Hi, I have around $200 (I could let it build up to around $300 by the end of the year) worth of Jb-hifi e-gift cards from various rewards programs. I would like to purchase something from jb-hifi and then try to sell it to get my money back. I have thought about buying games from jb and then selling them on ebay. However I don't like the idea of loosing money on fees and such. Any ideas in terms of getting the maximum amount back?
Most profitable way to use JBHIFI e-gift cards

LFeRGan on 13/10/2015 - 16:18
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Games will work….get a hot one like halo5 And put it on gumtree for $5 less than retail - maybe you will have to drop another $5 in haggling but youll get rid of 3 copies for sure if you are in suburbia
sell the gift cards, you'll get 80-90% value for them