I know they're not bargain territory, but I'm fairly locked into the Apple ecosystem now and have dragged my older model through enough generations. The problem is a 6 64gb is 1250$. Even getting 100 or so off would be a huge benefit.
Anyway to get iPhones under RRP?

Yep, you forfeit the warranty, which is one of the best things about Apple products.
if youre going overseas ithin the next 60 days you can claim back gst.
This is excellent. Can claim back about 60 smackaroos for a dslr bought yesterday to be taken overseas on Nov 20, and I should be able to bring it back here afterwards without duty or tax since its under A$900…. Thanks keishton ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
just dont get busted bringing it back in ;)
Get to the air port about 6 hours before you depart (if Sydney) it's about how long the line is to make a claim.
brisbane here. is it really that bad? gee, that sucks. perhaps using their app beforehand would help out for your own fluidity, but that doesn't contribute to making the queue not as long. Yikes
"The problem is a 6 64gb is 1250$"
exactly that is the problem….Nothing he can really do about it, he's 'fairly locked into the Apple ecosystem…'
OP what I suggest is to just overcome the inter-OS-switching inertia and just make the jump to another OS (coughs), preferably one which facilitates a much wider and exhaustive list of less pricey handsets…. However, easier said than done going by what you're saying though, but there are a couple of cross-OS syncing apps available on the App Store to help out.
The advantages of making this jump would be to shield yourself from Apple's future crazy pricing shenanigans.
The disadvantages would be that it would take ages, assuming you've got a tonne of stuff synced on iCloud and iTunes and purchased from the App Store.
iUnno. The former seems better longevity wise.Its more the benefits that come with owning Apple computers and iPads, such as the system wide integration of messaging and calling services. I've gotten very used to calling and texting from my computer. But I've always found Apple computers very competitive for their build quality, ditto their tablets. Since you also get so long out of them they tend to pay for themselves with their improved build quality, the problem is primarily just their phones have gotten outrageously expensive for something that has at best a 36 month lifespan.
I may just look at jumping ship, but the alternatives are hardly compelling either, that new Nexus 6 is going to be 900$+
Ah ok, misunderstanding/bad presumption. I agree, there's a sort of synergy across the platforms of all iOS devices. But maynnnn, their prices are the opposite of 'to die for':/
No its a valid point. I am highly considering just pulling the plug and getting out. I hate that I feel like I'm at their pricing mercy, which seems to be going up on an annual basis, not down. although that can partially be blamed on the exchange rate.
I just don't understand their pricing. I got my current Macbook Pro on a really good sale a few years back, I think I paid $1200 at the time. Now they are charging more than that for a phone. Even a high end iPad seems quite reasonable at $600.
You can buy a used one in good condition for around $700. You have to consider whether buying new is worth an extra $450.
Alternatively you can buy a new one the USA site for $950 and get it shipped using a mail forwarder for $50. So ~$1000.
You have to pay import duties if the invoice is $1000 AUD or above. So it will be more expensive if you buy in the US and use the mail forwarder.
Import duties only apply if the product value excluding shipping and handling costs is >$1k. So $950 is still under the threshold. The actual price is ~$920 anyway. I just rounded up.
Buy second hand.
I bought iPhone 6 64GB from gumtree last week for $650, still with 16 months warranty
Does David Jones sell iPhones now that they use Dick Smith for electronics? 10% off DJ's egift cards with entertainment book… Might come in handy.
Buying via telcos on a plan can be good value, as long as you're OK with the contract duration and cost of the plan as something you may have done anyway.
eg. Telstra has the $1379 128GB iPhone 6s on a $70/mth plan for an extra $39/mth, which is $936 for the phone.
Or the $1529 128GB 6s+ on the same $70/mth plan for $32/mth or a total of $768 for the phone.I once tried to cancel a phone service with Vodafone and was offered a discounted iPad if I signed up for a $2/mth PAYG plan. I threw that SIM in a drawer and used an existing SIM that was better value.
So look into what the various telcos are offering and you may find a deal you're willing to take. Just be careful about the "extras" they offer, which in my opinion are just an unnecessarily pricey "meal deal".
Also Telstra has adjusted their "New Phone Feeling" feature now, for chronic upgraders. So if you ended up on one of those Telstra plans for example, then 12 months later you could re-up for another 24 month period with your choice of new handset, return your current phone in good working order, and pay them $149 for the privilege. Don't be fooled by the $149 though, as your total cost for that first handset would be 12mths x your monthly handset payment + $149. So your 6s above would have cost you $617 for the year you had it, but you'd then have a brand new 7 (or whatever).
It's essentially a decision you could make at that 12 month point. "Do I want to continue paying off this handset for an additional 12 months and own it so I can hand it on to family or sell it, or do I want to consider my payments so far as just handset rental?".
You can save a little via Grey Imports, but it is marginal & not without it's own cons.