Can't Log into 28 Degrees Account from Android Devices

Hi all

I am not able to log onto my 28degrees account from android devices…smart phone and tablet.
I can do so from my laptop at home,but it is a problem when i am traveling.
It keeps saying that i have incorrect password etc

Is there anything I can do to correct this.

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  • I haven't tried logging in through my mobile, but are you travelling now? if not, it's faster if you call their customer service up.

    • Not traveling at the moment, but will be soon. It is just annoying when you are overseas and want to check transactions etc. It must be an android problem as my daughter cannot login from hers either.

      • yeah better call them up to fix it. Surely they can make it compatible to android

  • Logged into my 28 Degrees account earlier in the day using a HTC One M8 (stock) and Chrome. Is this across all browsers on your phone and tablet?

    • Yes, it is both. Samsung products.Happened on my old S2 and now on S5. Will have to call them.

  • Had a similar problem with a Sony tablet.
    Problem was that it always put a capital letter on my user name.
    When I worked out how to use the lower case it fixed the problem.
    Bit slow of me I know - maybe this is happening to you??

    • +1

      Thanks for the replies.
      I called the centre and they said it is operating system I have been using.Recommend using google chrome and it worked…yay!

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