Wii U Console Super Mario Maker Black Premium Pack $373
They also have the Splatoon Bundle For $305 Delivered - LAST 4
It's a new bundle, probably just waiting for more stock
Splatoon pack is not very new.
Click and collect is in stock for Mario for all Big W near me, collection on 3rd October which still seems long.
Previous Target eBay deal was certainly better, but I missed that… if you don't want the book or Amiibo its cheaper to get Splatoon pack & buy Mario game than just buying the Mario Maker pack. Even if you do want the book etc. you can get Splatoon pack and the seperate Mario Maker pack for $380 combined if you want an extra game for a few dollars.
Yeah I think the splatoon has nearly run it's course, it is a limited bundle after all :)
When i ordered mine (Splatoon) yesterday morning, it just changed from C&C to postage only (when i finiished logging into paypal) with the est delivery date as above, but i've just gotten my shipment email :)
The way Australia Post is going, those estimates seem optimistic.
True… ordered something from Target that was shipped from Melbourne to an address also in Melbourne, about 15 km away… parcel took 8 days to make the journey.
at 15km away, should have just do click & pickup ?
First it was a present for somebody, seems nicer to have it delivered than to send people out to collect such things.
However more importantly collection was not one of the options with Target ebay store then (possibly now too) unlike Big W.
Is Wii U worth getting?
For $30 to $100 more ($400 groupbuy), could get a ps4, which would have a longer life..
Plus NX will be coming soon, I think nintendo consider wii U a failure
Is Wii U worth getting?
It's a niche market for sure, but one I am glad is there.
Nintendo for family games, PC for anything else.
Unfortunately I think Wii U is considered a dead/failure system by nintendo..
They are already working on NX..
I do love nintendo for their unique novelty consoles and nintendo games..
but I think getting a Wii U won't have much life left in it..
ie. not much future games..
^^^Yep i'll agree on this Nintendo + PC = sorted :-)
Will do better when the wii key mod chip finally comes out… watch the consoles fly off the shelves then… I still have my original wii with homebrew channel and every single Snes , NEs Megadrive game available to play multiplayer.
Tend to buy the systems just for zelda but didn't get round to play the last wii version even though I bought it.
I don't think they consider it a failure, it definitely wasn't as successful as it could have been.
Nintendo need to drop all these series that they milk and make something new, Mario 50 and Smash Bros is old.
Splatoon was a great start, now continue to make new IPs otherwise I'm not interested in any of your systems.
how do u know they don't consider it a failure
look at this…
I am sure nintendo corporate are in their meetings not saying it a success.
Also nintendo biggest draw is their nintendo titles, it is the reason why ppl buy it.
For third party support is pretty poor and it would look better on other systems anyway.
Also most of their target audience are kids or family friendly games..
I don't think they would be judging anything on market share. Nintendo hasn't been relevant in the "wars" for over a decade.
Third party support? Nintendo? Haha. If Nintendo actually adapted to today's standards, they might actually sell. Their whole stance on digital sales and baby-ing their community is ridiculous.
I understand a big draw to their platform is their age-old series', however, that's no excuse to become complacent within their money makers. Eventually their games aren't going to sell as well as they'd like, especially when they're relying on their yearly release of Pokemon. As fun as the game was in the late 90s, there's no change to the formula; there's been no innovation within the franchise.
I enjoyed the Wii and the DS is alright but I'm not buying any future consoles.
@kaneissik: Nintendo need to stop focussing just on family gaming, they need to make their consoles powerful enough for people who are hardcore gamers too so we can see those big games easily made for the platform
they are in a bad situation..
their most popular games are their nintendo games which heavy kid focus and family friend
Also their brand has always been about kids and family rather than adults in the 30-35 age which has more spending power.
They were about to capture the casual market with the wii, but now that market has moved on to smartphones and tablets.
