Get this SkyWatcher Beginner Telescope at $69.95 with discount coupon.
*Only for First 50 customers
*Valid until 30 Oct 2015
Get this SkyWatcher Beginner Telescope at $69.95 with discount coupon.
*Only for First 50 customers
*Valid until 30 Oct 2015
Refractor Telescope 700mm x 70mm here for $50 with free shipping:…
If it's from Kogan, it's probably only good for looking at Uranus…
and not the one in space…
Dude, Now that's just weird.
Urhighness Uranus …what a view! Great find!
Rep, how would this compare to the Celestron FirstScope reflector as a first telescope ?
The first scope is;
- Easier to use
- Less prone to vibrations
- Provides much clearer images
if someone was starting out I'd get a small Dobby over a high f stop refracter any day. I've got this one and I love it -…
Thanks for the recommendation…
Just looking for something cheap, but not a toy, for the kids to start getting into Astronomy… The $30 Aldi one we got a couple of years back just doesn't cut it….
The nice thing with kids on the Dobby's are that you can put them on a milk crate or even directly on the ground and its basically at kids height (and the image doesn't vibrate with every breath like high mag, cheap tripod scopes do).
With lower mag the field of view is much bigger so when they invariably bump it off the object you're looking at, it won't take long to regain the moon or Jupiter etc etc
Definitely know about the vibration factor. Had one of these kind of cheap refractors as a kid, was good but the tripod was a nightmare.. Every breath would vibrate and when tighting the nuts it would go off target, and even when everything was perfect it would just drift off target going down towards the ground. Took alot of fun out of the hobby.
If I had one with a better mount I would have definitely gone through into the hobby. Will definitely get a good one for my kid when he's grown up.
Hi JV,
Firstscope is a tabletop telescope, suitable for young kid as they are no tall enough to use a telescope with standard tripod.
Both of them are quite different, but they both good to look at the moon.
Not sold on whether 60mm is enough though to make enough of a difference on a more multi purpose set of binoculars
Whatever you see will be bigger but just as blurry with a much smaller field of view.
Hi Blahman,
As a beginner telescope, most beginner use it to look at the moon in details. Using a binocular without a moon filter, the image will be too bright.
Can this scope also be used with a DLSR, if not which entry level telescope do you recommend?
Hi Maxell86,
This telescope is not suitable for astrophotography.
For Astrophotography, we will recommend f/5 telescope for entry level, for example 80/400, 120/600, 130/650, 150/750, i had copy the link for you as below.…… (on bundle promo)… (on bundle promo)…
Thank you.
I've got the 130EQ that i bought a couple of years ago.
I tried to take some shots of the moon recently using a fixed focus camera just pointing into the eyepiece.
Now i'm sure that's not what i'm meant to do…but i got a couple of shots okish…
Do i need a funkier camera?
Or some kind of attachment?
I obviously have no idea what i'm doing…
PS1. I've only got a couple of eyepieces with this thing.
PS2. I'm actually thinking of getting this thing, simply as it looks easy to set up. I hardly take the one i've got out as it's a bit of a hassle.
PS3. I can see quite a lot with binoculars …
Hi Steamtrain,
U cant take a good photo through an eyepiece.
Not sure what is your fixed focus camera looks like but based on normal DSLR, u have to remove the camera lens, get T-Ring and a T-adapter install to camera, then remove the telescope eyepiece, then put the camera to replace the eyepiece. The result will be something like the image i attached.…
*PS1 = Eyepieces are irrelevant if you take image through telescope.
*PS3 = Basically the larger of magnification, the smaller of the field of view. So maybe the eyepiece size u using is too small, using a 40mm eyepiece on 130eq will give you 16.25x, similar to a binocular magnification.
Entry level? Get yourself a Nikon CoolPix P900 point'n'shoot:
In case anyone doesn't know about the Nikon P900, you can video the moons of Jupiter with it's inbuilt lens.
wow !!!
Impressive camera… but hardly a fair comparison at over 10 times the price :).
That type of money in a telescope will get you far more viewing power in the night sky.
But yes, still an impressive camera… amazing how far digital cameras have come.
