Best Credit Card in Terms of Rewards?

I don't care for flights, I prefer extended warranty, price protection, etc.
Would like an interest free period as well.
Preferably no annual fee.


  • I Use Gem Visa

    6 months interest free on purchases over $250.

    $99 annual fee

    Shopper's Protection Insurance

    Shopper's Protection Insurance gives you the security that you could meet your Gem Visa monthly repayments if your income stopped and you were unable to work due to illness or injury, or involuntary unemployment.

    We also provide cover against loss or damage for the things you buy, even against certain price reductions. Here’s how this part of the cover works:

    Price Protection

    Means never having to miss out on the sales again. If you buy something with your Gem Visa and you see its dropped in price at the same retailer anytime in the first 6 months after you bought it, we'll pay the difference in price back onto your card. So the more you claim the more you can save.

    Merchandise Protection

    Covers the things you buy on your card if it is lost, stolen or damaged within 6 months from the date of purchase, we'll pay for the cost of repair or replacement to your account.

    Stolen Card Protection

    If your Gem Visa card is stolen, we'll pay $200 to your account - just for the inconvenience.

    Balance Protection

    If you lose your job, or can't work due to sickness or injury, we'll pay the balance of your account, up to $5000. If you should die, we'll pay the balance in full – up to $20,000.

    copied from website.

    • That seems like the same as 28degrees card.

      • looking at it it does.

        Not sure if gem offer No currency conversion fee, international transaction fees

        • If it helps you later, the ones I chose to go with are a Coles Mastercard No Fee and a 28 Degrees one.

      • Not surprised. Both are by GE Money. So's Coles Mastercard, btw.

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