If they made a console that is powerful enough it would still be hard to get third party support
cos the third party view the nintendo audience as kids and family
Also hardcore gamers would choose ps4 or xbox anyways, cos it is more powerful, has a better online/multiplayer experience.
I think if their NX console fails, they will eventually be like Sega and only make games
or only release handheld consoles
I don't see Nintendo as a company hat milk their series.they take great care of their own IP and produce good games. Too bad it isn't enoigh to drive great sales. I reckon they need to figure out how to make a great RPG Pokemon game where it is vastly different from handheld and more real time. That would instantly drive heir wii u sales. But Nintendo being Nintendo don't simply release crap anymore (or maybe they do). They at least got consistency these days.
Wii and DS dominated the market share when they were released. Winning the war there.
3DS currently dominates the market share for handhelds.
Wii U is currently the only system in the decade to not lead it.
I agree with third party support.
They're not complacent, they're one of the few gaming companies actually pushing gaming standards forward.
Last Pokemon releases have sold past 16 million copies. Pokemon isn't going anywhere.
Nintendo make quality games, most people who experience them also agree. Until you play the offering, I believe you can't enter the argument. It's just bias opinions.
Well, mobile phones dominate the market with handhelds, apart from mobile phones, the market is dead. Vita bombed and Sony doesn't seem to give a shit. And really, my argument is for current gen consoles, which is the "war".
They aren't complacent? Really? Feel free to add to your argument instead of three words, I'm interested. What are they doing to push game standards forward? Nintendo is going backwards and doesn't want to adapt.
I know Pokemon isn't going anywhere, but Pokemon is the same game as it was 15 years ago; that's the issue I have with it. I understand "if it's not broke" but innovation is welcomed with open hands…
I'm allowed to enter the argument; I'm a consumer who has purchased all Nintendo consoles excluding the Wii U. Enough of the drivel with my opinion being "bias". What bias do I have? I have every console and I exclusively play on PC. I have no bias. I'm a gamer and a realist; Nintendo isn't the trendsetter or pioneer it once was.
Mobile phones are not considered to be a part of and have never been included in the market share that video game consoles are in. Smartphones have their own market share against other smartphones.
What's your source the market is dead for handhelds? Last week 3DS sold 118,000 units and the Vita moved 39,000 worldwide and every week continue to pull these numbers. The 3DS to date has sold over 54 million units worldwide without any indication of slowing down. The market is FAR from dead and is blooming with 3DS leading most gaming charts in the latest game releases. Animal Crossing Happy Home in Japan moved over 522K units in one week! http://www.vgchartz.com/
I will, but I thought my three words were enough for those who played Nintendo games as yourself and knew how to research:
Nintendo isn't going backwards, they created their own social network with Miiverse, the first company out of the big three to do so successfully. I have used it now for a few years and it's awesome. They're moving into the smartphone market, doesn't that tell you they're adapting?
The Wii U GamePad is the only innovation from the big three companies this gen. If you haven't played the library of Wii U games, I'm not going to explain, but off-tv gameplay is awesome, and the ability to co-op with full size screen on TV is fun as hell. Imagine playing Super Mario Maker on PS4 or Xbox One, the gameplay would be absolutely terrible. Plus, don't need a TV to play Wii U!
How can a company go backwards and yet have the most games running 60fps at 1080p thus far?
Only going to mention Splatoon, but it took Nintendo to innovate and push third person shooters in the multiplayer field.
I do want a full blown 3D Pokemon, I agree with you, but the formula is fun as hell, the latest games are very different than they were a few gens back. I have played every generation of Pokemon games, the forumla is the same, sure, but so is every game.
You're entering the argument without even having played or experienced the Wii U. You incorrectly stated they were losing the war for a decade (when it has been only with the Wii U) and you inaccurately stated handhelds are dead.
Wow, a Miiverse?!?!?! WOW! I hope this deal is still active so I can join another social network!
