Random Sofa Left in Front of House. ?

Neighbours moved out, but they left a sofa in front of our house by the road. We can't contact them…

  • What can we do about this random sofa? *

  • It may be attracting the 'wrong crowd', especially at night.


  • +1

    Set it on fire.

  • +2

    Heyyyyyy…..sit on it

  • Put a sign on it - For Sale

  • +1

    Does "the wrong crowd" in your area always hang at kerbside couches?

  • +1

    Call your local council & inform them someone has illegally dumped the sofa… I think eventually they should get it removed.

  • +1

    You can contact your local council and report an illegal dumping and they will try and contact the people responsible (especially if you know for sure it was your neighbours that moved out).

  • Is it easily seen by passing traffic? Put a FREE sign on it and it may disappear soon.

    • +2

      Putting a sign on it could imply ownership by you

  • +1


  • Freecycle

  • Recycle

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