• expired

Wheel-It Electric Unicycle $995 + Delivery (Original Retail Price $1995)


The CEO of Wheel-It is trialing a new marketing idea. Instead of committing some $50,000 in press and media advertising, he is selling 50units at a Genuine $1000 off.

His idea that by doing this he then has 50 salespeople working for him.
Word of mouth being the Best Advertising money can buy.
Strictly 50 units at this price.
ORIGINAL Retail Price $1995.

The 'Genuine Wheel-It'…not a cheap Chinese Knock Off!

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closed Comments

  • 6 month warranty? perhaps he could use that saved money by providing a decent warranty

  • Here is an example of an electric unicycle available for $353.80 delivered to Australia. http://www.gearbest.com/scooters-and-wheels/pp_241652.html?c…

    Could you please clarify exactly what savings are involved, as the list price seems very expensive.

    • +5

      yeah, what exactly are you trying to pedal here?

      • +1

        We like your sense of humor..

        The Wheel-It Team

    • +1

      Many thanks for your inquire.

      YES…Wheel-It is more expensive…wonder why?

      950watt motor…against sometimes as little as 200watt( Wheel-It has the largest
      engine available)motor.
      Polycarbonate Body…against Plastic
      4th Generation Gyro Stabilizer…against 1st Gen
      Machined Aviation Grade Aluminum…against cheap cast alloy.
      Stick Shaker technology…against 4 red lights (this is important)
      Will carry up to 110 kg easily …against 0nly 70kg.
      400watt Lithium-ion Batteries made in Japan by Sony..against 'who knows'.
      Full Australia parts and labour Warranty…with all spares
      being stocked in Australia…against no backup or spare parts,
      try and claim warranty from China.

      When a Chinese copy of a Wheel-It goes 'Bang'…put it straight
      in the rubbish bin…there is no other recourse.

      Realistically… being an informed and astute consumer…
      Would you buy a Rolex from China over the internet?

      Hope this helps..

      The Wheel-It Team

  • Can you, please, explain how this was calculated?
    "Economical Costing only 4c for a complete charge and with a 40 km range, Wheel-It is one of the most economical forms of transport on the planet"

  • +1

    The price according to google cache was $995 as at 5pm 11/10 (two days ago), when did this sale start? Why is there nothing about it on the site?

    • Yes…we had our IT people update the
      site before the add was placed.

      This was done in case of any unforeseen problems
      when updating. Better to be safe than sure.


      The Wheel-It Team

  • Thanks for your inquire..

    The transformer draws 35watts

    Please go to the Energex web site…
    You can do the math from there.


    The Wheel-It Team

    • +1

      You should substantiate your own claim not the potential consumer, very poor form to expect us to do your hardwork if you want us to buy it.

  • Are these things even allowed on public foot / cycle paths in Australia?

    I think these are better though: http://store.rideonewheel.com/products/onewheel-ultracharger

    • Hey…many thanks for your interest..

      The only product on the market today that comes close to
      the Wheel-It's specifications is Solowheel sold I the USA.
      The retail price is about US$2000.

      Solowheel even at this price is old technology…2010.

      The product you highlited is US$1495 plus shipping…converted
      to AUD$2000 plus….again…where are you going to get parts and
      service…..zero warranty….zero after sales service.

      Hope this is of assistance

      The Wheel-It Team

      • Are they legal to use on public roads/footpaths?

        • -1

          No…they are not permitted on public roads…and were never intended to be.

          Footpaths are a different story…..This depends on the particular City and Council where you reside.

          Most Councils put Wheel-It in the same catorgary as skate boards, roller blades, motorised chairs, etc.

          Due to Wheel-It's small footprint, it doesn't present the problems that was encounted
          by the much larger and bulkier Steway

          The Wheel-It Team

        • @Balmer:

          Footpaths are a different story…..This depends on the particular City and Council where you reside.

          bzzzz wrong…. any law that covers footpaths will include road use. as far as i understood it you are only allowed to use any motorised device in any public space if it is under 200W. anything over 200W is classified as a motor vehicle and subject to all normal road rules including ADR's and needing road reg etc.

          public space would be any road, path, shopping center and basically anywhere that any member of the public can go. which means that the only place you can legally ride these is in your own privately owned residence

          edit: and i think you know this and the fact you didnt just answer the question the first time (let alone link to valid legislation supporting your case) makes me think you are just being intentionally deceptive to try and sell your shit.

  • -4

    Thanks for your unwarranted use of the word Shit.
    Much appreciated…

    If you were an informed and astute individual, which
    after reading your comments,you are certainly not..

    You obviously cannot intemperate our last response…

    Laws VARY…State to State…Council to Council.

    We have sold over 130 units in Australia alone…
    We have NEVER had any feedback from our clients
    regarding restricted use.

    This is the last response from us..

    We prefer to deal with genuine rational people, that have
    more to life than siting in front of a computer
    trying to find fault with the World.

    • thanks for confirming that i am indeed correct. the rest of your drivel means zip.

      if you even partly believed your own bullshit you would have at least attempted to prove you had some ground to stand on about these being legal anywhere other than your own property.

  • +1

    Why is the warranty only 6 months? It seems short particularly when marketing a premium, well built, high end product. Maybe it is not?

  • Hi …Many thanks for your interest.

    We feel a full 6 month Australian warranty is
    more than fair..If a problem was to occur it
    would revel itself in this period.

    Remembering Wheel-It has only two(2) moving parts..
    the on/of switch and the wheel itself.