So you're telling me the Gamepad never has any issues with connectivity, never slows down, never lags? Isn't bulky and annoying to hold? Wow, I suppose the gamepad I used must have been broken…
Wow! 60fps 1080p!!! WOW! WOW!!!!!!!! When their games are no longer 16bit then the 1080p/60fps aspect might be relevant.
So Nintendo innovated third person shooters by being able to shoot ink with 5 maps on release? Incredible! How much of their phallus do you engulf?
What is fun about the new pokemon games? I have X & Omega Ruby. I would actually like to know because I would enjoy picking up my 3DS again.
Well you see, you made an assumption that I haven't played a Wii U (never did I state I haven't touched one, I just haven't bought one).
The Wii was never considered in the wars. It's essentially an N-gage for people who are too poor to buy anything better.
And lastly, why link vgchartz? It isn't accurate in the slightest for sales…
Wow, I suppose the gamepad I used must have been broken…
Yes sounds like it.
So you're telling me the Gamepad never has any issues with connectivity
Well, only when i get too far away from the console, understandably.
Isn't bulky and annoying to hold?
Gamepad is a great size and not annoying at all, correct.
So Nintendo innovated third person shooters by being able to shoot ink with 5 maps on release?
I mean i guess this is true but they had their reason i suppose. Up to 12 now. Inkredible! ;)
What is fun about the new pokemon games? I have X & Omega Ruby. I would actually like to know because I would enjoy picking up my 3DS again.
I personally haven't found them fun in a while either but at 23, i'm clearly not their target audience anymore. I'll assume you aren't either too.
When their games are no longer 16bit
Please provides examples of said wii u 16bit games, i'd like to see the list.
@kaneissik: Really dude? That's your only response? A game not made by Nintendo anyway. Your said game is also meant to be 8/16bit game. Try again.
I was just furthering my point that everything on the Wii U is 16 bit. Sad state of affairs for such a "polarizing" platform. BRB going to play Pokemon Snap because that's probably the biggest innovation in gaming in the past 30 years
I was just furthering my point that everything on the Wii U is 16 bit
Uhh, nice troll though.
Haha, just messing with you. I would love to buy a Wii U but I don't think I would get my monies worth. Mario maker has made me very tempted though… Especially when DMX Goomba is involved.
Not enough time in the day to play all current gen consoles unfortunately…
Also, I feel a little nervous if I was to buy the console when their new one would be coming out in a year or so.
Can you recommend any other games?
Honestly, I would love to continue the debate, but the Wii U does the talking itself. I understand you have some frustrations, and to some extent, I agree with you. But the Wii U, unfortunately, wasn't marketed well.
When you own it, you will see how great the GamePad is, how great the community on Miiverse is and how innovative the games are. You can mock them, but if you haven't experienced it fully, I would have to say it comes down to ignorance.
I'll recommend the following games minus Super Mario Maker:
Super Mario 3D World
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Bayonetta 2
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Mario Kart 8
Pikmin 3
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Affordable Space Adventures
The Wonderful 101
Nintendo Land
Great games, but not essential:
New Super Mario Bros. U
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
LEGO City Undercover
New Super Luigi U
Hyrule Warriors
Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party
NES Remix 1/2
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Wii Fit U
Yoshi's Woolly World
Games I enjoyed, but not the best, great for local co-op:
Wii Sports Club
Mario Party 10
Wii Party U
Game & Wario
Games coming soon if you're feeling nervous and still have nothing to do on the Wii U:
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Star Fox Zero
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival
Rodea the Sky Soldier
AND maybe Zelda and the NEW Pikmin
By the way, I have only included exclusive games only. I own them all plus others, and I play it the second most (3DS first) more than any other system with the gf. Don't be nervous, enjoy it, you will never finish all these games for a long time. The system is good value, it's essential.
Great list, thanks a lot! What are the controls like with Splatoon? I'm really not a huge fan of TPS/FPS on a console but it looks really fun.