Looking at the stats, 357mm focal length at f/6.5 max zoom make for 55mm equivalent telescope aperature for the camera. Is that correct?
@UFO: Could you please recommend a better Telescope for less than the price of P900 ($699)?
I have been trying to find a decent scope for sometime now. They are quite expensive. My budget is $750. I am trying to find one which can zoom into Saturn (wanna see the majestic rings)
I'm going to make a few assumptions to help narrow down the field, but if your circumstances are different adjust accordingly.
In which case, I'd be chasing the largest aperture I can afford.
HOWEVER, if you have a little extra cash I'd recommend a computer assisted drive… it is very convenient to be able to type in coordinates for specific sky highlights (like Saturns rings).
I have no affiliation with this shop, but since we are in this thread I'll stick with this supplier.
Check out this scope which has a good discount at present…
It seems to be a good price because the next model down is actually slightly more expensive (but both are good scopes).
If you can forgo the computer assist and astrophotography possibilities, and size is definitely not an issue, then a dobsonian is the way to go (bloody huge! but the bigger the tube, the more light it'll grab)… This looks like a good price at $799 (showing 799 on main screen, not 950).
It all depends on preferences mate.
If you want to see truly amazing things, you need light gathering power (BIG tube).
But if you live in the city, you also need portability to be able to take it away from the city lights- lighter weight, space saving to put in the car… like a cassegrain tube (those short but fat tube ones that cost the cost amount of money).
Computer assist is very nice (I'd rather that than size because it's like a pro standing next to you telling you what you are looking at, but that's just me).
BUT, a big cheap dobsonian in a rural setting on a clear night…. OMG. It'll take your breath away. Half the battle is finding the object in the sky, but once you have it… wow.
Try and stretch your budget just a little more, say under $1000.
Because in that price bracket you really do start getting some wonderful equipment.
Good luck :).
It's not the only one that will do it.
Canon SX50HS (which was on special here a year or 2 ago) or SX60HS
Sony Cybershot HX400v
Here's what you can do with a normal camera held up to a telescope eyepiece
@UFO: Thank you very much for your opinion. I think the scope you recommended is good value and would most probably sufficient for my requirement.
But, like you mentioned if I could stretch my budget just a bit (1000) … maybe should wait until the end of the year, save some more :)
Thanks again
Holy crap!
Would this be suitable to look out to sea?
I have a view and am interested to check out what ships go past, I guess 5-10km's away in daylight. I have no idea about telescopes, any assistance greatly appreciated.
Hi Matthew8,
From what you had said, i assume you didn't use it for astronomy. Tell me if i'm wrong.
For land viewing purpose only, we recommend "spotting scope", a category of product which designed for hunters and bird watching. Most of the spotting scope come with zoom eyepiece, so it is easier to use than a telescope.
There are different magnification available, standard will be 20x-60x, which enough for you to check out the ships.
Here is the link for you to have a look, if you have any more questions, you can call our customer service tomorrow.
*Please note that most of the spotting scope doesn't come with tripod, u might need to purchase separately.
This kind of telescope usually disappoints people and they never bother with one again which is a shame. For those of you who won't listen and will buy something like this anyway, here are some articles you might want to look at.………
Better yet for those who will listen:…
An 8" Dobsonian is a much better first scope. OP's store does carry them but not at the cheapest prices. How about some specials on these?…
Hi Syousef,
For these dob 8, we have a bundle promo, not super cheap, but the price is comparable with others.
Here is the link for you have a look.…
I did notice you have a solar filter and the eyepieces thrown in but I'd probably point people to Andrews and Bintel for $150-$200 less because the GS scopes have a 2 inch Crayford focuser and are probably better built than the bottom of the line Skywatcher. The truss tube compact 12" inch Skywatcher according to a club member who's judgement I trust but that's much more money. You'd be doing the astronomy world a great service to provide a more basic package that is closer to $500.
Hi Syousef,
Thanks for your suggestion, we will look into it for more basic package.
I'm listening - thanks.
Competitive pricing… for a first time telescope hard to find better at this price.
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