Finger cross ^^

  • What would the comparison rate work out to including the annual fee and fees into the rate?

  • Looks like its good time to make this switch.

    Current rates which we are paying to AMP:
    Fixed : 4.99% // appro $440k (Principal & Interest) // 3yrs out of which 1.5yr completed
    Variable : 4.55% // appro $180k (Interest Only)
    With exit penatly of appro 5k

    • If you were refinancing 620k and had a large exit fee, this deal would probably be better: https://www.naritas.com.au/latest-news/3-69p-a-cr-na-mortgag…

      • +1

        If anyone is going to use Naritas, can you please refer me so we both get$250?


        I have found Andrew and his team very professional and he has a vast knowledge of different homeloans products. I did my own research on the side and I was glad that my findings were same as Andrew. I have already started my refinancing process and until now no issues at all. Keep you updated.

  • I signed up for a call. I've received a few calls around the same time of the day (when I can't answer at work) that I can only assume are from them. If they can't be bothered leaving a voicemail or sending a follow up email, then I can't really be bothered using their services.

    • 1300Homeloan that is, not Naritas.

  • I have also started talking to Andrew at Naritas and am going to refinance but would like to sweeten the deal so if you are in the same boat with a loan size over 250K please PM before engaging Naritas and i'll refer you so we both get the $250 bonus when we settle.

  • How do I bank a cheque with ING?

    • At post office, but the fastest way for cheque clearance is bank it with NAB and transfer money to ING.

  • For loan >$160,000, the other deal will give you much better cashback.
    Which other deal are you referring to? Still trying to get my head around this deal.
    So which one is better if I'm looking for a home loan approx 350k?
    My requirements are:
    -must have offset account
    -minimum fees as possible

  • ING DIRECT today announced it will increase interest rates by 0.18% p.a. across its variable owner occupier and investor residential loan portfolio, effective 15 January 2016.


    • Confirmed with broker that it will go up to 4.17%

  • can someone refer me to narita, i want to refinance my existing loan, thanks.

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