This was posted 9 years 5 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tim Tam Three Bean (Coffee, Vanilla, Cocoa) 165g $1.49 (Save $2, 57% off) @ Woolworths

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Pretty good price at more than 50% off. Only seems to be the three beans (coffee) flavour. This flavour is exclusive to Woolworths. Tastes fine if you're into coffee flavoured chocolate biscuits.

Seems like they might be clearing it all out.


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closed Comments

  • +4

    The chocolate is razor thin on these.

    • +3

      I use it to shave

    • Razor thin chocolate for Timtam thick margins!

  • +4

    I think the peanut butter tim tams burnt me on new flavours.. tho I was a fan of the turkish delight ones

    • +3

      the red velvet and coconut ones were both pretty good.

    • Thought it was just me who found the peanut butter ones disgusting. The new peanut butter Magnums have the same weird taste.

      The Three Bean Tim Tams are some of the nicest, though.

  • +5

    Saw this at Adelaide woolies rundle mall, at the lower level, near the escalator between the frozen foods and beauty section.

    • +4

      Thanks for the specific location :)

      • +1

        :) thanks for posting!

  • +2

    All I can think of now is bean salad Tim Tams. shudders…

    • +1

      I thought it was baked bean flavour. After Vegemite & peanut butter versions, I wouldn't be surprised.

  • +4

    Good price but bad product. And I love coffee products.

  • +1

    Great flavour if your into them!

  • +1

    Their quite yummy!

  • +5

    They aren't entirely coffee flavoured. The three beans are: coffee bean, cocoa bean and vanilla bean, and they are delicious.

    • Now I'm tempted!

    • good combo, everything tastes good with vanilla, have me sold, need to get some.

    • The three beans are: coffee bean, cocoa bean and vanilla bean, and they are delicious.

      None of which are technically beans.

  • +1

    These are lush. That's is all.

  • +1

    I saw these at Woolworths St Georges Terrace, Perth and walked past them, likewise with comments above I've burnt with new flavours and wasn't that keen to experimenting.

    • +1

      For St Georges store:
      They are located in the biscuit isle next to the other tim tams.

      They also taste awesome, like a tiramisu but biscuit form.

  • +2

    I throw a couple of these in the blender with some milk and banana. It's awesome.

  • +2

    165grams, gee the packs are getting small. Is there only 7 biscuits in the pack (normal pack has 11, double coats and flavours have 9)

    • +5

      Yeah, definitely 9 or fewer. I usually stick with the normal ones for maximum tim tamming.

      • +2

        There are no 'normal ones' as the weight/biscuit ratio has diminished in the previous years. They cost more and they weigh less, Charlie Sheen aint happy.

    • +1

      luckily they are 57% off at the moment ….. same trick with muscats and port wines ….. they kept price the same for the premium ones, but shrunk the bottle from 750ml to 500ml ……. " our price haven't changed" …. yeah but he contents has shrunk.

      Guess the marketing people have figured out that if your school systems is failing to develop peoples maths skills, they can fool you when you buy stuff.

  • +1

    I really like this flavour! Had them back when they got released. I'll get a couple more. Thanks!

  • +1

    They are pretty good. Kinda remind me of a chocolatey tiramisu

  • +1

    Their is a new timtam flavour exclusive to Coles the Banana flavour. Dont think its on sale though.

    • +1

      Cool I gotta try it. Any good?

      • Sorry havent tried it. I only just filled it on the shelves yesterday at Coles Revesby so haven't had a chance to try.

  • +1

    +1 to these, I love coffee, and these are now one of my all time favourite 'Tams!

  • +1

    I grabbed 2 of these at my local (Gladstone Park, VIC) for pre grand final bikkies. My Tip: Eagles by 13. Cheers OP

    • +1

      What by 13 Tim Tams? :-)

      • Points. I certainly hope its not 13 goals or it'll be the most boring GF in a long time! Good-luck to the Hawks, but I think the heat and your extra game in finals compared to WC will be the difference.

  • +1

    A perfect pairing for the Tim Tam Slam?

    for the uninitiated:…

  • +1

    I'm "into coffee flavoured chocolate biscuits" but it tastes like Blend43 was sprinkled in there…or something… I dunno, but I'd never buy again.

  • +1

    If you're ever in Japan I highly recommend you try some of theirs.
    There's a good reason their packaging states "not to be sold in Australia"… They're profanity terrible!
    But it's nice to see we're better than Japan in at least one thing.