    Best regards

    The Wheel-It Team

    • +3

      You might consider it fair but IMO I doubt most customers would feel it would be long enough particularly for a $1995 (original price) device.

      In addition if it only has two moving parts then shouldn't that suggest the warranty should be much longer with little risk to you?

      There is a perception that short warranties correlate with poor quality or short product life.

    • +1

      If it has only two moving parts what provides the force to turn the wheel?
      I think you need to talk to your engineering team on how this thing works.
      I believe you need to learn better customer service too. You have been asked straight forward questions to prove your claims about cost of running and legaliteis of using this device in public. You have not substantiated any of your claims, but rather abused someone for calling you out on these claims, if you can't substantiate your claims with proof you need to learn more about your own product and its legalities then the people your trying to sell it too as they clearly know more then you do about the use of your own product.
      If this is such a high grade device you believe is worth $2k i would expect you to back your engineering and manufacturing a lot more then 6 months, thats just pathetic and shows no faith in your own product.
      Previous sellers of similar products have been humiliated more then you have here by using the same misleading and negative tactics, several have been banned and blacklisted. Be careful and respectful to potential customers.

      • -2

        Sigh…many thanks for your inquire.

        It was a laugh for us to read..Really you made our day..
        Thanks mate!!

        We found it amazing that a person who has never seen or touched a
        Wheel-It can make such amazing statements about it's endineering.

        Sigh…some FACTS you might not be aware of…
        An electric motor has ONLY one moving part…it's called an amature….
        The wheel is the motor!
        Hence One moving part…The second being the switch.

        Sigh….the Degree that you got out of your Leggo Box is not accepted
        in the real World…..This is why you might have been turned down
        at NASA…

        Sigh…be realistic….you have never had any intention of buying this product…
        The other rational people reading your comments would agree..
        Your sole purpose in posting is to try, in your own way; to lift your self esteem..
        We are by NO means trying to hurt you emotionally…But fact is fact….sorry mate!

        Wheel -It has exported units to Saudia Arabia…Canada…USA and New Zealand..
        We have sold in excess of 130 units in Australia…
        We pay our GST, Taxes, Duties and Donations..
        We comply with ALL statute consumer legistration in Australia.

        Yes…we do get upset, we ill informed people try to degrade our product.
        For this we are not sorry!

        Sigh….we will not longer reply….we are not in a position to waste any more
        time with you.

        The Wheel-It Team

        • +2

          An electric motor has ONLY one moving part…it's called an amature….

          most (at least 1/2 decent) electric motors have more than one moving part. they have the armature and on each end of that it has a ball bearing race of some sort. does this mean yours only has bushes and not bearings in it? in which case that is probably why you only trust it to last 6 months before you begin to see issues with it.

          Sigh….the Degree that you got out of your Leggo Box is not accepted in the real World….

          yes, it actually is. its a public service of sorts to warn other potential "victims" of dodgy stuff what to expect. you do realise that because you posted this on OzB that its also going to be one of hte top google searches so it not only helps OzB'ers but also anyone else who may google your product for reviews etc will get to see not only the pitfalls but also see the way you delt with the situation which would certainly put off a lot of potential customers.

          This is why you might have been turned down at NASA…

          nice comment, arsehole. way to keep it relevant to the deal and not go off on a personal insult rant… oh wait you did..

          Your sole purpose in posting is to try, in your own way; to lift your self esteem..

          intent on purchasing or not is besides the point, as is any duly earned self esteem gained by helping out the community by stopping dodge merchants like you… we appreciate it.

          Wheel -It has exported units to Saudia Arabia…Canada…USA and New Zealand..

          i have an uncle in nigeria who id love for you to have a talk to. he will purchase a thousand units straight away…..

          Yes…we do get upset, when well informed people try to point out how shit our product really is.
          For this we are not sorry!

          fixed that for you, seems you spelt some words wrong. try a dictionary next time and you will get it right champ..

          The Wank-It Team


        • +2

          I am an engineer.
          Are you?
          If you are the "ian balmer" who developed this product you seem very unaware of what and how your own device works. The motor is mounted in the hub of the wheel, huge difference to 'the wheel is the motor' otherwise I'm interested and so whould all the car companies like to know how a steel/aluminium ring and some rubber propel this device.
          The wheel must be powered by a motor, yes electric motors can have as little as one moving part, that power must be transferred to the wheel somehow, usually moving parts and at the very least the wheel requires bearings, again moving parts.
          You still haven't addressed the legalities of using this device in public in australia, each state has different laws about motorised devices which this clearly is. I may not want to buy this device and i hardly post to boost my self esteem so thanks for the personal attack. Others that do should be fully informed something you are failing to address and clearly avoiding doing, which to me is very dodgy sales tactics.
          Congrats on being able to sell this item in multiple countries, i admire your entrepreneurship, but you are clearly dodging serious legal questions that potential customers have asked you. If this is how you handle questions about what you are selling its easy to see what after sales service would be like.

  • +1

    Just remember that a manufacturer's stated warranty is only a "serving suggestion" if it isn't as substantial as what is provided by Australian Consumer Law. In this case, a "reasonable" warranty has to be provided. I would argue that for a $2000 (or $1000) device, not providing warranty support after six months would be in violation of this Law (in my humble opinion). But this in no way restricts the manufacturer from offering whatever length warranty that they want to. (But Apple did change their warranty policy after it was found that their "normal" warranty wasn't consistent with the requirements of Australian Consumer Law.

    Hope I'm not sounding too preachy in this post!

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