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Complete Battlestar Galactica on Blu-Ray AUD $59.10 + $1.99 Delivery @ Zavvi

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Cheapest I've ever seen the collected seasons + some of the additional content in a single package. Zone B, too so will of course work on our hardware locally. Enjoy!

From Zavii product description:

"Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Series contains the entire Emmy(r) award winning epic Battlestar Galactica series, from the Second Cylon war of the Mini Series through their journey across the vastness of space told in every episode of Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 (including the TV movie Razor) and ending with The Final Season."

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Great series for anyone who has not watched it. SiFi Soapie that keeps you interested.

    • +7

      Frakking awesome series!

      • +2

        Not that word again!

        • +3

          It's a gas. So shale we all.

      • +2

        Frakking full of skin jobs!

        • My ears … my poor ears!

        • +5

          Shut your frakking mouth

      • +2

        so say we all

      • -1

        Beam me up skywalker

        • Live long and prosper.

  • +8

    Have this, but must say I really loved the first couple of series the most. The final series just gets too wishy washy with all the religious talk and whatnot.

    • +1

      Yeah, but still it had it's Great moments after that, like Exodus, and the last battle. Moments that will stick in my mind as some of the finest hard sci fi ever, and some scenes that made the hairs on my arms stand on end.

      • +4

        You can't get better than when Galactica was free falling through the atmosphere of New Caprica though ….

        • +1

          That was definitely one of those moments! That was the Exodus episode I was referring to. I'm getting chills thinking about that.

        • +1


          Yeah Sci-Fi channel could just put that scene on a loop 24/7 and not show anything else.

    • I see people make this complaint quite frequently, but the show has a very religious undertone the whole way through.

      Including head-six outright saying in the miniseries (or possibly first episode, can't quite recall) that she's an angel sent by God…

      I love this series from start to end, and I'm happy to let the problems it had slide as it's very well made sci-fi…

  • +3

    +1, bargain.even my mother lived it, she hates scifi

    • +2

      who….. who is your mother? /weirdedout

      • +4

        cylon mother.. mother of us all…

    • +2

      cylon detected

  • +1

    Great series. If you like sci-fi, but have a little bit of trouble getting into it, keep watching a few more episodes, then you'll get hooked. :)

    • +2

      Why? Do they stop with the robot babes in space bikinis bit or does Starbuck grow a pair?

      Sorry but while the original was mismanaged and Galactica 1981 was painfully corny to watch in parts I'll stick to the original.

      I did end up watching Caprica. And I'm in two minds about whether I want my time back.

      • First time I watched it, I found it really slow and quite uninteresting. I stopped after just a few episodes. I gave it another go, and found that it was much more interesting. Was probably hooked half way through season one.

  • -6

    Great intro episode, than downhill from there

    • +2


      • I think people have confused here say with heresy ;-)

  • +2

    Season 1 and 2 amazing. 3 and 4…ehh..

    Still excellent show worth watching start to end

  • +1

    Thanks grabbed this, havent seen it!

  • I haven't watched any but want to make sure I can buy all Seasons. Will there be Season 5?

    • +2

      Nope season 4 is the end, like others have said season 3 nd 4 meh

    • Make sure you watch the first 5 episodes, don't give up after 1 episode. The show was great and I'm not a fan of Sci-fi.

  • +2

    It's a politcal/social drama set in space. Its fantastic and not your typical sci-fi fare.

  • +1

    Does it have the two mini movies?

    • Includes "Razor" from 2007. Name other movie (I am yet to watch this set) and I shall check for you. If you mean "Caprica" then no.

      • +1

        The two mini movies before the season 1 actually started.

        • Pretty sure that was the pilot which ended up being episodes 1 and 2 of the first season.

        • +1

          @Elijha: Don't think so, ep 1 and 2 starts with them on the run so all the 'pre the robots' are here stuff is in those mini series movies.

        • +1

          Yes, it includes the mini-series before the regular series.
          It includes everything except:
          - "The Plan" which came after the regular series. IMO no big loss.
          - "Caprica" spin-off series.
          - "Blood and Chrome" pilot episode for another spin-off series.

      • +2

        there was also Blood and Chrome in 2012 - very good

        • +2

          Yeah that was great.

          There is also that other movie "The Plan". I'm not sure the box has that either.

  • +2

    Good price for this interesting series so a big +1 from me.

    I paid a little less (25UKP) December, 2014 with zero delivery for a region free blu-ray set. This was from amazon.co.uk, so it maybe worthwhile doing a price comparison. I also collected "Blood and Chrome" (3.67UKP) and "The Plan" (5.83UKP). This means I paid (36.06UKP) $71.13AU, at that time for the complete series plus those two related movies. Of course, it is not essential to buy the movies, as you can just watch and enjoy the seasons.