I have at least until tonight to figure out if I want it or not!
The controls at first were difficult to use, but there's a few options to tweak your gameplay.
I like to use the GamePad as it uses motion control to look around (aim) and you use the left thumb stick to walk around and the right thumb stick to look left or right. Sub weapons and shooting ink uses the shoulder buttons, so it fits nicely in reach.
Don't forget to tap the screen to Super Jump to teammates :)
@justmiike: Yeah the gamepad is awesome which is a surprise considering the tech in it, the screen looks fine, response is also quick, when you play with another person rather than splitting the tv screen one gets the whole screen and one can have the gamepad which is hell handy. As you said above the poor marketing Nintendo did has everyone misinformed about the console
Yes def worth getting, don't think of it just as a console, it's also a working Tablet you can use in bed watching movies and so on. There are plenty of good games on the system with a few more before end of yr :)
yes, but it is a dying failed system
Nintendo is already moving on with the NX…
I don't think much new games will come out for this system..
At least if u get a ps4, you know it will be sticking around for a while
and will get new games..
Why would I use the nintendo tablet which is heavy, bulky, less responsive and probably less user friendly to use
when I can use a proper tablet like an iPad or my phone
@tyler.durden: Lol obviously you wouldn't use it if you own an ipad, it would be for people without one. It's great for things like still playing while other annoying people want to watch TV :)
yes, but it would still be
-heavy, bulky, less responsive and probably less user friendly
I am sure most people got some form of touch device nowadays
like tablet or phone..
And it would be better than this heavy, bulky controller.
I don't see how comfortable this would be to lie in bed with this heavy controller on my chest.
Rather just wait to see what they will bring to NX console..
Who knows, it might get backwards compatibility..
300 to 400 dollars is still a lot of money.
Could save that for the NX.
Why are you copying pasting the same response over and over in this thread? Are you a marketing bot?
@tyler.durden: You sure seem to know a lot about the NX that we don't. Please enlighten further? We don't know anything but a codename, i don't think it's worth bringing it into the picture now. With the new President as well, i'm sure the timeline for it might just change again too.
For now, the wii u has a ton of games to play and easily worth $300-$400, maybe not for you and that's fine. There is still plenty of games to come to it too, i'm sure i don't need to list them myself, both Nintendo and 3rd party.
Depends. Is playing Nintendo exclusive games something you want to play? If not, why even consider a Nintendo console?
Remember it has some of the best exclusives you can buy for current-gen.
There's more then enough games to warrant its price. I'll argue it has more quality games than any current-gen console to date and enough to play for years on end.
More highly rated games than any other current-gen console.
More games running at 1080p 60fps than any other current-gen console.
M8 you are an idiot. If you were a gamer, you would be able to recognise WiiU as the best console this gen. Has lots of games, espicially exclusive. Also, how is it dying? More games are on the way. NX is set for a 2018 release. Just a troll.
FYI they already shipped my one, so I guess it will get here earlier than they suggested.
Not enough to post as a deal because only 4 left at time of writing, but if you want a Wii U Bundle this is much better value, around $300
That's already mentioned in the post.
Err that's in the OP's post. Also they keep adding more consoles, 2 left and now another 4 available.
Put in title now with limited :) Lets see how long it lasts
They were down to 1 left earlier today when I ordered… after I completed it went to 5 :)
Yep, my bad at that one, too distracted by all the deals going on.
Any cheap Mario Kart 8 Black Premium Pack?
There's this one - slightly cheaper than Mario Maker bundle
Thanks. Actually wouldn't getting the Splatoon Bundle then buying/waiting for sale for MK8 makes more sense?
The package is exactly the same apart from the included game right?
Cheers! :)
(The Wii U) dying or not, you buy a Nintendo console to play (and enjoy) Nintendo games.
Rather just wait to see what they will bring to NX console..
Who knows, it might get backwards compatibility..
