What is the customer to do when an on-line company just reneges on their undertakings and you can't call in at their office to dispute their decision? Specifically, I am talking about Coles/Flybuys, from whom I get frequent (several times weekly) offers for special discounts and rewards. Usually I ignore them, as they don't amount to much (five or ten percent, and the conditions usually mean you have to spend more than you would normally feel the need to). However, a couple of weeks ago, I took the bait: for a change, it sounded like a genuinely good deal… spend $70 and have $15 deducted at the checkout. That's a 21.5% discount, much better than their usual offers, and $70 isn't a huge outlay. Someone in at Flybuys must have been asleep at the wheel when they offered that one, because they swiftly geared themselves up for the inevitable renege. First off was a follow-up email, one day after I had registered: they hadn't explained the special conditions fully enough, they conceded, and then proceeded to change the deal so that you had to make TWO purchases, for more than $85 total, within seven days, to qualify. Well, that knocked the discount down to 17.5%, but I decided that was good enough and went ahead. But the discount never happened. Not one cent. When I rang Flybuys they had a very well-rehearsed set of responses as to why this had happened, assuring me that it was all my fault, that I hadn't registered in time, or I hadn't read the qualifying dates. When I was able, after some searching of emails, to refute all these charges, they conceded that the problem was at their end, not mine… but that was my bad luck, as they didn't refund money! More arguing, and they "generously" offered to give me some Flybuys points instead of the discount. Flybuys points! Wow, who could ask for anything more? Well, myself, for one, and I objected to their whole attitude, especially blaming everything on the customer (have these people no shame?). A supervisor then came on the line with a "compromise": if I made a THIRD purchase, to bring my total expenditure to over a hundred dollars, she would authorise for the discount to be applied. So now the discount had dwindled down to just under 15%… a not-infrequent offer, and a far cry from what was originally promised. I declined to accept that, and told them that since they had my name, address, email address, and telephone number, I would expect them to come up with a more equitable solution and get back to me. Their solution was a simple one… they haven't yet got back to me by any of those methods, even though I sent them a follow-up email. I understand what's going on here: someone in the company didn't get his sums right, and offered a discount which rang warning bells in the highest echelons of the company, and they then had to sit down and work out how to avoid actually going through with this. But they couldn't do the decent thing and just say, "Sorry, we can't do it, it was a mistake". They had to work out ways to make the customer think it was HIS fault, which is what they did to me… I was just about ready to apologise to THEM, and they would have accepted that, I am sure, and gone away chuckling, having won again…. which is the only game they are interested in. I think that's a terrible way for a company to act, and I am very anti-FlyBuys. Oh, by the way, I followed up by ringing the Coles store and telling the manager that I was bringing the ninety-nine dollars worth of groceries back for a refund; he was much nicer, and quickly offered to do what Flybuys would not… send me the promised discount. A happy ending… but now I stick with EasyRewards!
Is There an Ombudsman for Companies Like Flybuys. Who Looks after The Customer's Interest?
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Wall of text = no read
OP swapped enter key and full stops for flybuys points
Ladies and Gents, The TLDR:
- Flybys made a standard bonus offer
- OP thought she satisfied the conditions
- OP got mad when no discount
- OP rang + emailed flybys, flybys disagreed, but offered to give the discount if she spends $20
- OP still mad, refused
- OP threatened to return the groceries at local Coles
- Coles manager gave the $15 discount she was after
- OP still mad
- OP vowed to never shop at coles again.
- OP satisfied with herself
Aw, shucks, bonezAU, I thought I was fairly concise! How about this, then: "stay away from Flybuys, their offers aren't always honoured and they are quick to blame the customer and remove themselves from all responsibility"?
It's a discount program offering something for nothing. Literally nothing, it doesn't cost to be a member or scan your card. So now you're on here
whingingcomplaining that you didn't get an extra something for nothing…?Wow…
I don't care who messed up, who sent an email promoting something that was wrong. At the end of the day it was just a further discount, that didn't happen. Still doesn't change the fact that the Flybuys program is a bonus extra, mainly meant to entice you to shop at Coles over Woolworths.
I for one prefer Coles over Woolworths, so I like getting an extra bonus every few months of a further discount off the shopping.
It's a discount program offering something for nothing. Literally nothing, it doesn't cost to be a member or scan your card. So now you're on here whinging complaining that you didn't get an extra something for nothing
errr.. it's not missing out on "something for nothing". The enticement/promise was there. The OP (or any others) may not have spent that money had the deal not been there.