    Yet to purchase the "Caprica" movie (which is set in pre-Battlestar Gallactica times). I believe there is also available a web series of Caprica. The movie and web series can be watched prior to or after the Battlestar Gallactica series/movies; will not enter into that debacle. Another mini - TV movie "Razor" is included in this set.

    Oddly enough have only just started watching this set (still in season 1 though); great definition, perfect for BluRay but soundtrack is not lip-synced very well, which is a tad annoying. Hopefully the other seasons are not so affected. I still appreciate it that I can now finally catch up and watch the entire series, without missing any. Still, for the price this series is asking, is well worth the purchase if you are interested in sci-fi type series and movies. Basically an aging Battlestar due to be turned into a museum back on Caprica, is drafted into another war against the (man-made) Cylons, and this particular Battlestar is the last remnant of the fleet to survive and attempt escape. So it is kind of a mix of sci-fi, political and social type of drama. I am re-enjoying it (and am a mother too!) this time and believe others would too … just wish they would stop saying "frac" at every opportunity; that seems even worse than the more commonly used swear word. Oh, I hope that doesn't start a trend!

    • +1

      You had an awesome deal. When did amazon.co.uk have free delivery? Did anyone on OzB post it?

      • +1

        Yes, I believe it was an OzB deal, as I had not purchased from Amazon before. Just checked though; Postage was 6.56 UKP, but a 5.00 UKP "promotion" applied to this in an attempt to negate the postage. Not grumbling over the remaining 1.56 UKP though! I guess well watching the pre-Christmas sales. Looks identical to the set offered here, which is just as good an offer, especially considering the declining AUS dollar.

    • Edit: Postage was 6.56 UKP but had a promotion of 5.00 UKP applied to that .. so not exactly zero.

    • +1

      Caprica (the series) is fantastic, unfortunately, I have not seen a Blu-Ray release for the title in any region. It would be a instant purchase if was on Blu-Ray. Fleshes out the back story brilliantly, and is very heavy Sci-Fi (it doesn't hold your hand as much as standard BSG does)

      • +1

        Apparently the only blu release for Caprica was in France.. you can find them on eBay for a lot of money. I noticed the other day that the french amazon has an 'ultimate' set coming out with all BSG stuff in it .. original series, new and caprica.

    • +1

      Most (Some?) players can have the lip syncing (soundtrack) adjusted manually.

      • I hope this is correct. I am using a fairly recent Panasonic … DMP-BDT360 … If you have a suggestion how I may do this. First time I have experienced this problem with a blu ray.

        • +1

          usually it is in 50ms increments, just keep pushing up or down to make it match. it would be in the menu system somewhere, might be worth reading the manual as every brand is different.

          A good amplifer would also have this feature, just in case your BRP doesn't

        • @Son ofa Zombie: Thank you; I made some change in the settings for audio on the blu ray player. Cannot recall what that was, but it seemed to be logical at the time, and I could have quickly reversed it if not right. There were at least 4 changes I could have made in there. Odd though that I did not notice a problem with other movies … then again most of those are these 3D kids cartoon types. Thanks again!

    • +1

      Yep, i got this set a few years bakc for about $45 from amazon UK too, back when the AUD was good.

      Still have not watched, will do so over christmas hols, which is what i said last year too

  • +12

    This deal has happened before, and it will happen again

    • +14

      So say we all

      • +2

        Always reminded me of "and so say all of us" from "For he's a jolly good fellow".

      • +1

        Whoops. I meant to '+'. Hit '-' by mistake.
        Can't reverse it.

        Then again, maybe I meant to hit '-', and pretended that I meant to hit '+'
        Or did I.
        And how did I get this gun? Why am I aiming it at…..oh Gods no……run.

  • +1

    Loved the show, thought its available on netflix UK.

    • It's not.

      • +1

        Actually it's, as I watched all 4 seasons on it.

        Its available in three regions, UK, Ireland and Netherlands.

        • Time to UK it up.

    • Thanks time to brush the dust of my vpn.

  • +1

    Purchased! Look forward to watching the first few seasons again and hopefully finishing the series.

  • +2

    Bears > Beets > Battlestar Galactica

  • +1

    It will take over your life ;P

    • Nah; just one more episode.

  • If anyone wants to do a $40 pick up in Melbourne, I ended up with two copies of this from Zavvi last time it was cheap, and shipping it back wasn't worth the hassle. Still shrink-wrapped and shiny, since… I only needed to open 1 copy!

  • Purchased it tonight for 59$ AUD woot.

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