Help Required with The Name of an Item I Am after

Hi All,

This might be really simple, but after an hour of google I am no closer to know the name of the item I am after.

It's used when solving a puzzle or code etc. Once piece looks abstract and makes no sense, but when you place the second item over the top you can see the hidden message. Some I have seen are just dots and dashes but when you cover them up with a small piece with holes cut in it, these dots and dashes make words and numbers. Another example was a piece of paper that was completely blurred and you couldn't read it, you place a piece of plastic over the top and the angles of it make the original form a work. I thought it would be along the lines of a decoder or key or something, no idea, but I cant find anything that's along the lines of what I am looking for.



  • Sorry, I have no idea what are you talking about :(

  • Is it a game or a device? I'm curious

  • Ive seen them in Escape Rooms, it makes the pictures look meaningless unless you apply to key or decoder or whatever over the took, then it makes a message. Sorry I dont know how else to describe it, otherwise Im sure my google searches would have been successful :(

  • Cipher?

    • In essence yes, however everything I search for just returns the words to symbols style

  • +1


    • I also found this, but it seems specific to software, I want to do it with a piece of paper or something physical

      • +8

        it's the name of the concept of hidden information in various media, be they physical or electronic.

        using multi coloured writing and then only having the required text covered over by red and then using red lens glasses to read the hidden message.

        the item I think you are after is known by one company that manufacturers them as a focal decoder

        have a look at this website

        • You Sir ….. Legend thank you!

          Case closed people, as you were

        • +7

          @cypher67: it's funny that your user name is cypher but….

        • +1

          All hobbyist need to learn sooner or later and I just got schooled

  • Try searching 'secret message kit' :) I found a few things but not sure if I understood what you are after correctly

  • +1

    Just another day where OzBargain has made a positive contribution to my life :D

  • +2

    If it's blurred and then revealed, then you're after a Lenticular Lens kit.

    They're often used to make 3D photos, but can also be used to hide text/images if you tilt them the right way.

  • Sounds like the Anti-Copy attempts of late 80s / early 90s computer game, where an entry code of critical clue was printed in hidden ink in the manual, and the only way to read it was to have the red cellophane 'reveal' that came with the game.

    Or a handy BBS with a text file of all the possible questions / answers 9-)

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