For example, a product might have been $80 at Coles and $70 elsewhere, but buying it at Coles with the $15 cashback actually makes it $5 cheaper than the second place. The company turning around after the sale and not honouring their deal would mean that some people could lose out.
It is definitely not something for nothing.
You give the company a shit load of information about your purchasing habits in return for that small discount.
Meh, unless you're paying in cash, I'm sure that every card purchase can be traced/matched to see spending habits. And that's not mentioning online ordering, where you give them every piece of information to make your order.
Maybe sometimes we need to take the alfoil hats off…
Flybuys handled this promotion very badly on several levels. The $15 discount or whichever amount was relevant was supposed to be printed on the receipt from the original purchase with an expiry date one week after the initial purchase. I agree that the first email from the promotion was misleading. When some of the vouchers printed out, the expiry date was wrong and the vouchers looked liked they expired on the same day as the initial transaction.
If they've awarded the points convert them to flybuys dollars and use these as a payment method for your next transaction at either Coles, Target, Kmart or the other Coles group retailers who accept them.
If you are still disputing the reward method try asking for a $15 gift card for Coles group retailers.
If you want to take the claim further investigate whether Fair Trading or ACCC investigate these types of incidents.
I prefer the straight discount off your shop, although points are more useful to me as they are paid straight away and I convert them to flybuys dollars frequently and use them as payment methods next time. If you get flybuys dollars you can use any amount you want and whatever is left over can be used next time.
Thanks, pointscrazy, spackbase and the other posters. I wasn't so angry about not getting "an extra something for nothing"… what I really objected to was Flybuys' strategy of assuring the customer that the failure was HIS fault and not theirs, when, in fact, they simply didn't want to give the customer "something for nothing", even though that's essentially what they offered (well, not for "nothing", but for "loyalty"). Maybe what I wrote did come across as "whingeing", but I am trying to stand up for the customer's right to be treated honestly and fairly, and not be lied to in an attempt to shift the blame… a principle which I would think most ozbargainers would endorse. If enough of us insisted on this, then maybe we wouldn't NEED the raft of ombudsmen and Fair Trading organisations that are a feature of consumerism in the 21st century.
Woolworth rewards did something similar to this with me. I now just collect the bonus points when they suit my shopping patterns and ignore these promotional deals where the supermarket wants me to spend more than I need to. It stops me being annoyed with myself for being sucked in. 😳 same with Coles.
Wall'o'text v2.0
Hit them where it hurts most, shift ur shopping to the arch enemy.
But on a serious note, it's surely not that surprising coming from a company that advertises their fresh bread baked today, from Ireland pre bakes months ago.
Walloftextbook definition (pardon the pun) of wall of text. No paragraphs = no read.
Your grammar, spelling and punctuation seems good though. Shame, because you failed at the last hurdle.
You're quite right, DeadMutePretender… but I think the best put-down came from btl, don't you? That was funny!
Wasn't a put down :) Just difficult to read, OP :)
Flybuys' IT system is really old and crap - I have someone using my number linked to that person's Coles mastercard and for security reasons Flybuys can't tell me who it is (even they know who it is), they can't tell the person to update their details (cause they're obviously incorrect) - nor can they cancel a card - they best they can do is change the name of the card to "XXX XXX" … I ended up having to have a new number issued (and their systems don't let them transfer the points from old card to new card either) … lol… so I'm still receiving points from some unknown (but known) person on a flybuys card that is "deactivated" and Flybuys aren't able to do anything :)
Just as a follow-up, Flybuys did get back to me, by email, a half-day after I posted this (coincidence?). They were quite apologetic (no more blaming me), but they stood by their insistence that, in order for me to get the promised discount, I would now have to spend over a hundred dollars total, not the seventy they had originally offered. No discussion, no explanation… that was just the way it had to be.
Well, I have my own idea on the way it has to be… and that, simply, is Bye bye, Flybuys!
I liked your idea of threatening to bring your groceries back for a refund, I thought it was the best idea ever. The groceries were bought with the promise of the flybuys discount afterall.
You can be sure FlyBuys do monitor Ozbargain, and I would still stand by insistence on the original offer (if the store manager haven't already given you your discount yet). It's the principle that matters, that you were "baited" with false advertising, that you spent the time to walk into Coles and parted ways with your cash BASED ON THE advertisement.
Good work. Let us know what eventually happened :).
Any chance of a tl;dr version?