300 to 400 dollars is still a lot of money.
Could save that for the NX.
It's likely to not release until 2017
still rather wait and save my money
Fair enough. To each their own.
While you're waiting to see what they bring to NX, I'm sure Wii U owners (who are also waiting for NX) will be enjoying Wii U games now. :)
By waiting, I means I don't need to be in a rush to buy it now…
I rather use that money to get a ps4, which have better future game support and looks heaps better
Why should i waste my money on a dead system..
Wii u is failure
Fair enough.
If you don't want to "waste" your money on a dead system then don't.
I think myself and other Wii U owners (especially OzB members who bought it any discounted price) would have got back our money's back worth twice over.
Wii U maybe a failure (whoever you want to believe), but Nintendo games are fun.
"Above all, video games are meant to just be one thing: Fun for everyone." - Satoru Iwata
they are fun but also essentially the same games over and over again..
e.g. mario kart, smash brother etc..
The only game where I would consider good even if it is the same is super mario games..
Also what's the point, if there won't be much new games for it anymore..
waiting to see what they bring to NX
I think the NX handheld will actually be the tablet controller for the NX console if used at home & a portable while out & about. They also might release an optional standalone BD drive. This means there will be backwards compatibility for Wii-U games.
Purely speculation at this point…
i think they would make backwards comp for NX, cos not much ppl would have bought a wii u.
So they can at least give those new NX users an extra incentive to buy it, for some classic wii u games.
essentially the same games over and over again…
I can see where you're coming from. The reason Big N has the keep churning out 1st party titles + amiibos is to break even/make little profit until the NX is released. Reason: meager 3rd party support due to failed adoption of the tablet gimmick.
I suspect they will reveal the NX at E3 next year & release it before Xmas. Zelda might even get a dual platform release on U/NX like twilight princess was on GC/Wii.
To be honest, I don't think both Wii U and PS4 are worth the investment right now especially if you already got the original Wii and PS3.
Reason is simple, the game library just isn't as good as and titles rather expensive. Plus there's no modding on Wii U for homebrew etc. I consider era when we had Wii, PS3, PSP and DS the best gaming era and most enjoyable.
The new systems just never got into me.
Point taken that there's not much life left with Wii U, with upcoming NX. The comparison is like PS Vita which Sony don't care much about and focus on PS4. On the Wii U its all the recycled titles with HD graphics, fundamentals are the same. The same can be said on PS4, most are remastered HD titles until recently with releases like MGSV but even that has PS3 version
The articles linked above talks about tablets taking all the money but honestly gaming on phones and tablets are rubbish. Most are casual games with IAP, short length and never has as much depth as proper gaming handhelds. True gamers don't play those. Its the stupid smartphone hype making people think they got a gaming device in their ends. PSP and DS still beat those anytime. Most kids and teens don't understand that. It's the people in their 30s would and who can afford more
True, I am still having fun with my PS3
and the modding/homebrew scene of last gen was much more better
I think the reason ps vita is not as good as psp is cos it never got hacked.
Imagine the homebrew and emulators on it and how it is, it could run it really well.
DS was cool and interesting. 3DS is just a gimick, where many ppl turn of the 3D.
This gen, I still have no strong desire to get any systems, not like it was for the DS, ps3 and wii.
By this logic, why buy anything? This deal is for people who want a Wii U at a great price, by buying a Wii U they have access to some of the best exclusive games seen for current-gen consoles.
As an owner of every system and Nintendo loyalist, I find every system to be awesome. It's just ignorance to point out 3DS is just a gimmick, have you played certain games that use 3D well? Have you played Super Mario 3D World?
You may not have the desire to get anything, but other people do and whether it's a 3DS, Wii U or PS4, they have access to amazing games.
It's an investment regardless.
