This was posted 9 years 4 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

60 Days $0 Access to - Includes SMH + The Guardian


At Inkl we curate the world's best journalism brands on one site. We filter out the click bait and provide quality content from around the world, advertising & subscription free.

This offer will provide full access for 60 days. Sign up for free, if you're happy with the product after 60 days you can sign on for $15/month or $0.10 per article. You decide how you want to pay.

Inkl can be viewed from a mobile device, either via our website or from the Apple or Android App.

Our news is curated by the team at Inkl. We provide the best news from around the world.
Inkl was developed so you wouldn't have to file through click bait articles to get the real news content from the the best news publishers from around the world.

Try Inkl for FREE today, and take advantage of this great offer!

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closed Comments

  • we curate the world's best journalism brand

    What's wrong with Collect? This is just pretentious tosh.

    • 'collect' does not imply any discrimination over content. I'd say inkl are looking to value add by 'curating' stories they believe their readers will find worthwhile.

      An interesting idea, but ultimately susceptible to a different type of 'clickbait' in the end - reader profiling inevitably funnels down into a predictable, 'marketable' consumption pattern. At least it's two months free, and the 'per-article' payment option is intriguing.

  • +2

    Not really. Collection can be performed blindly or automated in some fashion.

    Curating implies the articles have been read by someone with expertise who is willing to promote them as being worthy of attention. So technically you should get better quality, fact checking, different insight/perspective.

    Hopefully does do the latter and it is not just a matter of advertising speak.

    • I see your point. Perhaps a more suitable word is 'Select'.

  • Hello OzBargin friends, thanks for engaging with our special offer.
    At Inkl, we understand the importance of high quality content. We take the time to curate/select the articles which allow our users to be kept up to date. We are a young Melbourne based business and are excited to hear from all of our users and gather any feed back you are happy to share.

    Thanks for all of the continued support and don't forget to sign up before October 31!

  • +1

    ad & subscription free.

    and then…

    if you're happy with the product after 60 days you can sign on for $15/month or $0.10 per article

    • Hi Munnday! Sorry for the confusion.

      Subscription free means you get access to content from all our publishers without having to also purchase a subscription to their site.
      Signing up with allows you to access all of the publishers content (SMH/The Guardian/Washington Post etc) via our site/app for $15/month or $0.10 per article and you avoid any issues with cookies, pop-ups or advertising.

      I hope that helps.


  • App crashed twice on my iPhone before coming up.

    • Hi Abaddonxi - We are disappointed to hear you had trouble. Thanks for sharing.
      Today we have made updates and released a new version to iTunes. The latest version is 1.3.4.

      Thanks for sharing and please continue to share all of your feed back.

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