GoPro Hero 4 Silver

Hey guys, so I was second guessing myself last week when the GoPro sale was on and decided not to get one.

Now I regret that decision as I will be travelling next week and wish I had one to take with me.

Can anyone please tell me the cheapest place to buy one? Or better yet, does anyone regret buying one last week that they wouldn't mind selling?

Thanks in advance ;)


  • does it have to be a GoPro? Genuine question as I am in the market for one myself, but am inclined to go other brands if its logical

    • +1

      From my research, gopro is well worth it due to their superior sensors inside. E.g. They are quicker to adapt in the transition between dark and bright places, vibrations, etc. For an extra $100 or so, its better to know you have bought the best the market has to offer.

      If you think Im wrong, please let me know what other brand that has similar or better tech for $100+ less in price ( cant really be bothered if its a $40 or $60 saving)

    • I was in the same boat; ended up buying a Xiaomi Yi for ~$85 (they're about 95 now due to the exchange rate).

      Check the youtube reviews; it has a quality equivalent to a GoPro Hero 3 (which'll run you ~$400). Only thing it's missing is a screen to display battery/time etc, but it is fully wireless and pairs well with the app.

      Don't know why you'd risk spending $400+ on an extreme camera that you can lose in a heartbeat.

      • Hi Marth. Where did you buy your Yi from? How long was the delivery time?

        • +1

          I bought it from gearbest. Shipping was ~5 weeks.

          The Yi exceeded all expectations, except that it had slightly muffled audio and a random crackle when using the wifi app.

          I fixed it by following this video -

          A firmware update may have fixed those problems by now though; I bought soon after it was released.

          Couldn't recommend it more highly, especially when it's about 1/4 the price of an equivalent GoPro.

  • Junkee, how about renting one?

  • - $375

    Search eBay for: gopro pack

    There are cheap accessory packs for under $50 that give you almost everything you need to use it. Can't speak for quality but with a floaty back you should be alright in most cases.

    I'd also recommend a backpac battery to extend the life without needing a charging station. DSE has them for a reasonable price most of the time.

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