Could do with some advice on fishing rods.
I'm into cycle touring so need something compact so I'm thinking a telescopic surfcaster for spinning for pacific salmon (Kahawai).
I've got a telescopic rod thats about 7 foot from memory but its old and past its use by date.
I used it for fishing river mouths on the incoming tide with some success over the last 15 or so years.
I can't read the transfers (writing) on the rod so don't known what the brand is.
I bought it as a recommended "good one" at the time with a multi stainless steel bearing shakespeare reel which I think is still ok.
I'd like something a bit longer to get me out a bit further than I can cast this one and of a decent quality.
I've been to Rays, BCF and BigW but the staff have always been to busy or don't know much and I'm in the dark as how to proceed.
Any advice welcomed
Best Quality Telescopic Fishing Rod

Well, if I thought that, I'd have not kept my one for as long as its lasted.
Its caught me many a meal and its simply that the bits that the line threads through are badly worn and some loose that brings me here.
I will consider a multi section rod but have my doubts as to wether I can pack its bulk as my load is already at the extreme end bulk wise.
Thanks for the input.Yeah I get that some brands are pure rubbish, hence my thread.
My current one had done good service and I may even consider getting it repaired.
Something longer though sure is tempting.Thank you for the link.
I'll take a squiz.
I'll try for a close up eyeball in person to determine how small it packs which is one of the big considerations.
Depends what you plan on using it for.
I use telescopic rods for a type of float fishing.
They also make a heavy duty version of the telescopic ISOrods. *Type 5
I have the type one which is really only used for float fishing.You can use the type 5 rod for live baiting, spinning, beach fishing and sinker fishing etc.. just be wary, it is a little heavy(0.4-0.5kg) but it has 5m reach.
quality is high. $250
The store that sells it also have spare parts.
Big game rod is the heavy duty one.It comes with a case and when you pack it, it is about 1.1m long
If you are looking for super compact rod, try a Emmrod. Highly rated supposedly. my guess is its good for lure fishing to be fair.
Telescopic rods are all not very good in my opinion. I use a 3 piece rod for travelling, would that be possible for your luggage/backpack?