    • Eaten a lot of Australian Tim Tams in Japan over many trips. Were on special for au$2.75 before Christmas.

      Have eaten the smaller size ones produced in Indonesia (?) in other countries. Since the Aussie ones are available in major cities, I avoid the Indonesian ones. Quite different tastes.

      Not everyone likes the super sweet taste of our Tim Tams.

      • The ones we tried in Japan were probably Indonesian produced.
        We found them quite buttery and small.

        • Yes, they're tiny biscuits compared to ours. Different ingredients like palm oil & palm sugar give different mouth feel, but withstand the hotter conditions in many countries. Same issue with Cadbury chocolate.

          Japanese usually prefer bitter chocolate & coffee. I've been accused of trying to kill people with Tim Tams in Japan - people grasp their throat due to the extreme sweetness.

          Exchanged a Tim Tam slam experience for smoked horse meat while hiking a mountain on a tiny island south of Kagoshima. A real cultural exchange ;-)

          Young Japanese women I've taught to Tim Tam slam just can't stop laughing afterwards. A great experience.

        • @Infidel:

          Japanese usually prefer bitter chocolate & coffee. I've been accused of trying to kill people with Tim Tams in Japan - people grasp their throat due to the extreme sweetness.

          What? They are the most quested item by my Japanese friends! They are also available in quite a lot of shops now which also ruin the allure of the product too. They are most certainly Australian made ones too.

        • @Cyphar:
          As I said above - Aussie made & available in most cities in Japan, even at comparable prices to Australian supermarkets. But usually confined to foreign food stores.

          Little chain supermarkets in Tokyo stocked them at Christmas, only in areas frequented by Foreigners. So it was mainly Aussies like me buying them. I've never seen any Japanese but them.

          But the taste for Tim Tam sweetness is largely confined to those who have tried then here, or appreciate sweet chocolates elsewhere.

          Just read about or better experience Japanese tastes in chocolate & coffee. It is almost always bitter.

          A coffee store chain in Tokyo gave me free Weiss mango ice cream bars in summer 2011 - to eat noisily in the front of a store. Japanese can be conservative in experiencing new tastes. Seeing a big Foreigner enjoy it increased sales. Strangely, it sold in Japan for less than shops in Australia.

          I've given away so many Tim Tams over the years in Japan & South Korea. No one I met had experienced such sweet chocolate. Afterwards, many women wanted to know where to buy them ;-)

          But female Asian friends returning home often crave Tim Tams. My bags would be 1/2 full of Tim Tams when visiting.

          There is also a difference in experience with sweet food between young & old, town & country.

          I spend time in rural areas, with older Japanese. On Shikoku, older villagers would say the Persimmon (kaki) tree was the candy store when we grew up. Ah, the young and
          their sweet ways…

        • @Infidel:

          Oh, I know all about Japanese chocolate. Though I'm Aussie, I grew up there :P

          I do prefer it, actually. I frequently head out to the Japanese grocers to source it as I find it to be more palatable then a lot of chocolate here in Australia, and that's coming from an Aussie. There are far more sweeter foods than chocolate in Japan that even for Australians, turns them off. But I suspect that's more because of the foreign aspect to it as opposed to the taste.

  • +2

    How do I buy Timtam without my wife knowing ?

    • +1

      Send her shoe shopping

  • +1

    Bought a pack of the 3 Bean this morning. Ate one, loved it. Went out and bought 6 more packs, plus a couple of 'normal' family packs. Works out to be the same price per biscuit ($1.50 - 9 biscuits for the 3 bean, $3 - 18 biscuits for the family pack).

  • +1

    These are horrible to do a Tim Tam Slam in (Bite two corners off, drink some coffee/tea through it like a straw then eat it). They collapse into the cup. Absolutely delish when eaten normally though

  • +1

    These are really good. Tastes like there is coffee powder in them.

  • +1

    Buy 2 litre tub of Woolies vanilla ice cream ($2.20). 1 pack of these 3 Bean Tim Tams ($1.50).
    Leave ice cream out until it's soft.
    Put the tim tams into a food processor and blend until it has the consistency of bread crumbs.
    Mix the crumbs into the ice cream and refreeze.

    Result - Awesome coffee/vanilla flavoured Ice cream for less than $4.

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