We are just adding our thoughts on why its not really a good purchase when something else supersedes it. The product might not have much value/life left with future developments. It might be short lived. I don't see a problem discussing that. Some people like to buy something when its going to last for a while rather than short term 1-2 years. Wii U doesn't have that many exclusives and the exclusives are usually Nintendo made titles not third party. Have you notice this pattern?
If you ask me if I want a Vita right now I say no. Not a chance. The only title I wanted to play Persona 4 Golden, that's exclusive and even that was a remade of the old PS2 title with some side story and some bonus content, and one more playable character. Is it worth it? No not really because I know PS Vita is not being focused on my Sony any more after PS4 released and VR coming out. E3 didn't have much on about PS Vita neither.
The same can be said for Wii U which not a lot of titles are worth buying the console itself…
Some people get headaches playing 3DS, its not really workable so that's the other reason its not favourable.
I respect the opinions, but they're not making any sense. It's the cheapest it has ever been with a game library that will take people years to complete that have received scores of 90+. Tell me, as a gamer or someone who wants quality entertainment for the family, how is it NOT a good purchase? It's mind blowing. There's amazing value left. Future developments are going to be MORE expensive and there's nothing more than a codename.
But do you have a Vita? No. Do you have PS Plus? I'm not sure, but I have over 30 games for Vita and having a ball with it.
Wii U has a huge library of exclusive games worth buying. Some being the best games ever made, e.g. Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and Smash.
People get headaches and get dizzy playing FPS. The stats are statistically insignificant. The 3DS works, I'm not sure what DOESN'T work??? Other than quality control, not happy with the screens used, prone to dysfunctional pixels.
I'm all for great debates and arguments, but there's not a valid point other than third party support for Wii U. But if you wanted third party support, why not get PS4 or a PC?
Happy netflixing with PS3 and Chrome cast here. No issues.
I still think original Wii was the revolution and Wii U just another iteration. Wii had better titles too. Wii U has lots of remakes and just add the touch screen and pretty graphics.
Anyway that's just my opinion. I won't be getting it.
Donatello, tyler is f@cking troll. Check his comment here. What an asshole.
Trolling maybe.
There are fanboys that just can't appreciate a bargain.
He can't compare the true OzB troll, JV.
The price for these Wii U bundles was a bargain.
Thanks for this. I've been keeping an eye out for a discounted Wii U as they don't come around too often. :-)
$373? ebay ad now shows as $439…
$373 after discount code applied.
I seriously want to get the wii for super Mario maker, but blahhhhh $370~ for one game I really want blaahhhh
Just wait for the NX. Nintendo generally put in backwards compatibility into consoles to have an expansive catalog of games to keep the revenue coming in. Ie virtual console.
Does he/she want to wait about 2 years for a game they want now?
I'm not sure where the logic here is, Nintendo NX won't be released anywhere near this price. It would probably be $150 more plus the purchase of Super Mario Maker.
So buy the cheaper splatoon bundle and then a SMM game bundle. Heck, sell the splatoon game if you want a bit of money back but it's a awesome game!
There are MANY games for the system worth playing. Also NX wont prob be playing Wiiu games due to gamepad.
Sold out of the Splatoon bundle last night, checked again this morning and there was one more, now finally got myself a WiiU! :)
Enjoy! :)
Here are a few wii u games coming soon :)
- Guitar Hero Live
- Just Dance 2016
- Xenoblade Chronicles X
- Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival
- Rodea the Sky Soldier
- Project Zero: Maiden of the Black Water
- Star Fox Zero
- Mario: Tennis Ultra Smash
Plus zelda, pokken, Mario and Sonic at Rio games, mighty no 6 (i think?)and Hello kitty kruisers. I think shovel knight is out on disc soon too for the peopel who don't have large quotas to download it.
Estimated between Tue. 13 Oct. and Tue. 20 Oct"
Where are they sending it from that it needs 2-3+ weeks to arrive!
Edit: Splatoon was click and collect earlier today, but delivery only now it seems. Other still has click and collect option.