Pretty decent price for an excellent router. Bought one not long ago from CPL for $235 or so I think. Performs really well throughout my entire house.
NetGear R7000 $184.25 Shipped @ Dick Smith eBay

Last edited 02/10/2015 - 11:55 by 1 other user
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$174.30 + $9.95 shipping = $184.25 shipped
Fair enough. If you prefer delivered, Futu Onlines's Netgear R7000 Nighthawk AC1900 Smart WiFi Dual Band Gigabit Router 802.11ac USB $175.91 after applying code.
That code is finished.I was wrong!
Still cheaper at PC.byte using eBay 15% off. $175.91 shipped. Bought four on Sunday.
Current eBay CLICK15 15% discount plus cashrewards 2.5%
$206.95 - 31.04 = 175.91 inc…
Thanks bought from here instead
JB are becoming HN in their pricing.
This is not the variant with the modem - correct?
Router only
Damn. I was considering getting one.
Can anyone advise this router compared with below one on Dicksmith ebay
NETGEAR D6400 AC1600 VDSL/ADSL Dual-Band Gigabit WiFi Modem RouterRouter in OP is just a router. The one you linked is a ADSL/VDSL modem + router.
I've just ordered the Netgear D6400. If you need the modem this is obviously a superior choice, although the WiFi won't be as good as this one. I read some comments that Netgear apparently isn't as good on the modem functionality, but I have 14 days to make up my mind and I'm using click and collect.
That's good to try but I think all reviews says that its wifi range is not good at all.A good better option will be…Check out the purchase history, there's one guy bought about 100s of them……
noob questions:
1: Do i need to connect this one directly to my modem? Or i can put it a bit far away from my modem and connect through wifi so I can extend the wifi range?
2: There are 4 concrete walls between my bedroom and my study room ( bathroom and kitchen are in the middle), would I be able to receive good signal if I buy this router and plug it in my modem?
Thanks heaps
- This will need to plugged into the modem or Ethernet cable to extend WiFi.
- Most likely not as 4 walls will block the signal.
I suggest using something like this.
500Mbps Powerline Kit with Dual Band WiFi connect the adaptor with the power plug into a power point near your modem and router, plug an Ethernet cable to it from your router.
The other adaptor which has a WiFi receiver as well as 2 Ethernet ports can be put into a power point in the room you want the WiFi in. You connect via WiFi to it and then the adaptor connects to the other adaptor via the powerline in your house.
You can use a different WiFi adaptor in rooms with poor signals.I use this in my house as the modem/router is in the front room and I get a poor signal to the back of the house. Put these in and now have a good signal all over the house.
Check out videos
In Use., thanks bro.
Does it mean that i will need to buy this kit and another router?
Oops: nvm. I dont need to^^
@inusure: just the adaptors.
eBay with CLICK15 about $121. Cheaper then the router…@fz7hny:
I have another question: At my home, we have around 12 devices connect to wifi, and the wifi signal often drops or slow, would the adapters prevent this, or I should get a dedicated router?Again, thank you.
@inusure: Depends on which wifi they connect too. If you have a router with wifi and one of these should be okay. I have 7 connected without issue.
? All of them are connected to the wifi of my GATEWAY Telstra modem.I was told that my modem can handle up to 10 devices ( but some say only 8), more than that any devices will experience lost signal or low signal.
7 devices are always fine, but 8 or 10 is a mess, in my case.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the router's ability to get signal through four walls. Although it's unlikely I would still set it up and attempt the connection before spending money on extenders.
You'd have to pay very close attention to the positioning of the router and it's antennas though. I own this particular router and I get -50dBm or better throughout my entire split level 4 storey townhouse with the router positioned at the bottom with the antennas pointing diagonally up.
I have a 3 storey townhouse with the router on the middle level. I covers the entire place really well for me, but it's only a fairly small 2 bed + study
@nytrojen: then i think i can save some money by not buying this router. i have a 2 bedder apartment only and on the same level obviously. this router will be an overkill for me.
@alwayseric: The main reason you'd purchase this router is for it's excellent routing performance and decent sharing features. The massive wi-fi coverage is just a plus.
Is this R7000 or Asus RT-AC68U better?
Hardware wise they're very similar.
The stock firmware on the Asus is pretty feature-rich if you are in to that sort of thing (based on OpenWRT - has VPN support etc). But the Netgear is pretty well supported by dd-wrt etc anyway.
I went with the Asus - I'm happy with it but I'm sure I would have been fine with the R7000 too.
Check out for reviews/stats/etc.
For a direct comparison……
The Asus is a lot smaller, physically. Worth considering if you're tight for space.
I have asus ones, works quite well for almost 2 years without any hiccups. Firmware are updated quite frequently.
From reviews the asus seems to be regarded as the best on the market when I was looking into them about 4 months ago.
this should go very well with my NBN modem (ie, replaces the crappy router from TPG)?
Absolutely yes. I was having no end of buffering problems with my iiNet supplied shitbox (though to be fair it was supplied for my original ADSL contract). This router has QoS rules it can apply to video sources and now I have no problem with Youtube or Netflix HD.
I bought one of these a month or so ago, it has generally been pretty great with DD-WRT on it. I did had a few random wireless dropouts when my 2.4ghz and 5ghz WLANs shared the same SSID, but making them separate seems to have solved that.
Also on Saturday it decided to go into a rebooting loop every minute or so until I powered it down for 10 mins or so. Hopefully no repeats as it has been solid outside of those two issues.
R7000 vs R8000?
Which one is the better one to get?
There haven't been many really cheap R8000s on eBay
You might want to have a read of this……
get the asus rt-ac68u
Wow!! Great deal. Bought mine about eight months ago and never looked back. Works flawlessly with NBN and the signal strength is top notch. One thing though, it's own dlna feature is buggy as hell.
Had mine almost 2 years now. This router changed my mind about the usefullness of wireless.
Two story townhouse here and no cabled devices in the premises. Best combined with decent network cards in the PC's though in order to take advantage of features like beamforming.
Can I just check please before buying that this will be suitable for fixed wireless nbn?
Never mind, got it sorted!
another silly question, is it compatible with Tesltra internet Cable?
Run your current cable modem in full bridge mode, and then connect it to your R7000 and let the R7000 control the lot.
Oops, just bought it ^^
First off, good deal! Secondly… isn't r8000 much better for $50 more or is it not worth the extra performance?
Alot of people don't justify the extra costs for similar performance and 'extra' features. However I purchased mine for $200 on special 2 weeks ago and it's running really well!
Mine died after about 6 months but replaced easy enough at Dicksmith.
Isn't you can get it for $176 after 15% off?…
This is an outstanding performer and a great price. Have had one for over a year, great wifi range and speed.
Highly recommend.
Op, it's not $184.25, it works out to be $174.30.