Fake Ass Dick Smith "Eneloop" Clones

Ironically I was picking up my real eneloops today at lunch.

I was amused to see this:


about the same price as the real ones on special, its not surprising they would do this, i mean if they can convince even 10% of battery buyers these are close to the real thing then that is significant income.

Of course any real eneloop enthusiast would not be fooled by such dickery slash buffoonery slash tomfoolery.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan


  • +2

    Too much swearing in title

  • +9

    Huh? How do you jump from colourful battery packs to fake Eneloop clones?

    • +4

      eneloop glitters.

      I saw the glitter-DSE-throw-aways the other day. at first I was like "eneloops???", then I was like "DSE eneloops???" then I was like "DSE rechargables?!?!?!" and then I was like "DSE throwaways that look just like Eneloop glitter rechargables!!!" WTF

      eneloop glitter


      DSE glitter

      • +4

        Does Panasonic have some kind of exclusive right to the use of colours on batteries? I don't see what's wrong here. Anyone who knows why you'd want to buy eneloops also knows enough to be able to read the name on the packet…

  • +1

    I recommend that everyone who owns a lot of Eneloops buys a few packs of these Dick Smith clones.. Then place them on top of your more expensive Eneloop batteries so if anyone sees them they will be like Dick Smith cheap arse batteries.

    • +7

      As a professional battery thief, I would not appreciate this buffoonery.

      • +4

        Yes, watch out for batt-burgulars

        • +2

          energy sappers?!?

  • +2

    I agree with peteru. Anyone who can actually read would be aware that they are not Eneloop batteries but Dick Smith glitter batteries. To qualify as fakes, the name Eneloop would need to be on the batteries, and it is not, except possibly to someone with a very vivid imagination who imagines that the word is there. If enough people tell you that you are too drunk to drive, then you may be too drunk to drive. If enough people cannot see the word Eneloop or Eneloops on the batteries, but the words, "Dick Smith Glitter batteries" instead, they may not be fake anything, just as labelled.

    • +1

      yeah but you have to look at the intent behind it

      do you think the DSE buyer went to some One Hung Low battery company in China and they somehow stumbled on "glitter" as the default colour?

      its unlikely… the chief buyer at DSE knew exactly what they were trying to achieve… they could have went with some other colour scheme but 'glitter'… not buying that coincidence for a second

  • Kind of like the Aldi look-alike products.
    They get you when you are only half watching so your brain is like "OH that product for WHAT price Wow"

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