I don't want to go into much detail Incase one of my people involved reads these forums and figure out who I am.
The Backstory is
- Parents divorced
- Parent got remarried to someone else.
- Parent died.
- The current spouse/widow has received everything including 2 properties + the super and everything else. I don't know what the total amount of assets received or how much money/super/life insurance the spouse received.
- I got left out of the will. I got nothing.
I am upset at the events that has happened. I am not even sure if i am legally entitled to anything since the parent got re-Married and i know all assets legally/automatically go to their spouse.
I am thinking of contesting the will.
My Main concern is the cost of doing this.
Can anyone give me advice on the costs involved?
Has anyone here been through this before?
I want to pursue this but i am scared of the legal costs involved. I don't want to come out of this being $100,000 in debt. I am under 30 so having thousands and thousands of dollars of legal fees scare me.
My condolences, OP. Do you have any siblings? Did they get a share of the inheritance?